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Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 179 (2001) 39 46

Gonadotropic control of ovarian follicular growth and

S.G. Hillier
Reproducti6e Medicine Laboratory, Department of Reproducti6e and De6elopmental Sciences,
Uni6ersity of Edinburgh Centre for Reproducti6e Biology, 37 Chalmers Street, Edinburgh EH3 9EW, UK

Development-related paracrine cues that sensitize follicles to follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH)
are crucial to the emergence of a single dominant follicle in each ovulatory menstrual cycle. Sex steroids, insulin-like growth
factors and members of the transforming growth factor-b superfamily are key players in the follicular paracrine system. FSH acts
through membrane-associated granulosa cell receptors (FSHR) to stimulate granulosa cell proliferation and differentiation. The
most responsive follicle at the beginning of the cycle is the first to produce estrogen and express granulosa cell LHR. Paracrine
signalling activated by FSH and LH sustains growth and oestrogen secretion until an ovulation-inducing LH surge is discharged
by the pituitary gland. LH then reprogrammes granulosa cell function, leading to terminal differentiation (luteinization) rupture
of the follicle wall, and release of the fertilizable egg. The genes regulated by the LH surge orchestrate profound changes in sex
steroid production, metabolism and action which are necessary for ovulation. Preovulatory granulosa cells also increase their
ability to metabolise cortisone to cortisol, which may be part of a local anti-inflammatory mechanism to promote rapid healing
of the ruptured ovarian surface. 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Gonadotropins; Ovary; Ovulation

1. Introduction

2. The new biology of FSH and LH

The ovaries are amongst the most dynamic and

plastic tissues in the body, with the monthly cycle of
follicular maturation, ovulation and (in absence of
pregnancy) resorption of the corpus luteum occurring
300 400 times throughout the average womans reproductive lifespan. The endocrine control of this
process by follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and
luteinizing hormone (LH) rests on a network of extracellular and intracellular molecular interactions, the
complexity of which reflects the unique histogenetic
origins and specialized functions of the cell types that
constitute the ovaries. Understanding these interactions is key to defining new targets for pharmaceutical manipulation of ovarian function, towards new
and improved forms of fertility treatment. This review
briefly surveys recent developments in some of these

Although FSH and LH were first isolated and

purified over 50 years ago, neither gonadotropin was
available in a completely pure form until recently.
Clinicians usually relied on the use of urinary gonadotropin extracts containing FSH with varying
amounts of LH, making it difficult to selectively alter
the dose of either gonadotropin, while experimentalists resorted to scarce and expensive pituitary preparations of varying purity. The breakthrough came
with the preparation of pure, recombinant FSH and
LH by using Chinese Hamster Ovary cells transfected
with expression vectors carrying human cDNAs encoding the common a gonadotropin subunit with one
or other of the b-subunits (Recombinant Human
FSH Product Development Group, 1998). This advance has resulted in the availability of pharmaceutical grade pure FSH and LH preparations that are
finding uses in a clinical setting and which have also
provided powerful new tools in experimental endocrinology (Smyth et al., 1995).

E-mail address: (S.G. Hillier).

0303-7207/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
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S.G. Hillier / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 179 (2001) 3946

