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World's Best Moms: A Collection...

Table of Contents

World's Best Moms: A Collection...

Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Letter from the Founder of
Zameer Vaswani
Dipti Hulawane
Maria Rigon
Brenda Beauchamp Nelson
Denise Morris
Cheryl Emmick
Ashalatha Reddy
Jazz Zatari
Zaida De Vera Gabot
Kathleen Marie Lomba
Karma Uden
Rita Bhalotia
Minisha Venkadu
Janet Bullock
Rohit Dutta


World's Best Moms: A Collection...

Table of Contents

World's Best Moms: A Collection...

Table of Contents
Raji Krishnan
Steve Arozena
Cecilia Abaya-ducay
Ishwer Chand
Mary Carmen De Mendieta
Elena Tenizo de Vega
Diane Brown
Ginger Brown
Douglas Amaral
Sharon Proffitt Kiser
Cheryl Chellan
Ellen Yule
Gurpal Baidwan
Rashmi Selot
Amanda Chen
Pao Thong Wang
Syeda Sobhan


Michelle Hollis Roberts
Aj Alfon
Robin Steadman
Valerie Fuller
Sathyashree Priya Easwaran
Amy Jo Shuster
Dee Ann Rockhold Bivens
Amer Iftikhar Syed Gilani


World's Best Moms: A Collection...

Table of Contents

World's Best Moms: A Collection...

Table of Contents
Amanda Thomas
Emily Kirby
Vijiyasundri Supramaniam
Kathryn Delaney Alford
Marcella Johnston
Roberta Cha-cha Princess Mazza
Amanda Sheehan Williams
Jill MacKay Painter
Angelia Marie Drewett
Arlene Borja
Leila Gavin
Asgaralli Haniff
Kasey Senlouangrat
Varun Kanwal


World's Best Moms: A Collection...

Letter from the Founder of...

World's Best Moms: A Collection...

Letter from the Founder of...


Letter from the

Founder of


World's Best Moms: A Collection...

Letter from the Founder of...

World's Best Moms: A Collection...

Letter from the Founder of...

Love in its purest form can only be one that comes from a mother for her child. It is a
love that knows no bounds a love thats unconditional a love untainted. To celebrate
and honor the fountain of this love we asked ourselves, What would make our Moms feel
special and happy is it the amount of dollars we spend, or the thought that we fondly
and gratefully remember what they said to us, or did for us, or the moments they spent
with us? We felt it to be the latter. This gave birth to our campaign titled, Worlds Best
Our campaign encouraged people to share anecdotes and testimonials about their
moms. As a token of love and a tribute to these mothers, we decided to feature the
names of these moms in our Worlds Best Moms ecard, designed especially for some of
the best moms in the world, available on our 123Greetings platform for posterity, and the
most-liked memories and testimonials finding a place in this ebook titled Worlds Best
Moms A Collection of Memories, downloadable by anyone who wishes to revel in the
beauty of this relationship.
The response that we received was humbling, as people across different ages and from
different parts of the world shared with us memories so varied and yet bound by that
beautiful sentiment of love. Every piece of memory shared here delves into the different
aspects of a mother-child relationship some arousing laughter, some inspiring us, and
some creating for us that moment of poignancy each touching us so deeply.
We bring together these stories and testimonials to celebrate mothers who taught their
children how to live and how to love, and the children who fondly relive all moments
spent with their mothers.
We invite you to join us in this celebration and encourage you to share this ebook with
those who you feel will enjoy reading these beautiful memories.
At, we look forward to bringing forth more of such beautiful emotions
to you so you can cherish the joy of human expressions even more.
Wish you a happy read.
With warmest regards,
Arvind Kajaria


World's Best Moms: A Collection...

Letter from the Founder of...

World's Best Moms: A Collection...

Letter from the Founder of...

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World's Best Moms: A Collection...





World's Best Moms: A Collection...


World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Zameer Vaswani
Veena Vaswani, that's her name. The lady that's been there always through thick and
thin. I remember a time when I had my first boxing match in school. I was a chubby kid (8
years old), so I was paired with someone 5 years senior because we were the same
weight. I was getting clobbered in the ring when my Mum decided have a go at the
referee for an unfair fight. This is just one instance of the dozens where my Mum stood
up for me. I love Mother's day because it gives me an opportunity to appreciate my
mother. Don't take your mother for granted. Cherish her as long as you can.


World's Best Moms: A Collection...


