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• Abortion
– Definition
– Types
– Causes
– Legal Implications of Abortion

• Illegal Retention and Sale of Human Organs

Abortion- is the termination of
pregnancy prior to viability.
-is the removal or expulsion of an
embryo or foetus from the uterus. It
may be induced or spontaneous
causes of abortion
• Spontaneous Abortion or Miscarriage
• A large percentage of the product of the
union of an egg and a sperm does not get
implanted in the uterus and therefore the
uterus often has to expel it. This may
occur very early on with the woman only
experiencing a larger than usual blood
flow around the time of her expected
menstrual period, or it may occur later.
• Induced Abortions
• These result from a planned interruption or
termination of pregnancy. Medical and
surgical methods may be used for induced
abortions. Call the 24/7 toll free number
0800 22 333 or email for more
• Therapeutic Abortions
• This term refers to abortions that are
thought to be necessary because of
fetal anomalies, rape, or to protect the
health of the mother when the birth of a
child might be life threatening or may be
physically or psychologically damaging to
• Elective or Voluntary Abortions
• Termination of the embryo at the woman’s
request for reasons other than fetal anomalies or
maternal risk is often referred to as elective or
voluntary abortion. Such abortions often result
from social problems, such as teenage
pregnancy, non-marital births, and economic
difficulties such as insufficient income to support
a child, inappropriate timing or failed
contraceptive usage.

Threatened abortion: Bloody vaginal

discharge occurs during the first half of
pregnancy. Approximately 20% of
pregnant women have vaginal spotting or
actual bleeding early in pregnancy; of
these, about 50% abort.
Inevitable abortion: Membranes rupture
and the cervix dilates. As labor continues,
the uterus expels the products of
Incomplete abortion: Uterus retains part
or all of the placenta. Before the 10th week
of gestation, the fetus and placenta usually
are expelled together; after the 10th week,
separately. Because part of the placenta
may adhere to the uterine wall, bleeding
continues. Hemorrhage is possible
because the uterus doesn't contract and
seal the large vessels that fed the placenta.
Complete abortion: Uterus passes all the
products of conception. Minimal bleeding
usually accompanies complete abortion
because the uterus contracts and
compresses maternal blood vessels that
fed the placenta.
Missed abortion: Uterus retains the
products of conception for 2 months or
more after the death of the fetus. Uterine
growth ceases; uterine size may even
seem to de-crease. Prolonged retention of
the dead products of conception may cause
coagulation defects, such as disseminated
intra vascular coagulation.
Habitual abortion: Spontaneous loss of
three or more consecutive pregnancies
constitutes habitual abortion.
Septic abortion: Infection accompanies
abortion. This may occur with
spontaneous abortion but usually results
from an illegal abortion
Types of Induced Abortion
• Surgical Abortions
Laminaria- (dehydrated material usually
seaweed) sometimes used to induced
damage to the cervix. Inserted into the
cervix a day before the scheduled
abortion, it absorb water and swells
gradually pushing open the cervix in
the process.
Suction Aspiration- is the most common
method of abortion during the first twelve
weeks of pregnancy. GA or LA is given to
mother and the cervix is quickly dilated. A
suction curette is inserted into the womb
and connected into the vacuum machine
by a transparent tube
Dilatation and Curettage (D&C)- this
method is similar to the suction method
with the added instrument inserted to a
hook shaped knife (curette) which cuts the
baby into pieces.
Dilatation and Evacuation (D&E)- this
method is used up to 18 weeks of
gestation. Instead of the loop shaped
knife, a pair of forceps is inserted into the
womb to grasp part of the fetus. The teeth
of the forceps twist and tear the bones of
the unborn child
Salt Poisoning- used after 16 weeks when
enough fluid is accumulated. A long
needle injects strong salt solution through
the mother’s abdomen into the baby’s sac.
Hysterectomy or Caesarian Section- used
mainly in the last 3 months of pregnancy.
The womb entered by surgery through the
wall of the abdomen. It is similar to CS.
Partial Birth Abortion
5 Steps
1. Guided by ultz, abortionist grabs the baby’s
leg with forceps
2. Baby’s leg pulled out into the birth canal
3. the abortionist delivers the baby’s entire body
except for the head
4. The abortionist jams scissors into the baby’s
skull. The scissors are then opened to enlarged
the skull
5. The scissors are removed and a suction
catheter is inserted, the child’s brain are suck
out, causing the skull to collapsed

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