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A transformation item may take one of the following forms:
1. Rewriting a sentence, using a different word:

She is too young to get married. (old)

She is not old enough to get married.
My niece likes to watch television. (enjoy)
My niece enjoys watching television.
We persuaded him not to go. (dissuaded)
We dissuaded him from going.
He paid a visit to the pyramids while he was staying in Cairo. (during)
He paid a visit to the pyramids during his stay in Cairo.
We shall go ahead with the plan even though you object to it. (despite)
We shall go ahead with the plan despite your objection (to it).

2. Rewriting a sentence, beginning with another word:


Such practices are not to be allowed under any circumstances. (Begin:

Under no circumstances are such practices to be allowed.
We can be such of success only by working hard. (Begin: Only)
Only by working hard can we be sure of success.
I didn't realize she would one day become Miss Hong Kong. (Begin: Little)
Little did I realize she would one day become Miss Hong Kong.
You shouldn't let a stranger into your house on any account. (Begin: On)
On no account should you let a stranger into your house.
He is not only ignorant but also arrogant. (Begin: Not only)
Not only is he ignorant, but he is also arrogant.

Note: A certain word or phrase is sometimes put at the beginning of a sentence for
the sake of emphasis because the front position tends to be the most
important part of a sentence. Notice the inversion of subject and verb.
(i.e. the verb comes before the subject) that the change involves.


Combining sentences by using a linking word:

e.g. We arrived half an hour too late. We didn't catch the train. (Combine,
beginning with If)
If we had arrived half an hour earlier, we would have caught the train.
He got into his bath. Then, immediately, the telephone rang. (Combine,
beginning with No sooner)
No sooner had he got into his bath than the telephone rang.
I had a quick lunch at McDonald's. Then I went back to my office. (Combine,
beginning with After I)
After I had had a quick lunch at McDonald's, I went back to my office.
I have to get home before nine. Otherwise my father will be angry with me.
(Combine, using If)
My father will be angry with me if I don't get home before nine.
I was waiting at the bus stop. A stranger approached me. (Combine,
beginning with While waiting)
While waiting at the stop, I was approached by a stranger.


Rewriting a sentence in reported speech:


She said to me, "Can you help me with the dishes?"

She asked me if (or whether) I could help her with the dishes.
John said to me, "Don't forget what I told you."
John told me not to forget what he had told me.
Miss Pritchard said to me, "I like Hong Kong."
Miss Pritchard told me (that) she liked Hong Kong.
Peter asked, "Where does Mary live?"
Peter asked where Mary lived.
"Never do that again," the teacher said to me. (Begin: The teacher said
The teacher said that I should never do that again.


Changing a sentence from active to passive voice or vice versa:


They said Mr. Wong was a good teacher.

Mr. Wong was said to be a good teacher.
People speak English all over the world.
English is spoken all over the world.
They saw the robbers enter the shop.
The robbers were seen to enter the shop.
He was made chairman.
They made him chairman.
I was very much surprised at her behaviour.

Her behaviour surprised me very much.

6. Rewriting a sentence, changing a word from one part of speech to another:


(adjective noun)
We are confident of his ability. (confidence)
We have confidence in his ability.
She takes much pride in her son. (proud)
She is very proud of her son.
(adjective verb)
I can never feel sympathetic towards people who take other people's help for
granted. (sympathize)
I can never sympathize with people who take other people's help for granted.
Thank you for your help. (thankful)
We are thankful to you for your help.

(adjective adverb)
Henry drinking has an adverse effect on one's health. (adversely)
Henry drinking adversely affects one's health.
She dances well. (good)
She is good at dancing.
(adverb noun)
Mr. Lee is undoubtedly the best employee in our company. (no doubt)
There is no doubt that Mr. Lee is the best employee in our company.
I had much difficulty in following his arguments. (hardly)
I could hardly follow his arguments.
(noun verb)
On his arrival in Tokyo, he found a telegram waiting for him. (arrived)
When he arrived in Tokyo, he found a telegram waiting for him.
The police is investigating the incident. (investigation)
The police is holding an investigation into the incident.
While making the prescribed changes in the sentence, watch out for any
additional changes that the new sentence structure may require.
Make only those changes that are necessary. Unnecessary changes will merely
increase your chances of making mistakes.
While making the prescribed and other necessary changes, try to retain the
original meaning as far as possible.
A. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) given in brackets or following
the instruction. Keep the original meaning as far as possible, and watch out for any
additional changes that the new sentence structure may require. Make only those
changes that are necessary.
1. She is too young to get married. (enough)