World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Dipti Hulawane
I wrote this after the very famous mother-daughter fight. A realization that happened is
what I pen here.
I understand that my mother starts early and how much she does for us the whole day. I
know how much pain she takes to make our lives easier and how much she cares. And I
know that every night when she sleeps, she holds regret in her heart that she didn't kiss
or hug us. And I can see it in her eyes, the apologies she tries to convey silently. I know
somewhere deep within she hates what she does, but I can also understand behind each
refusal of hers there is huge amount of LOVE. That's something I won't understand very
well now, but I will sooner or later.
So, in spite of all the decisions that she takes that might hurt me for the time, I know I
will still kiss her good night."
I hope you all relate to it. Happy reading. God bless all the mothers of the world.
My mother's name is Mrs. Trupti Hulawane.


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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Maria Rigon
My mami is absolutely the most giving human being I've been fortunate to know. Her
name is Olga, and she's 78 years young.
I'm in my fifties now, but I would like to share a moment in my life, when I was away from
her, and while the distance made me miss her, I thought this time would be my freedom!
I was just 17. My parents had two lady friends who were leaving the US to Mexico, as was
their custom every year. The very morning that my dad had offered to drive them to the
train station, was the morning dad always took me to breakfast. Upon arriving, the older
lady turned to my mom and said if she thought I would like to take a vacation with them.
My mom had a surprised look on her face, as my dad replied, "Sure, that would be a nice
experience for her." Immediately I repeated Yes! a hundred times. Mom had bubbles in
her eyes, as did I. Later I found out that hers were not of excitement as mine were.
Well, they let me go. I had never been away before, except for an occasional sleep over.
To wrap this up a bit One day, the girls that lived there got in trouble and the very strict
dad found out. I never knew such strict parenting, as I'd seen with this family. Don't get
me wrong, up until then, we had a blast! Imagine three girls, one year apart; 17, 18 and
The family had 12 children, and were from a very famous music background, so yes, it
was great. But, during this "grounding time," I was miserable. We couldn't even leave our
room. One of the girls practiced fainting spells, just so the other sister and I could leave
the room and run to the other side of the house and carry on with all their brothers, who
greater me like their own.
Over there it's nothing if they put a lock on girl's door, at least at that time, but I got really
scared! The first night, I cried like a baby and prayed, just to listen to my mom's voice! I
trust now, that when you pray hard enough, God really hears you!
Mom called. Yes, as if she heard my cries! It was like the sun ran up and down my back. It
felt so comforting. She said, "Mija, were you calling my name!" At the very moment when
I asked God to wake her, to hear my plea, she did! Call it "being connected" or loving
someone so profoundly, that nothing, no distance at all would keep her from hearing her



World's Best Moms: A Collection...


World's Best Moms: A Collection...


daughter's cry for her. She made my dad drive her over 2,000 miles to pick me up!
We have been the best of friends, all of our lives. The world moves for my children, with
their Nana in it. She was immigrated for her singing talent, over 50 years ago, opened 2
businesses, helped furnish a dozen friend's homes, and the list runs endless! A true angel
I love so much, Olga, my mom, my best friend for eternity!
Mom's name is OLGA. These are a few of her qualities:
Hats off to you, Mami!



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Brenda Beauchamp Nelson

My Mother is Amazing!
She is a truly loving person! I was almost a stolen baby, many, many years ago. Well, My
Mother was so afraid. She had to run after a lady, in a department store, and chase her
down. So you see, she and I have a bond that is very, very real!
She still tells me how grateful she is that the lady didn't get away with this. The car was
parked in front of the building, ready to go! What a lucky child I am! My Mother is also
I love my mother so very much! Happy Mother's Day, to all the mothers! How blessed are
My mother's name is Patricia Beauchamp.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Denise Morris
My mother went to be with Jesus December 29, 2012. To hear her sing was the most
beautiful thing you would ever hear. She did not need music and could sing any song that
was ever written. She raised four Children by herself. My father was a drunk and a
womanizer. My stepfather was the same. She was beat by both men. She was the
strongest person to be able to endure all she did from these men.
She was told she had Alzheimer's in 2006, and she came to live with me. In time she
forgot the words to the songs she sang all her life. She used to crochet blankets, but
forgot her stitching. This was the saddest thing to watch. I would go to bed at night and
cry myself to sleep. She once sang to her great grandchildren, and now they sing her
songs. She was a wonderful woman and showed love the best way she knew how. To love
someone with Alzheimer's and see them fade away is the hardest thing to do. I love and
miss my mom. She was sent from Heaven.
I had the worlds best mom: Joyce Irene Watson-Wheeler-Kleier (Dec 5, 1932Dec 29,