2.1. Gonadotropin receptors

Paralleling this advance in the molecular biology of
FSH and LH was the cloning and expression of the
gonadotropin receptors (R). Long known to be membrane-associated receptors coupled to adenylyl cyclasemediated intracellular signalling, the cloning and
sequencing of gonadotropin-R cDNAs (McFarland et
al., 1989; Sprengel et al., 1990) confirmed that FSHR
and LHR are structurally related members of the seven
transmembrane domain G-protein associated receptor
superfamily that includes TSHR, GHR (Baumann,
1994), b-adrenoreceptor (Collins, 1993) and the
Alzheimer gene STM2 (Levy-Lahad et al., 1996). The
gene encoding the LHR protein contains 11 exons
(Segaloff et al., 1990; Segaloff and Ascoli, 1993). Variable transcription of this gene leads to a complex
pattern of about 13 gene-splice variants. The transmembrane and intracellular G-protein binding domains of
the receptor are encoded by the last exon, therefore
much of the heterogeneity is associated with the extracellular LH binding domain (Ji and Ji, 1991). This may
give rise to encoded products with different functions.
For instance, the 1.8 kb-sized LHR mRNA transcript
codes for a truncated receptor protein corresponding to
the extracellular domain of the receptor, which could
theoretically function as a plasma binding protein. The
extracellular domain of the GHR is secreted and has
been shown to modulate GH action (Baumann, 1994).
Whether this also occurs with LHR is not known. The
extracellular ligand-binding domain of FSHR is encoded by the first nine exons of the FSHR gene, giving
rise to a binding protein with high specificity for FSH.
The gene splice variants transcribed from the FSHR
gene are not as numerous as for the LHR gene (Huhtaniemi, 1994).
The first direct evidence that granulosa cells express
FSHR was obtained by autoradiographic localization
of 125I-labelled FSH binding to immature rat ovarian
sections (Zeleznik et al., 1974). Radioligand-binding
analysis confirmed the presence of specific, saturable,
high-affinity FSH binding sites in granulosa cell membranes (Nimrod et al., 1976). With the isolation of
cDNA clones encoding rat FSHR (Sprengel et al.,
1990), the tissue distribution and developmental regulation of FSHR gene expression was finally mapped
(Camp et al., 1991). That work confirmed gonad-specific expression of an abundant  2.6 kb-sized FSHR
mRNA and a less abundant 5.0 kb transcript. In
ovary, in situ hybridisation showed FSHR mRNA to
be localised exclusively to the granulosa cells of healthy
follicles, persisting throughout preovulatory follicular
The presence of specific human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)/LH binding sites on thecal/interstital
cells was also revealed by autoradiography, using 125-

hCG as a surrogate LH to specifically label hCG/LH

binding sites in rat ovarian sections (Zeleznik et al.,
1974). Importantly, it was also shown that treatment of
animals with FSH in vivo led to increased binding of
I-hCG to granulosa cells, providing the first direct
evidence that FSH induces the granulosa cell hCG/
LHR. Quantitative assessment of the hCG/LH receptor
on thecal-interstitial cells (Magoffin and Erickson,
1982) and induction of the hCG/LH receptor on granulosa cells by FSH (Erickson et al., 1979) were subsequently confirmed in vitro. Following the cloning of the
rat LHR (McFarland et al., 1989), multiple ovarian
LHR transcripts were identified with two major transcripts of 6.5 and  2.6 kb (Segaloff et al., 1990).
Application of in situ hybridisation showed LHR mRNAs to be located exclusively in the thecal cells of
immature follicles but present in both thecal and granulosa cells of mature, antral follicles (Camp et al., 1991).
Direct FSH induction of granulosa cell LHR mRNA
was confirmed in vitro (Piquette et al., 1991) and in
vivo (Segaloff et al., 1990) and shown to involve increased LHR gene transcription (Shi and Segaloff,

