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Cryptography - Secure Shell (SSH protocol)

June 2014
The Internet makes it possible to carry out a wide variety of remote operations, and particularly
server administration and file transfers. The Telnet protocol and the BSD r-commands (rsh, rlogin
and rexec) that let users perform these remote tasks have the major disadvantage of circulating
exchanged information in plaintext on the network, and particularly the login and password to
access the remote machine. As such, a hacker who is located on a network between the user
and the remote machine can monitor traffic, that is, use a tool called a sniffer that can capture
packets circulating on the network and obtain the login and password to access the remote
Even if the exchanged information does not have a high security level, the hacker obtains access
to an account on the remote machine and can possibly escalate his privileges on the machine to
obtain root access.
Given that it is impossiblie to control all physical infrastructures located between the user and the
remote machine (the Internet being an open network by definition), the only solution is to rely on
security at the logical level (at the data level).
The SSH (Secure Shell) protocol is a response to this problem in that it enables users (or TCP/IP
services) to access a machine via an encrypted communication (called a tunnel).

The SSH protocol

The SSH (Secure Shell) protocol was developed in 1995 by Tatu Ylnen, from Finland.
It is a protocol that makes it possible for a client (a user or even a machine) to open an interactive
session on a remote machine (server) to send commands or files over a secure channel:
The data circulating between the client and the server are encrypted, which guarantees
their confidentiality (nobody other than the server and the client can read the information
being sent on the network). As a result, it is not possible to monitor the network with a
The client and server authenticate one another in order to make sure the two
communicating machines are indeed those the parties believe them to be. A hacker can no
longer take on the identity of the client or server (spoofing).
The goal of version 1 of the protocol (SSH1), which was proposed in 1995, was to offer an
alternative to interactive sessions (shells) such as Telnet, rsh, rlogin and rexec. Yet this protocol
had a flaw that enabled hackers to insert data in encrypted flows. This is why version 2 of the
protocol (SSH2) was proposed in 1997 as a draft to the IETF. The documents defining the
protocol can be accessed online at
Secure Shell Version 2 also includes a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).

SSH is a protocol, that is, a standard method enabling machines to establish a secure
connection. As such, there are a variety of SSH client and server implementations. Some require
a fee, while others are free or open source: you will find a certain number of SSH clients in the
downloading section of CommentCaMarche.

How SSH works

An SSH connection is established in several phases:
Firstly, the server and client identify one another in order to establish a secure channel
(secure transport layer).
Secondly, the client logs in to the server to obtain a session.

Establishing a secure channel

The establishment of a secure transport layer starts with a negotation phase between the client
and server so they can agree on the encryption methods they want to use. The SSH protocol is
designed to work with a large number of encryption algorithms, which is why the client and server
must first exchange the algorithms they support.
Next, to establish a secure connection, the server sends its host key to the client. The client
generates a 256-bit session key it encrypts with the server's public key, and sends the server the
encrypted session key as well as the algorithm used. The server decrypts the session key with its
private key and sends a confirmation message encrypted with the session key. After this point,
the remaining communications are encrypted thanks to a symmetric encryption algorithm using
the session key shared by the client and the server.
The transaction's security is based on the client and server's confidence that the other party's
host keys are valid. As such, when first connecting to a server, the client generally displays a
message asking to accept the connection (and possibly presents a hash of the server's host key):
Host key not found from the list of known hosts.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
In order to obtain a truly secure session, it is best to verbally ask the server's administrator to
validate the public key presented. If the user validates the connection, the client saves the
server's host key to keep from having to repeat this phase.
Conversely, depending on its configuration, the server can sometimes verify that the client is who
it claims to be. If the server has a list of hosts authorized to connect, it will encrypt a message
using the client's public key (which it has in its host key database) to verify whether the client is
capable of decrypting it with its private key (this is called a challenge).

Once the secure connection is established between the client and the server, the client has to log
on to the server to obtain an access right. There are several methods:
the most well-known method is the traditional password. The client sends a login and a

password to the server via the secure connection and the server checks whether the user in
question has access to the machine and whether the password provided is valid.
a lesser known but more flexible method is the use of public keys. If the client chooses key
authentication, the server will create a challenge and give access to the client if the latter is
able to decrypt the challenge with its private key
Criptografa - Caparazn Seguro (protocolo SSH) Kryptographie - Secure Shell (Protokoll SSH)
Cryptographie - Secure Shell (protocole SSH) Crittografia - Secure Shell (protocollo SSH)
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