2. Young children should not be allowed to use the lift alone under any circumstances.
(Begin: Under)
3. It's kind of you to let me come! (Begin: How)
4. There is no way we can solve the problem. (impossible)
5. You can't imagine our astonishment at seeing him there. (astonished)
6. It is reported that five thousand people have been killed in the earthquake. (Begin:
Five thousand people are reported)
7. Mary is good at dancing. Jane is good at it too. (Combine, using and so)
8. I realized my mistake only then. (Begin: Only then)
9. Could you lend me your bicycle? (Begin: May I)
10. Ten lectures make up the course. (consists)
11. George said to me, "Don't wait for me." (Rewrite in reported speech)
12. The teacher said to them, "Did you read the book?" (Rewrite in reported speech)
13. On the other hand, we do not think John is to blame, either. (neither)
14. Despite her somewhat undernourished look, she was quite a beautiful girl. (Begin:
15. When she heard the news, she broke down and cried. (Begin: On)
16. I told her that I was worried. (how)
17. We must win the match tomorrow so as to enter the semi-finals. (so that)

18. They aren't likely to win the game. (Begin: It is unlikely)

19. I don't know what to do. (Begin: I don't know what I)
20. I didn't realize how serious the situation was until he told me personally. (Begin: It
21. The food in the restaurant was terrible, and the service was bad. (Begin: Not only)
22. We shall go ahead with the plan even though you object to it. (despite)
23. She got angry with me because I did not apologize to her. (Begin: If I had)
24. The thief saw the policeman coming, ran, and disappeared round the corner. (Begin:


You can't reason with him. (Begin: It's not)


B. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) given in brackets or following
the instructions. Keep the original meaning as far as possible, and watch out for
any additional changes that the new sentence structure may require. Make only
those changes that are necessary.

1. That painting was too expensive. (Begin: The price)


2. Only a fool would do such a thing. (Begin: Nobody)


3. We want to tell you how much we appreciate your help. (thankful)


4. Einstein was not only an eminent scientist but also an accomplished musician.
(Begin: Besides)

5. He has no consideration for other peoples feelings. (considerate)


6. If you have a part-time job, you will be able to study in the evening. (enable)

7. I will not give my consent, whatever he may do or say. (Begin: No matter)


8. I will have nothing to do with that fellow. (anything)


9. Miss Wong is no longer our secretary. (anymore)



The man could not explain satisfactorily how he came by such a large fortune.


I am not familiar with this district (Begin: This district)



It was her own fault that she failed in the examination. (to blame)


I had to pay $1,500 for that refrigerator. (Begin: I was charged)



She likes Paul better than Tom. (prefers)



His death was caused by cancer. (died)



We are afraid to talk to the principal. (dare)



I was foolish to quarrel with the manager. (Begin: It was)



I wish you to come tomorrow. (hope)



I havent written to you for a long time. (since)



I am sorry for answering your last letter so late. (replying)



We did not have evidence to prove him guilty. (lacked)



It was two years ago when I last saw him. (since)



That watch was the most expensive one in the shop. (more)


He was so tired that he fell asleep at once. (Begin: So)



Lets go to the cinema, he said to his girl friend. (Rewrite in reported speech,
beginning with He suggested)

C. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) given in brackets or following
the instructions. Keep the original meaning as far as possible, and watch out for
any additional changes that the new sentence structure may require. Make only
those changes that are necessary.

The manager and the striking workers could not reach an agreement. (able)

2. I like children. (fond)

3. Do you like my hat? I asked him. (Rewrite in indirect speech.)
4. We can be sure of success only by working hard. (Begin: Only)
5. I have never seen such a ridiculous thing in my life. (Begin: Never)
6. The ICAC is holding an investigation into the matter. (investigation)
7. Peter and John do not like the idea. (Begin: Neither)
8. The teacher scolded him because he did not hand in his assignment. (for not)
9. He prefers listening to the radio to watching television. (Begin: Hes rather)
10. I lent him twenty dollars. (borrowed)
11. Wherever she goes, the star attracts a lot of attention. (no matter)
12. He said I had stolen his books. (accused)
13. Do you want to join us? (like)
14. The bus was full of people. (crowded)

