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Mrs. Hutto

Stomach Cancer
Gastrointestinal cancer or in simpler terms cancer of the stomach,
Cancer is a genetic disease thats been around since:1500-1600 b.c..
This is important because cancer has and will continue to impact
history and society no matter what the date is because it made people
concious about how they misuse their enviorment (ex. polloution) and
this led to higher safety standards concerning the enviorment. Cancer
also changed how doctors and scientists handled illness instead of
panic and supersticion they actually tried to find a soloution to the
problem . Cancer was discovered in 1500-1600 b.c. by: a greek doctor
named Hippocrates.
While cancer occurs in every country (excluding Antartica and
unpopulated deserts) it is most prominent in: Denmark where 388.1
out of 100,000 people are diagnosed with some form of cancer .Cancer
occurs because your body begins to make an abnormal ammount of
cells (this specific type of cancer is called a tumor).

The symptoms of Cancer are:Persistent cough, changes in a wart

or mole,dificuty swallowing,unusual bleeding,indegestion etc. (and
many more i don't have time to name).
Cancer can be treated several ways but the two most common may be
chemotherapy and radiation.

Chemotherapy: Is a drug used to treat cancer using one or more

cytotoxic anti- neoplastic drugs.

Radiation: Radiation used for cancer treatment is called ionizing radiation because
it forms ions (electrically charged particles) in the cells of the tissues it passes through. It
creates ions by removing electrons from atoms and molecules. This can kill cells or
change genes so the cells stop growing.
This affected me and my family because in 2004 or 2005 my dad was
diagnosed with stomach cancer,he's ok now ... enough said.
The most important thing I learned for this project is that everone is at
risk for developing cancer,just some more that others.

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