2.2. Post-receptor signaling

The post-receptor signaling systems that relay gonadotropin action into the cell nucleus rest mainly on
adenylyl cyclase, cAMP production, and activation of
protein kinase A (PKA) (Richards, 1994; Richards et
al., 1998). Tonic stimulation of immature granulosa
cells by FSH via FSHR stimulates intracellular cAMP
formation and activation of genes required for proliferation and differentiation. Late during preovulatory follicular growth, the response to FSH includes expression
of LHR, also coupled to PKA (Abell et al., 1998). Prior
to onset of the mid-cycle LH surge that triggers ovulation (see below) tonic stimulation of mature granulosa
cells by LH via LHR mimics the action of FSH. Higher
(surge) concentrations of LH dramatically up-regulate
PKA signaling, also increasing inositol lipid hydrolysis
and activation of protein kinase C, altering the expression panel of other genes that co-ordinate final stages of
follicular development and ovulation (Robker and
Richards, 1998). Little information exists about the
transcription regulators that mediate cellular responses
to these signals. However, C/EBP beta is a critical
downstream target of G-protein-coupled LHR signaling (Pall et al., 1997; Sterneck et al., 1997). Post-receptor signaling pathways that impact on gonadotropin
action include the serine/threonine kinase mothers
against dpp (MAD) cell signaling pathway (Li et al.,
1997), which is activated by members of the transforming growth factorb (TGFb) superfamily (Massague,

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3. Relative roles of FSH and LH

During adulthood when ovulatory menstrual cycles
occur, it is estimated to take 2 3 months for a primordial follicle to develop to the point of ovulation (Gougeon, 1996). Although it is a continuum, the life-cycle
of a preovulatory follicle can be broken down into
three successive phases initiation, which occurs from
birth to senescence independent of gondotropic support; FSH-dependent progression, requiring tonic stimulation by FSH; and LH-responsive maturation, when
FSH-induced genes fall under LH control, leading to
oestrogen secretion and ovulation (Zeleznik and Hillier,
1984; Hillier, 1994; McGee and Hsueh, 2000).
Ovulation is triggered by the mid-cycle LH surge,
itself triggered by the sustained high circulating level of
estradiol produced by the preovulatory follicle. The
surge initiates a gene cascade in granulosa cells, the
products of which initiate luteinization, signal the egg
to commence meiotic maturation and lead to rupture of
the follicle wall (Conti et al., 1998; Richards et al.,
1998). The inductive action of FSH on granulosa cell
development that facilitates this response to LH includes alterations in the post-receptor mechanisms
through which granulosa cells respond to gonadotropins and other extracellular factors. Signalling
via Ca2 + /inositol lipid hydrolysis and tyrosine kinase
pathways are involved (Morris et al., 1985, Lamm et
al., 1999) but the primary intracellular drive comes
from cAMP (Richards et al., 1998).
During late granulosa cell maturity induced by FSH,
LH has a relatively stronger effect than FSH on cAMP
formation in vitro (Yong et al., 1992a,b; Richards et
al., 1998), suggesting that LHR density is relatively
greater than FSHR density or that the LHR is more
effectively coupled to cAMP generation. The ovulationinducing LH surge triggers the expression of a panel of
high-tone cAMP response genes that lead to terminal
granulosa cell differentiation and follicular rupture.
Those genes encode pro-inflammatory factors such as
interleukin-1b, interleukin-1bR (Adashi, 1998a) and
prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase-2 (COX-2, Morris
and Richards, 1995); angiogenic factors such as VEGF
(Ravindranath et al., 1992); proteases necessary for
tissue remodelling (Liu et al. 1998); neurotrophin receptors such as TrkA (Mayerhofer et al., 1996); and agents
of progesterone production (steroidogenic acute regulatory protein-StAR) (Ronen-Fuhrmann et al., 1998) and
action (progesterone receptors-PR) (Natraj and
Richards, 1993; Park-Sarge and Sarge, 1995; Duffy et
al., 1996; Clemens et al., 1998). Intriguingly, the LH
surge also induces 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
type 1 (11bHSD1) and simultaneously down-regulates
11bHSD2 expression in granulosa cells of preovulatory
follicles (Tetsuka et al., 1997, 1999b). The stimulatory
action of LH on granulosa cell 11bHSD1 gene expres-


sion in vitro is mimicked by interleukin-1b (Tetsuka et

al., 1999a). Since 11bHSD1 functions mainly as a C11
reductase (i.e. converts cortisone to cortisol) whereas
11bHSD2 is an dehydrogenase (inactivates cortisol to
cortisone, Stewart, 1996), the changes induced by LH
favour local accumulation of anti-inflammatory cortisol
at a time when rapid healing of the ruptured surface is
required to rapidly restore normal ovarian function
(Hillier and Tetsuka, 1998). LH also simultaneously
suppresses granulosa cell division (Yong et al., 1992a).
Thus, along with the pro/anti-inflammatory, angiogenic
and proteolytic changes that lead to follicular rupture,
the follicle ceases to grow, luteinizes and commences
secretion of progesterone.