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Cheryl Emmick
Moms gone now, but I miss her so very much. She taught me to love and care and never
give up. She taught me to work hard and to be independant. I can hear her beautiful
voice singing church hymns, but her belief in God was her best gift to me. Love you mom,
thank you for everything you have given me.
With so many memories of Mom, one that stands out is when I was a small child of 4, and
the youngest of 4 older sisters. It was a hot sunny day. Mom was washing clothes in the
old wring washer, then hanging them up on the line. I was playing with my dolls. My sister,
who was 7, kept running out of the gate and down the alley.
Mom got mad, as my sister kept going too far, so she put a rope around her waist and
tied it to the other clothes line attached to the movable clothes pin holder.
She said to my sister, You can only go as far as the line will go.
Sister nodded, Yes, mom.
If you break it off, you will be breaking your mothers back, as it holds me up to hang
Sister said, Oh no, Mom, I never want to hurt your back!
My sister never moved very much because she did not want to hurt Mom. When Mom got
done with the laundry, she untied my sisters hand and took her and me for a walk. Then
we had ice cold Koolaid. Mom was always inventing ways to keep us safe. I miss her



World's Best Moms: A Collection...


World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Ashalatha Reddy
Its great to be a mother. But my mother says its great to be mother of a mother. In fact
I feel happy to share my story here. My mother LAKSHMI has been my best friend,
philosopher, and guide all through my life.
I have an incredible history about facing life's most testing times. She gave me strength
to choose my own career, shaped my future, and supported me all through my
academics. She groomed me and made me accomplished.
When I was pregnant I got chicken pox and I had to take a decision to terminate the
baby. Myself and my husband decided not to and the ordeal followed. The decision was
simple, but it needed a lot of care.
She stood by me, and from the day the baby was born she had been responsible to see
that he is perfectly all right. It was a very tough time to make the baby strong both
physically and psychologically. In the course of time I met with a road accident, which
lead to arthritis, fibromyalgia, and rheumatism.
For me every day is traumatic, a struggle to deal with. I start it with so many questions.
But the moment I speak to her I get so much relief. Every single moment she explains
how life is beautiful in all its ways. She always asks me to consider only the positives and
leave all the negatives to God.
I am glad my son Devesh who is eight and a half years old now shares a lovely bond with
her. She always uses the word 'happy' a lot. Maybe that is how she sees everything. I
hope to carry forward the love, care, and confidence she has given me as a legacy. All
my life, my degrees, and and my success are dedicated to her. At a very young age she
lost her mother, but she has been the best mother, and teaches me to be one.



World's Best Moms: A Collection...


World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Jazz Zatari

I will always love and honor my mom. She passed away a year and a half ago, and I find
myself still grieving my loss.
She was everything to me. My morning sunshine. My breath of fresh air and my peaceful
nights. She was my joy and my sorrow. She was my smile and my daily laughter. She
filled my life with hope and goodness. She taught me the value of forgiveness.
She took her last breath in my arms, and with that a part of me died with her. This is the
piece of my soul that I am still trying to get back.
I honor her today and everyday by simply forgiving my short comings. By forgiving
myself. I love you, Mother. You are my angel.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Zaida De Vera Gabot

She would have been 90 years old this year, if she were still alive. She died at the age of
58, and up to this very minute, I still long for her and miss her so much. I have witnessed
all the sacrifices and sufferings she had to endure so that all of us could graduate from
college. She was a school teacher but had to stop just so she could take care of us when
we were still small. I nearly died when I was still a kid, and I still remember that she was
there all the time I was at the hospital. She was a caring, loving, and amazing mom. With
grace she learned how to cope up with the difficulties this life has to offer. I love you,
Mom! And in His time well see each other again!



