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Joseph Quire Jr.

Professor Ortega

Remember the Titans Video Analysis

The Video that I have decided to do for this project is Remember the
Titans, which I have this movie on DVD. The video is about a school in
Virginia that is being segregated along with have Mr. Boone become the
head coach of the football team. The current head coach is a white man who
has coached the team for many years and is well respected in the
community by other coaches along with players and families. When Mr.
Boone goes to meet with Coach Yoast the current head coach they do not
have a nice easy conversation because he was being demoted to assistant
head coach. Later in the movie Mr. Boone holds a meeting for all the kids
that wanted to play football for the school. At first it is all African Americans
in the Gym waiting for Coach Boone to get there. Half way through the
meeting a fat white kid named Louie Lastik came running in to the gym
because he wanted to play football and his family just moved into town.
After he gets squared away Coach Yoast interrupts the meeting as he brings
in all the current players that he just coached into the meeting. Later on
they start practices for the team but there is no team because of all the
fighting going on between the White and African American players. Coach
Boone takes the team to a college for hell week. Before they leave Coach
Boone makes everyone get off the bus and sets up pairs one White and one

African American player which will be rooming together duration of the whole
time they are gone. He assigns pairs together based on offensive players
together and defensive players together. While at the college they continue
to fight back and forth until the two captains of the team come together.
One captain is Gary Bertier who is a white linebacker for the team and Julius
Campbell who is an African American. They come together when they start
fighting after a practice and Julius points out how some of the white guys
arent playing hard when one of the African American players are playing and
Gary points out how Julius keeps leaving him out to dry on defense. At the
end of the fight Julius says, Attitude reflects leadership Captain. Which
then sets the whole precedence for the rest of the movie. Later that day
Julius and Gary put aside their differences and come together to play as a
team which then brings the whole team together. When they get back to
school after hell week they are pushed to the limit because of the racial
tensions. Throughout the rest of the movies the team wins games bringing
the town together. At the end of the movie they play a rival team and the
referees are calling a terrible game on behalf of Coach Yoast because if
Coach Boone has a losing season the school can fire him. Coach Yoast does
not what that to happen so he walks onto the field right to the referee and
tells him to start calling a better game or he is going to go to the papers and
tell them everything that happened. The referees start calling a fair game
instead of calling fouls that arent there. The film ends with one of their
captains dies a couple years after the car accident he was involved in.

I believe that Comte and Durkheim would interpret the movie as a

change in society that is destined to move forward in that direction. This is
based on the evolutionary theory that change in society that keeps it
together moves the society forward. This works because the White people
and African American people come together in the community and on the
football team to work together as one combining body. I believe Marx would
have interpreted this movie as a group of people rising up to make change in
the community. Which is based on vested interests meaning that people will
suffer from the change that is to come in society. In the movie the people
that suffer are the parents or older generation who do not accept change in
the community. The Paradigm that is most represented in the movie is
conflict between the White people and the African American people.

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