4. The follicular paracrine system

A striking feature of the ovaries as endocrine targets
is the shifting pattern of gonadotropin sensitivity displayed by individual ovarian cell types. Much of this
can be explained by the local production of polypeptide
growth/differentiation factors, steroids and other extracellular substances that mediate and modulate gonadotropin action. Some of the better known
participants in this paracrine dialogue will now be

4.1. Paracrine growth/differentiation factors

The best characterized ovarian growth factors to-date
are insulin-like growth factors I and II (IGF-I, IGF-II)
(Adashi, 1998b) and members of the TGFb superfamily
(Gaddy-Kurten et al., 1995) such as inhibin and activin
(Hillier, 1991) and growth differentiation factor 9
(GDF-9) (Elvin et al., 1999). Other substances implicated are epidermal growth factor (EGF)/transforming
growth factora/TGFa (Foghi et al., 1998; Lamm et al.,
1999), fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) (Reynolds and
Redmer, 1998), vascular endothelial growth factor
(VEGF, Ravindranath et al., 1992; Laitinen et al.,
1997), nerve growth factor (NGF) (Mayerhofer et al.,
1996), scatter factor (SCF)/hepatocyte growth factor
(HGF, Peluso, 1997; Parrott and Skinner, 1998a), keratinocyte growth factor (KGF, Parrott and Skinner,
1998b), tumour necrosis factora (TNFa, Terranova and
Rice, 1997) and many other cytokines (Adashi, 1998a)
and chemokines (Karstrom-Encrantz et al., 1998).
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), a major
serum mitogen for cells of mesenchymal origin (Heldin,
1992), has been shown to stimulate thecal cell mitosis in
vitro an effect that is augmented by the additional
presence of other growth factors such as EGF (May et
al., 1992). Intriguingly, the three-dimensional structures
of gonadotropins bear structural similarities to PDGF
and other members of the so-called cystine knot family


S.G. Hillier / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 179 (2001) 3946

of growth factors (Lapthorn et al., 1994, 1995). This

family of growth factors is presently known to include
NGF and TGFbs, and based on sequence homology, at
least thirty other proteins including the three pituitary
glycoprotein hormones (FSH, LH and TSH), activins,
inhibins, anti-Mu llerian hormone (AMH), GDF-9,
VEGF and several bone morphogenetic proteins. Characteristically, they exist as homo- or heterodimers, the
protomers of which predominantly consist of b-strand
secondary structure with a characteristic clustering of
three cystine bridges known as the cystine-knot motif
(Lapthorn et al., 1995). Gonadotropins differ from
most other known cystine-knot regulatory factors in
that they signal through G-protein coupled receptors
instead of receptor serine/tyrosine kinases (Massague,
1998). However, the remarkable structural similarities
between LH, hCG, FSH and other members of the
cystine-knot growth factor family suggests that gonadotrophins have, or in an evolutionary sense once
had, specific growth regulatory functions (Lapthorn et
al., 1995).

4.2. Paracrine regulation of steroid synthesis

During the human menstrual cycle, LH released by
the pituitary gland provides the major endocrine drive
to thecal androgen synthesis, which is fundamental to
folliculogenesis. Among many locally produced factors
capable of modulating this action of LH, the IGFs and
the inhibins/activins ar of particular relevance and will
be considered further here.