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Kathleen Marie Lomba



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Karma Uden
When I was 7 years old, my mom had scolded me, and I wanted to leave the house. I was
packing my clothes, crying. My mom, though upset, couldnt help giggling, and in the
midst of watching her, our cat took away my fish fry, which I thought Id take as a meal
when I would have left the house. I cried even harder when my mom hugged me and
consoled me, but I was so stubborn that she had to ride me on her back and took me out
for fish fries.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Rita Bhalotia
Mother, this word when we say it in Hindi (maa), it is a deep feeling, which cannot be
expressed, it can only be felt. Maa means a whole world to me.
I remember when I was only six months old, my mother took me to her own mothers
place. I was the third child and second daughter in the house. My mother told me this one
day, when we were returning back from my grandmothers house my grandfather
requested my mother and asked her to give me to them.
My maternal grand parents had only one daughter, my mother, so they were quite lonely.
They told my maa that they will raise me up and take good care of me. At that time my
grandparents used to stay in Rajasthan.
My mother agreed and left me with them and headed off for the railway station, with my
elder brother and sister. After a while when the train was about to leave, my mother
burst out in tears. She asked my father to rush back and bring me back. Just two hours,
and she could not stay without me. This is what we call maa. She told me she felt that she
was leaving the entire world behind.
Then came my grandfather holding me in his arms and gave me back to my mother
saying, Take your daughter. I'm sorry for separating a mother from her child. When I
heard all this from her, tears started rolling down my cheeks.
That day I felt a mother is only mother.All her children are equal for her. The moral is
that after a woman becomes a mother, all other relationships become secondary for her.
(She could not give me to her own parents.)
My maa: Pushpa Devi Agarwal.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Minisha Venkadu
My memories can fill books about my mum. She sacrificed so much for my sister and I
while growing up. Being a single parent she always gave us the best and never thought
about herself. My best memories are our beach trips, when she would carry both my
sister and I on her hips and take us swimming. I love my mum to bits!
My mums name is Mrs L. Narainsamy.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Janet Bullock
This is my favorite memory of my Momma.
When we were little my Momma would go out in the dark and cold night to get snow
(when it snowed) and made us snow cream.
It was so good. Always a sweet treat from a sweet lady. We miss her much and love her
so much. She is in heaven now with my dad and family and friends. One day we will see
her again.
Tell your Mom you love her. You're never promised Tomorrow.
My mother passed in 2008. She was a beautiful lady with a big heart. She could save
money better than anyone I know. She didnt buy things for herself and always was giving
to every charity I knew of. It was a shock when she past between a 30 minute time
frame. My sister was up there. She acted fine, but thats how she was; she didnt want to
worry anyone. My brother found her dead. He thought she was sleeping, but she was
gone to the Holy Land.
Thats my story of the greatest mother ever. We love her and miss her a lot.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Rohit Dutta
It was 26th Jan 2003, my mom's birthday. Like every year, one of the things we did was
go watch the Army parade on Red Road, followed by a nice lunch, and then the day
followed. But that year it was different. I had the prelims of Bournvita Quiz Contest to
participate in. I was in 3rd standard, completely dependent on her as dad was out of
I felt bad for the fact that I had to stay there till 5 in the evening, which would spoil the
entire day. But mom as usual got up early, even on her b'day, did all the work, left my
elder sister at my aunts place and took me to the venue, my life's first big platform.
I then went busy with the quiz and met her only after things finished. I didn't win and I felt
terrible. I walked up to her disappointed and said "I am sorry that I spoiled your entire
day." She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said "I am soo proud of you! This is the
best b'day gift ever!"
That's the day I realised that her entire life revolved around me and my sister. I realised
what she meant to me. Now I am miles away from her in college and I still remember
every detail. Yes, I don't disagree that we fight, in fact a lot! But that's because we know
we have a right over each other! And we love each other. I love you maa!
From: Rohit
To my maa: Rekha Dutta



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Raji Krishnan
Maa mother mums are the ones who plant the seeds of love that help us bloom
My mom has struggled all through her life to see that my bro and I got the best of
everything within her capacity! Even today, although we have become parents, when we
have a small sickness her heart weeps for us! She herself suffers from many ailments,
but she will be the first to come and take care of us.
I especially remember the days when I had undergone a surgery for hysterectomy. She
kept me, my daughter (7 years then), and my hubby at her one-room flat and took care
of me for 3 months just because the doc had told her that I needed rest for three
She herself, being a diabetic who injects herself with insulin three times a day, took care
of me on one hand, and on the other my dad who had a hip surgery and my lil girl who
was schooling then. With all the work she had to do from morning till midnight, she never
cribbed, she never got frustrated, and never made a noise! Never did she complain that
she was tired!
I used to feel miserable seeing her slogging but I was helpless. In spite of all this, when I
used to get up in the middle of the night to go to the loo, she would also get up to ensure
that there is water and that I do not have to bend down for anything. That is a mother's
love. It is so fiercely protective and so selfless. There are many such instances, but I
cannot quote all of these here. Hence, it is rightly said that since God cannot be
everywhere, he made mothers. Very true! I am indeed blessed to have a maa like mine.
She can never be replaced by anybody. She is the world's best mom! Her name is
Parwathy Anantharaman.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Steve Arozena
My mommy is the best! She conceived me on chemotherapy and despite doctor's
recommendations she decided to let God decide whether I would make it or not. I'm now
two years and two months old, and healthy and happy! She spent several months of
bedrest to make sure I would be ok and develop normally!
Now she takes care of me, makes me special meals, and plays with me all that she can.
She gets me movies to watch my favorite is Toy Story. She's the best mom ever, and
her name is Courtney Vassalo.
Nathan, age 2