15. I went with him to the airport. (accompanied)

16. I didnt ask him to resign. On the contrary, I tried what I could to persuade him to
stay. (Combine, Beginning with Far from)
17. Herr Schiller taught me German. (learnt)
18. He started to read when he was ten years old. (until)
19. I was on the point of leaving when he arrived. (Begin: I was just about)
20. My cousin sent me a telegram. (received)
21. Nearly everyone thinks that there should be death punishment. (most)
22. You neednt come again. (no need)
23. Do sit down, Mr. Wong. (Begin: Wont)
24. The rise in production cost will seriously affect our plan. (effect)
25. It is possible that some workers were forced to take part in the strike. (Begin: Some
workers might)

D. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) given in brackets or following the

instructions. Keep the original meaning as far as possible, and watch out for any
additional changes that the new sentence structure may require. Make only those
changes that are necessary.

1. She is very proud and no one wants to make friends with her. (that)

2. Although he tries hard, he will never succeed. (Begin: However)


3. Is it necessary for him to stay here? (Begin: Need)


4. The students seem to like their new teacher. (Begin: It seems)


5. No sooner had he got on the train than it started to move. (Begin: As soon as)

6. The inspector told the crowed that they would be arrested unless they dispersed. (If)

7. He was suspected to have done away with his wife. (Begin: It was suspected)

8. I prefer to stay at home rather than go out in the rain. (Begin: Id rather)

9. According to the schedule, the train will arrive at 9:35. (due)



She sings beautifully; she dances beautifully too. (Begin: Not only)


This is the house Shakespeare lived in. (where)




The police persuaded the crowd to disperse. (Begin: The police persuaded the
crowd that)
He was able to pass the examination with satisfactory results. (succeeded)


I dont intend to resign. (intention)



For want of anything better to do, I agreed to join them. (Begin: As I)



What the public wants is not so much free education as good education. (more)


The horrified girls saw a snake creeping out of the basket. (Begin: To their)



But for your help, we would not have succeeded. (Begin: If it)


I tried very hard, but I could never catch up with him. (Begin: No matter)


The press has drawn much attention to the large number of accidents which
occurred on the new highway. (Begin: The press has drawn much attention to the


Mr. Wong chaired the meeting during Mr. Chans absence. (while)


She stood on tip-toe to see better. (so that)




Most students have difficulty in expressing themselves in English. (Use find and
People believed the earth to be flat. (Begin: It)


I couldnt go to the cinema last night. (allowed)


E. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) given in brackets or following
the instructions. Keep the original meaning as far as possible, and watch out for
any additional changes that the new sentence structure may require. Make only
those changes that are necessary.

1. He got to the office at 9 oclock. (reached)


2. He has never been assigned a more difficult task than this. (Begin: This is)

3. Wouldnt it be better to take the train? (Begin: Dont you think)


4. She is too short to reach the book on the shelf. (tall)


5. Would you be kind enough to post this letter for me? (Begin: Would you be so)

6. I have much pleasure in informing you that your application has been accepted.

7. He dares not come, dare he? (Begin: He doesnt)


8. It took me quite some time to realize my mistake. (Begin: It was quite some time)

9. It doesnt matter how you go about your work as long as you get it finished before the
end of this week. (Combine, beginning with No matter)


He has been very depressed since the death of his father two weeks ago. (died)


Application forms were given to us to fill in. (Begin: We)



He worked overtime so that he could finish the job in time. (so as )



She burst into tears when she was told to leave. (Begin: On)


The plan interests me. (interested)



You neednt wait for me. (Begin: It is)



I am sorry I offended you the other day. (Begin: I apologize)




The only thing to look forward to is the long summer vacation. (Begin: There is
Youre from the Lawson Company, arent you? (Begin: You work)


The tactful way he handled the situation pleased everyone. (Begin: Everyone)


He is confident that he will be able to cope with the situation. (Begin: He is

confident of)



He did nothing about it. (anything)



Although he is poor, he is happy. (but)



Its nice of you to invite me! (Begin: How)



Most children find it difficult to solve abstract problems. (difficulty)



We decided not to withdraw from the committee because we trusted him. (Begin:
It was because)

F. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) given in brackets or following
the instructions. Keep the original meaning as far as possible, and watch out for
any additional changes that the new sentence structure may require. Make only
those changes that are necessary.