4.2.1. IGFs
Ovarian follicular cells varyingly express genes encoding IGF-I, IGF-II and IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs, Adashi, 1998b), the expression of which are
developmentally regulated (el-Roeiy et al., 1994). Thecal cells from normal human ovaries have been shown
to possess receptors for insulin and IGFs (Poretsky et
al., 1985; Hernandez et al., 1988), and both insulin
(Barbieri et al., 1986) and IGF-I (Hillier et al., 1991c;
Nahum et al., 1995) stimulate thecal/stromal androgen
synthesis in vitro. In the rat ovary, FSH stimulates the
production of IGF-I by granulosa cells, suggesting a
paracrine role for granulosa cell-derived IGF-I in the
regulation of thecal androgen synthesis (Hernandez et
al., 1988; Adashi et al., 1991). The relevance of the
paracrine IGF-I hypothesis to the human ovary was
initially challenged by observations that human granulosa cells do not express the IGF-I gene. On the other
hand, human granulosa cells do express IGF-II (Hernandez et al., 1992; Zhou and Bondy, 1993), which is
equipotent with IGF-I at the level of thecal androgen
synthesis, and therefore likely to have a physiological
paracrine role in regulating androgen production by
human ovaries (Nahum et al., 1995). IGF-BPs pro-

duced by ovarian cells and may also participate in the

local mediation/modulation of gonadotrophin action
(Ling et al., 1993; Piferrer et al., 1997).

4.2.2. Inhibins and acti6ins

Activins and inhibins produced by granulosa cells
have potent modulatory actions on thecal androgen
synthesis: activin being inhibitory and inhibin stimulatory (Hsueh et al., 1987; Hillier et al., 1991b,c). Based
on patterns of inhibin/activin subunit mRNA expression in vitro (Turner et al., 1989; Pei et al., 1991) and in
vivo (Meunier et al., 1989; Schwall et al., 1990; Roberts
et al., 1993) and measurements of immunoreactive inhibin production by granulosa cells in vitro (Hillier et
al., 1991a), activin predominates in immature follicles
where it promotes FSH-induced mitosis and FSH induced steroidogenic differentiation (Miro and Hillier,
1996). Inhibin and the activin-binding protein follistatin
are produced in progressively greater amounts relative
to activin by granulosa cells as follicles mature
(Nakatani et al., 1991). Thereby the stimulatory action
of inhibin on thecal androgen synthesis gains sway
during late preovulatory follicular development, when
androgen is required in increasing amounts as a substrate for oestrogen synthesis (Hillier, 1991). Although
physiological concentrations of insulin, IGF-I and IGFII can stimulate thecal androgen production, inhibin
greatly enhances the actions of all three factors in vitro
(Nahum et al., 1995). Thus regardless of the contributions made by insulin or IGFs to the control of follicular androgen production, paracrine regulation by
inhibin could be of overriding importance during preovulatory follicular development. Antral follicles too
immature to secrete estrogen do not need androgen as
an aromatase precursor (Hillier et al., 1994). At such
early stages of development, androgen synthesis may be
suppressed due to the preponderance of activin relative
to inhibin, possibly aided by granulosa-derived IGFBPs that sequester and inhibit the actions of IGFs
(Ling et al., 1993).
4.3. Paracrine steroid action
Steroids produced by ovarian cells have critically
important roles in the regulation of ovarian function.
As secreted ovarian hormones they participate in longloop feedback regulation of pituitary gonadotropin secretion, while within the ovaries they serve autocrine
and paracrine roles that contribute to normal preovulatory development and function.