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Cecilia Abaya-ducay
I remember when I was in elementary school, I was the smallest in class with a big school
bag full of notebooks and workbooks. My mom always worried about how I could go up
the stairs to the 4th floor everyday. So one day she talked with a classmate of mine who
is big and tall to help me with my school bag. My mom would prepare something for my
classmate and for the class from then on and everybody started helping out each other.
My mom is in heaven still watching over us
Our mom was well loved by everybody because she cooks delicious food from the heart.
She and my dad were together since being sweethearts to partners at work and till death
together. She welcomes everybody at home to share her food. My siblings and I miss her
so much. She died 3 months after our dad, and that is what you call love.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Ishwer Chand
I still feel the care and love my mom used to shower me with when I was in deep sleep
and asked for water, and my mom used to quench my thirst with love and care and with
a sweet smile. I miss my heaven abiding mom.
To pay due respect to moms, never hurt any woman as they represent the best part of
this world. Mom is a sweet representative of godly qualities around you for love and care.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Mary Carmen De Mendieta

My mother was beyond loving and caring, and was a wonderful mother and human being.
Her most loving act was when she knew that her son (my brother) had a terminal illness
and was very frightened to die, my mom promised him everything would be all right and
that she would help him to cross to the other side.
My mom was 69, very healthy and fit, but suddenly she died of an intestinal infarction,
just like that, out of the blue. Five days later my dear brother died, and I was calm and
assured that she was waiting for him to cross together! A few days later I found little
notes from my mom leaving instructions and her will She just knew she had to go
before my brother. To me that is the ultimate expression of love, and yes indeed, so
much like her
She was called Mamia Alatorre.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Elena Tenizo de Vega

Nemia Tenizo is the name of my mother. Unfortunately she died of cancer at age 56. But
her memories of being a good mother will always be her legacy to us, her ten children.
I will always remember that one afternoon when I went home from school, when she was
cleaning the ceiling vigorously and without saying a word. After hours she finally rested
and said, "Ok, you can talk to me now. I'm not angry anymore My anger went away
with the spiderwebs."
From that I learned that I too should not say anything when I'm angry so that the
possibility of saying bad words can be avoided. That made my mom THE BEST. I love you
Nanay (mother).



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Diane Brown
My most special memory of my Mom, Dinalyna Brown, is the fact that she kept her hair
long when I was a baby, so I could lay on her lap and twirl my toes through her hair. My
second most special memory is spending time with her in the kitchen while she taught me
to cook many meals and desserts from scratch. We did a lot of talking then, and she
shared her wisdom and love with me.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Ginger Brown
My mom is a strong and wonderful person. All through our childhoods (there were five of
us) she was always the rock and comfort that we all needed. One of my best memories
was when I was in 11th grade. We had just been transferred to Jacksonville, Florida (my
dad was in the Navy). The girls there only wore dresses and shirts by Gant. We could not
afford either. My mom found a dress pattern and a material that was very close to the
dresses that the other girls wore. She made me one, and everyone wanted to know which
store I bought the dress from. It was a wonderful day. She always made us feel special
and always did things to make sure we fit in wherever we moved. She is like no other.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Douglas Amaral
My mom, Antoinette Amaral, was the only mom for me in the world. I made her cry, I
called her names, I was rude to her, but my mom liked me the most. When my back was
in pain she, with her deformed fingers, would rub pain killer gel on my back.
When God made moms, he gave me THE BEST MOM, Antoinette Amaral.
I miss her alot. May your soul rest in peace, Mom.



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Sharon Proffitt Kiser

My mom, Barbara, would try to teach me about growing plants. She could make anything
grow. She even bought me a book on growing plants.
Now shes a pretty Pink Rose, growing in heaven. Love you, Mom.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Cheryl Chellan
My fondest memory of my mum is the way she had a heart of giving. She always helped
people by opening up her home and also feeding the people. She had the most beautiful
eyes that lit up every time she smiled. She always encouraged me to be best the best
person ever. My mum's name is LALITHA NAIDOO.