1. I dont want to become a factory worker. (not interested)


2. I have seen better than this. (Begin: This isnt)


3. I wish you could come too! (Begin: If)


4. Two robbers held up a bank in Mongkok yesterday. One of them was carrying a pistol.
(Combine, using whom)


5. Four men came to the gate of the Governors House. Two of the men were carrying a
banner. (Combine, using two of them)

6. Isnt it beautiful? (Begin: Dont you think)


7. She prefers to stay at home. (rather)


8. He had been late for too many times even for me not to notice. (Begin: He had been
late for so many times that)

9. The doctor told him to give up smoking. (Begin: The doctor told him that)


It would be better for him to go home and rest for a few days. (had better)


I have never seen such a beautiful girl. (so)



John is good at basketball. (Begin: John plays basketball)



My grandmother likes to listen to the radio. (Begin: My grandmother enjoys)



He tried not to give me a direct answer. (avoided)



Mr. Lee was turning forty, and had been with the school for eighteen years. (Begin:
Turning forty)


You dont want to take the responsibility. I dont, either. (Combine, beginning with


I dont see why we shouldnt invite our friends in 5B to our party. (Begin: I think
itd be a good idea if)


Shut up, or I will send you out of the class. (Begin: If )



I went there because of you. (Begin: If it hadnt)



It was feared that the hostage had been killed. (Begin: The hostage was feared)


I didnt tell him the news because I didnt want to upset him. (Begin: My reason)


The girl from Australia swam fast enough to break the world record. (so)


I had great difficulty in finding enough men for the work. (hardly)


My duty was to answer customers inquiries. (responsible)



George does not have as many girl-friends as Peter. (Begin: Peter)


G. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) given in brackets or following
the instructions. Keep the original meaning as far as possible, and watch out for
any additional changes that the new sentence structure may require. Make only
those changes that are necessary.

1. It was her wish that her son should become a doctor. (wanted)

2. The community leader said that the government had acted too rashly. (accused)

3. Would you mind posting this letter for me? (so kind)

4. You neednt but so many reference books. (Begin: There is)


5. He seems unable to take care of himself. (incapable)


6. As he grows older, he becomes wiser. (Begin: The older)


7. It is almost five years since I visited Macau. (for)


8. Perhaps he was not informed of the change. (might)


9. I was going to opened the door when I heard the ringing of the telephone.


The editorial emphasized the need for an ombudsman in Hong Kong. (laid)


His ignorance of the urgent situation was incredible. (Begin: It was)



It would be a good idea if we consulted Mr. Wong first. (had better)



Mr. Cole has never eaten in a Chinese restaurant. (Begin: This is)


The manager promised to see to our complaint. (Begin: The manager assured)


What a crazy idea it was to spend $800,000 on a cage for two monkeys! (Begin:


Many people consider Professor X the best authority on the heart diseases. (Begin:
Professor X)


He was so busy that he forgot to post the letter. (too)



He did not argue with his wife because he was tired. (too)


She was so anxious that she could not sleep. (Begin: Such)


She should have known better. She shouldnt have married such a rogue as John.
(Combine, using than)


I have to get home before nine. Otherwise my father will be angry with me.

(Combine, using if)



I wouldnt encourage anyone to bet on horses. (discourage)



What a foolish thing it is to say that men are more intelligent than women! (Begin:


Surely you had a hard time preparing for your final exam. (Begin: You must)


It is unlikely that he will be acquitted. (Begin: He stands)


H. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) given in brackets or following

the instructions. Keep the original meaning as far as possible, and watch out for
any additional changes that the new sentence structure may require. Make only
those changes that are necessary.

1. The customer demanded to see the manager. (insisted)


2. The aim of the campaign is to raise $100,000 for the victims of the disaster. (Begin:
The campaign aims)

3. His arguments were so convincing that everyone came round to his views. (Begin: So)

4. Its too good a chance for us to miss. (Begin: Its such)


5. You will like him more if you know him better. (Begin: The better)

6. Peter thought the play was terrible. (Begin:In Peters)


7. I want you to come to my party tonight. (Begin: Id)


8. How I regret not taking your advice! (Begin: If only)


9. George is more handsome than Albert. (Begin: Albert is not)



Theres no one in the hall but us. (Begin: Were the)



Why did you take up French? (Begin: What was)



Why dont we go to the cinema tonight? (Begin: How about)



If you dont ring me up, Ill presume there is no change in the plan. (Begin: If I
dont hear)


There s no need for you to stay here. (Begin: You dont)