4.3.1. Androgens
Androgens are synthesised in thecal cells through
cell-specific expression of P45017a (CYP17), which is
under LH control (Smyth et al., 1993). Granulosa cells
express androgen receptors (AR) throughout antral and

S.G. Hillier / Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 179 (2001) 3946

early antral development, permitting paracrine androgenic stimulation (Smyth et al., 1995; Tetsuka et al.,
1995; Tetsuka and Hillier, 1996). The main AR-mediated effect in granulosa cells is up-regulation of cAMP
formation, possibly through inhibition of cAMP
metabolism (Hillier and de Zwart, 1982). Hormonally
regulated phosphodiesterase 4A (PDE4A, Conti et al.,
1998) is a potential candidate for regulation by AR but
this remains to be tested. Amplification of FSH-induced
PKA signalling by androgen appears to a means of
sensitising granulosa cells to tonic stimulation by FSH.
During late preovulatory development, transcription of
the granulosa AR gene and AR protein levels decline
(Tetsuka et al., 1995; Tetsuka and Hillier 1996; Hillier
et al., 1997), which may serve to diminish granulosa cell
responsiveness to gonadotrophins and delay terminal
differentiation (luteinization) until timeous exposure to
a full-blown ovulation-inducing LH surge (Hillier and
Tetsuka, 1997).

4.3.2. Estrogens
Estrogen production is the hallmark of preovulatory
follicular development, reflecting FSH induced expression of cytochrome P450arom (CYP19) that converts
androgen to estrogen in granulosa cells (Hillier et al.,
1994). Granulosa cells also express estrogen receptors
(ER), which may mediate autocrine oestrogen action
within the granulosa cell layer. The effects of estrogen
on granulosa cells are similar to those of androgen,
serving to amplify overall actions of FSH (Richards,
1994). Classic ER (ERa) may not fully explain estrogen
action at this level since granulosa cells more abundantly express a second ER isoform, ERb (Enmark et
al., 1997; Sar and Welsch, 1999). Female ERa knockout mice are infertile (Korach et al., 1996), whereas
ERb / females are fertile and exhibit normal
sexual behaviour. However, they have fewer and
smaller litters than wild-type mice, and superovulation
experiments indicate that this reduction in fertility is the
result of reduced ovarian efficiency (Krege et al., 1998).
Developmental regulation of ER is not well studied but
both isoforms are down-regulated by the ovulation
inducing gonadotropin surge (Byers et al., 1997;
Tetsuka et al., 1998b).
4.3.3. Progesterone
Progesterone is produced in increasing amounts by
differentiated granulosa cells through FSH induction of
cytochrome P450scc (CYP11A), which catalyses ratelimiting conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone
(Richards et al., 1998). Progesterone receptors (PR) do
not appear in granulosa cells until onset of the gonadotrophin surge (Natraj and Richards, 1993; ParkSarge and Mayo, 1994; Park-Sarge and Sarge, 1995).
PR is then transiently expressed before ovulation and
reappears in the corpus luteum. The role of the granu-


losa cell PR in ovarian function is uncertain, but

knockout studies in mice demonstrate the gene to be
vital to ovulation (Lydon et al., 1995). Expression of
PR is temporally to expression of COX-2, the inducible
form of prostaglandin synthase that is also essential to
ovulation (Lim et al., 1997).

4.3.4. Glucocorticoids
Ovarian cells do not express cytochromes P450c21
(CYP21B) or P45011b, (CYP11B1), which are necessary
for corticosteroid synthesis (Omura and Morohashi,
1995). Consequently, glucocorticoids are not true
ovarian paracrines. The ovaries do however express
11bHSD isoforms (Tetsuka et al., 1997, 1999b) that
interconvert cortisol and cortisone (Michael et al.,
1997) and thereby gate the access of cortisol to ovarian
corticosteroid receptors (GR). As discussed above, the
pattern of 11bHSD isoform expression induced by the
ovulation-inducing gonadotropin surge favors cortisol
accumulation and hence activation of GR in the preovulatory follicle (Harlow et al., 1997; Yding-Andersen
et al., 1999; Yong et al., 2000). The function of ovarian
cortisol at the time of ovulation remains unknown.
However, as a natural anti-inflammatory agent it is an
obvious potential participant in the ovulation associated injury-repair process (Hillier and Tetsuka, 1998).
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