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Ellen Yule
She sang a lot to us, and we loved it because we got to know those songs too. She also
yodeled I didn't love that as much but got lots of laughs out of it. She is 93 and still living
on her own. We are so blessed!



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Gurpal Baidwan
I used to hide in my moms lap when my father scolded me for any wrongdoing,
and mom always told me with love how to set things right! My mom's name is Avtar Kaur.
She left us alone for heavenly abode a decade past. No love is as loveable as mothers!



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Rashmi Selot
Way back 40 years, I lost my father. We were struggling with emotions to live happily.
One day I came back from the school and what I saw there was a new frock hanging in a
hanger for me. My mom stitched it for me when I was in school. It was a really thrilling
experience for me.



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Amanda Chen
It was my first birthday away from home. Though not completely oblivious of that fact, I
seemed to be more preoccupied with enjoying my new-found freedom and was excited
about the plans my friends and I had for the day.
I received a call from home Mom had baked my favourite cake. She made my siblings
sing for me over the phone as they cut the cake on my behalf. That moment stole my
heart. And like many more of such moments, it'll remain etched in my heart forever.
Mothers they always have their ways :)
For my mom, Margaret Chen.



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Pao Thong Wang

I was a brat back then. Mischief was my second name. Of the dozen things I did to drive
her crazy I remember one particular instance when I upset my mom real bad. Despite
her several warnings, I had turned our living room into a cricket ground. And just when I
thought I had hit the greatest 6 in the history of mankind I saw my mom rushing at me
in all her fury. It was nothing less than a volcanic eruption. But the very next moment I
found her hugging me, with tears in her eyes, as I sobbed in her arms. That's the love of
a mom. Nothing hurts them more than seeing us hurt.
My mom's name is Mary Wang.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Syeda Sobhan
I remember my mom always used to call me the Doll's Queen. No one called me by that
name after she died. I miss her love and adoration. My mom is the best mom in this
world. Her name is Zaheda.

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Michelle Hollis Roberts

(I wanted to share a story. One that is significant to my niece, who wrote it. Her name is
Sarah Dumas, and she is only 11 years old. She is a high honors student, respectful, kind,
and a superb athlete. She is just heaven-sent. Her mother, my sister, passed away
unexpectedly on October 4th, 2012. There is not a day goes by that we don't think of her,
including her grandparents. My husband and I are caring for her now.)
Mom, I miss you and I appreciate all the things you've done with me here on Earth.
You are in Heaven now and looking down at me typing this little note.
You were always there for me even at my birth.
I still smell your precious scent on your coat.
I wish you'd never left me. And it's very easy to grieve over a loss like you.
If you only knew. All the struggles we had, we still pulled through. If I could hold your hand
one more time I would rather that than a million bucks to tell you the truth.
A million bucks may cover the funeral bill but it doesn't cover that hole in my heart.
It will take my whole life to move on, that's how much I grieve.
I remember the bike rides, the giggles, the tickles, the mornings, the nights, the meals
the LOVE.
I miss that the most, I need someone as close as you to love me.
My heart is beating fast and my eyes are watering but that's not even all. Every day that
goes by means a day closer to you. I'd say that to myself only to make myself feel a little
My eyeballs just keep getting wetter, full of happy and sad tears battling.
But in the end, it's still true that I love you too.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Happy Mother's Day, from Earth to Heaven.

(P.S. I needed to also add the sadness of this young girl's first Mother's Day without her
Mom. Sarah Dumas's mom's name was Angela Rae Hollis, may she rest in peace 5/6/6310/4/12.)



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Aj Alfon
I have the greatest mom in the world. She sacrificed a lot not only for her two children
but for her siblings as well. She stood as the pillar of the family when they were orphaned
at an early age. Now shes 86 years old and sickly but still trying to be strong for her
Alice (IYAY) Mama Yayay we love you.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Robin Steadman
My mother is the best because she loves me even when I mess up. She is there for me
when I need her most, and she always knows when that is. She always wants to know
how my day was and she always gets it. She is my biggest cheerleader. She wants me to
have what I want, and if I can't have it right away, she helps me come up with a plan to
work toward getting it. No matter what happens I can always count on her. I love her so
Thanks, Elaine Lesniak.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Valerie Fuller
My mom will always be etched in my mind for the selfless way she raised six children and
loved helping other children out. She never complained even though she had a lot to
complain about. Her laughter still echoes through the corridors of my mind. We barely
had material things but because of her we were rich in every way. May her soul rest in
The greatest sacrifice she made was raising six children and looking after my dad who did
not bring an income into the home. She was very hard working, a teacher who had to
have a garden to feed us from and a truck to keep the home fires burning. She literally
took life by the horns and she could laugh at the things life threw at her. People would say
they knew that was her laughing even if they hadn't seen her. She was a warm loving
kind-hearted person. I would need a book to write all I know of her hardships and her
victories. I really miss her.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Sathyashree Priya Easwaran