One day scientists might discover the existence of life on planets other than the
earth. (Begin: Perhaps)
His teacher found his progress satisfactory. (satisfied)


Our English teacher always puts much emphasis on the importance of a good
dictionary. (emphasizes)


I havent seen Ben for four years. (Begin: It is)



She prides herself on her musical talent. (proud)



The weather forecast says we shall have rain tomorrow. (Begin: According)


Writing good short stories is very difficult. (Begin: Its)



The swimming gala was postponed because the weather was bad. (because of)


It looks as if its going to rain. (looks like)



You were foolish to return down the offer. (Begin: It was)



I spend two hours getting here. (Begin: It)


I. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) given in brackets or following

the instructions. Keep the original meaning as far as possible, and watch out for
any additional changes that the new sentence structure may require. Make only
those changes that are necessary.


The pupils continued to talk in spite of the teachers warning. (kept on)


May I borrow your typewrite? (lend)



I was offered the job on his recommendation. (Begin: He recommended me)



I did not do my homework. Instead, I spent the whole evening watching television.
(Combine, beginning with Instead)


I dont know he was a Ph.D. until he told me personally. (Begin: It wasnt until)


My book is more useful than yours. (not as)



I did not mean to annoy you. (intention)



The teacher found his essay very satisfactory, and he gave it an A. (Begin: The
teacher was so)


I have never seen such a beautiful car. (Begin: This is)


10. The teacher told the class to stop talking. (Begin: The teacher said to)
11. He seemed to have known the truth. (Begin: It)
12. I didnt realize the new teacher was going to be our form-master until he walked into
the classroom. (Begin: It wasnt until)
13. I couldnt leave because of the rain. (prevented)

14. His guilt was undeniable. (Begin: It was undeniable)
15. He was very worried because he had lost the documents. (loss)
16. Teachers work very hard, but they still dont earn very much. (Begin: No
17. The lesson bored me, and I dozed off. (Use so and boring)
18. The life-guards tried in vain to save the drowning man. (unsuccessful)
19. I arrived ten minutes too late to see the opening ceremony. (Begin: If)
20. What makes you think most old people in Hong Kong are not happy? (Begin: Why)
21. He advised me to give up smoking. (Begin: He suggested that)
22. The head waiter politely insisted that the customer wore a tie. (Begin: The head
waiter politely insisted on)
23. Thank you for your advice. (Begin: I am thankful)
24. The striking workers made a demand for higher wages. (demanded)
25. He always reminds me that he is my boss. (Begin: He never)

J. Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) given in brackets or following
the instructions. Keep the original meaning as far as possible, and watch out for
any additional changes that the new sentence structure may require. Make only
those changes that are necessary.

1. He started to read when he was ten years old. (until)


2. We arrived at the concert half an hour too late. We didnt see his performance.
(Begin: If)

3. He might go down on his knees, but I would never forgive him. (Begin: Even if)

4. Your handwriting is good but Marys is better. (soas)


5. She likes going shopping better than staying at home. (Begin: She would rather)

6. It seems youre made a mistake. (Begin: You seem)


7. The matter doesnt concern me. (Begin: I)


8. She is afraid of snakes. (fears)


9. The dealer sold the air-conditioner to my friend. (bought)



He does not have enough money to buy the car. (Begin: He lacks)


The goalkeeper was too slow to catch the ball. (enough)



After taking the School Certificate Exam, she took up a job as a typist. (Begin:
After she)


A large firm offered him a well-paid job shortly after he had graduated from
college. (Begin: Shortly after graduating)


He is likely to be back before the end of this month. (probably)



He did not resent unfavourable criticism. On the contrary, he always kept an open
mind and was willing to listen to other peoples opinion. (Begin: Far from)

16. The newly-arrived immigrants were aware of the hostility that the locals had
towards them. (hostile)


17. The President is trying to convince his countrymen of his determination to beat
inflation. (determined)


She is not only a professional artist, but also a first-rate teacher. (Begin: Besides)


We managed to get the work done two days before deadline. (succeeded)


Whose watch is this? (Begin: Who does)



He said I had stolen his wallet. (Begin: He accused)



The suitcase was very heavy. She could not lift it. (Combine, using too heavy)


His grandfather died ten years ago. (dead)


24. The news of their grandfathers death made them very depressed. (Begin: The news


The news of his sudden departure puzzled us all. (Begin: The news that)


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