I always feel that I am the luckiest person in the world, for God has blessed me with the
world's best mom, ever! She has been a pillar of support and inspiration to all of us and
has sacrificed her entire life for bringing up all three of us well. She moved out to a tiny
hamlet from a bustling city, changed her entire lifestyle, adjusted with a very sick father,
and gave the best of schooling she could get for us. She even sacrificed the post of
headmistress in a school so that she could be by our side giving us all her attention and
love and home cooked food when we reached home hungry from school. She set aside
all her ambitions and aspirations to see us grow and bloom into good human beings by
reposing confidence in us. She had to lie on the floor in a shared ward when I was
operated on and she did not whisper a word of discomfort. Even today without hearing
from all of us about our well being she can't catch sleep. She shares our joys, our sorrows
and pains, and prays for our wellbeing.
God, if at all I am reborn on this earth, I pray that I shall be born to my mother once



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Amy Jo Shuster
I am so blessed! My mom is one of the best! She is truly my best friend. She has a huge
heart and is such a giving person. She would go without just so someone else wouldnt
have to. My mother goes above and beyond at everything she does. I am so proud of
you, mother, and love you so much!



World's Best Moms: A Collection...


World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Dee Ann Rockhold Bivens

I want to honor my daughter mother to two of my grandchildren. She has a very
stressful, important job yet finds quality time to spend with her children who adore her.
She even makes a little time for me, her mother. She also travels world wide with her job.
I'm so proud of my daughter, Nicole Bivens Collinson.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Amer Iftikhar Syed Gilani

My mom, Naseem Khaledah, raised five children, and four of them are doctors now. That
is all due to her efforts and support.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Amanda Thomas
I have to say, my Mom is the absolute best! She took my brother and me in as babies
when our mother (her sister) passed away when I was only 6 months old. We never
wanted for anything, really. She struggled with our dad, who is also wonderful, to give us
the best of everything we could possibly want or need.
No matter what, I can go to her about anything and I know without a shadow of a doubt,
that she will tell me straight up. I love that about her, and I guess that is where I get it
from as well.
She is very beautiful, and pleasant, and loving. She has taken many kids in and raised
them as her own. God gave her that gift of strength and courage to take on the task of
being a great mom, and she definitely is. She can cook anything and bake anything, and
there's never a crumb left. She is fun, and loves to have fun, and that makes it that much
more wonderful. Even after six kids, she is still sane that says a lot! I truly believe my
mom is the world's best mom!



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Emily Kirby
My mother, Wilma Gilmore, is my idol. My mother had only one child. She was 16 years
old from a small town in Maine. She raised me with with morals and values. My mother
never hit me; she shielded me from an angry stepfather whose temper was explosive.
She worked REALLY hard to give me a great start in life. I didn't take advantage of what
she gave me. She took my child in and took care of him when I was unable and unfit to
do so with no questions asked. She helped me back on my feet. She gave me a home, a
chance in life once again, and continued to teach me to be the person I wanted to
become. She has been a grandmother to both my children and continues to teach them
with family values. All in the same time she was dealing with divorce, losing everything
she once knew but putting her hurt and anger aside to help me through my sorrows.
Shes been my best friend for the last 20 years but is even closer to me than that during
the last 8 years. I love my mother and can never express the gratitude and appreciation
that I have for the woman who provided me life and continued to provide me with much
more throughout the years. I love you Mom!



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Vijiyasundri Supramaniam
My mom is a very smart and beautiful lady. She is a wonderful cook and a brilliant advisor
for her kids. She does shout, nag, and even cane us for being naughty, but it was all for
our own good. Her heart is pure, and we were taken care of like precious gems. She has
never ever failed to fulfill her duty as a mum and has and is still giving all six of us siblings
equal love and blessings.
In 1984, my dad met with an accident and was unable to go to work, which meant my
mom had to lead the family. My mom, who had been a housewife and had never worked
before, decided to go out to work as a nurse and as a breadwinner, because we were all
kids and still schooling. She really struggled very hard to juggle housework, shift duties,
and also being a mum and a wife. She never did ever fail to play her role and to fulfill our
needs even in such circumstance.
Even recently, after 2011 when dad left us to be with the lord, my mum has never given
up her strong side. She is really an iron lady with very strong willpower. We siblings have
always admired our mum and have learned a lot from her in life, education, and even in
cooking. I have never really said how much I miss her, love her, and even have not
thanked her for being the best mom ever.
Love you, mom.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Kathryn Delaney Alford

My mom has got to be one of the best moms in the world. She works a full time job,
home schools me and my two brothers, takes care of her dad, is a Sunday school
teacher, sings in the choir, works on the vbs committee, and still finds time to be a wife
and mom.
She is an amazing woman because four months ago she lost her mom on December 28th
and since then she and her brother have taken care of their dad. She has volunteered to
work backstage for my 12th recital, which is a brave move on her part (since we're
drama-filled teenagers), and now she's going back and forth to the hospital to be with her
dad. She has stayed strong for the whole family and is determined to go without, so we
can have the things we want and need.
At one point she was a single mom who worked two jobs to take care of me. No matter
what she always had enough money to send me to dance or do whatever. I swear this
woman is MY very own superhero. She's the wonder mom and she does a fantastic job.
Honestly if I didn't have her in my life I never would have turned out the way I am. It's
because of her that I am the person I am. If I had to do half the things she does every
day I would more than likely go crazy, but she pulls through every time. My favorite thing
about her is that she's always supported me with everything Ive done, and was my
biggest fan in everything. I love this woman to death, and I would go crazy without her. I
thank God every day for blessing me with this wonderful woman who I get to call
momma. I absolutely love my beautiful and amazing mom. She's the best woman I know.
I love you mom forever no matter what!



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Marcella Johnston
Mothers are a gift from God. Mine lived a plain, simple life. She was my best friend, and I
think of her every day. Love and miss you, Mom, and thanks for being our angel in



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Roberta Cha-cha Princess Mazza

My dearest mom Katrina would have been 88 years old if she were still alive. She has
been there for me like no one else could. I miss her profoundly as she knew me inside
out, more than I know myself. She never asked much from me, she sacrificed her life as
a mom, she taught me a lot, from dancing to cooking, but most of all she taught me to
keep God first and foremost. She loved to sing and laugh, and was to me the only and
best mother I can ever have!



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Amanda Sheehan Williams

My mom, Beatrice Hawkins, is the most amazing and wonderful woman I've ever known!
She has always been there for my children and me, when no one else was! She goes
without to make sure all her children and grandchildren have all we need and want. She
has taught us right from wrong, and she is also my best friend. I can talk to her about
anything! She loves unconditionally and whole heartedly. I love you so much, Mom!



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Jill MacKay Painter

My mom's name is Suzi. She is 81 and a VERY lovely mom, grandma, and great grandma!
She is ALWAYS there for me (and all of us). I don't know what I would do without her (I
don't want to think about that.) She has been so kind and a real firm mom. I didn't
unerstand that as a teenager but I do now. Thanks Mom. I see me acting and talking like
her now, even though I said I would NEVER act or say the things she did. We ALL grow
up and do the same things our moms did. (Good or Bad) I wouldn't be where I am if I
didn't have her. Thanks Mom. I Love you.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Angelia Marie Drewett

My mom, Cynthia Drewett, is the best mom in the world, exactly what everyone needs.
Fun and playful as a child, strict but caring as a teenager, and now that I am an adult
shes my best friend. I know I can count on her no matter what, and not just because
shes my mom. Shes just an amazing caring person. I tell her everything, no lies or
secrets, and we respect each other. She has bent over backwards for me and even went
without, so I could have more. She is the best mom, and there is no doubt in my mind.
There is no greater love than the love a mother has for her child. She deserves more
than anything I could ever afford. I love you, Mom. You are the best.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Arlene Borja
My mom was not that perfect, but for me she is the best mother. I miss you, Mom, where
ever you are now. I know you are in good hands with Papa in Heaven. My mom is my best
friend, the only person I can trust no matter what.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Leila Gavin
I love and miss my mother. She worked so hard to make her family happy. All meals,
bread, etc were homemade. For years clothes washing was done the hard way. I didn't
hear complaints, just what else she and dad could do to make our lives better.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Asgaralli Haniff
My mom passed away about three years ago. I miss her very much. She lived to see the
age of 87. Thank God she did everything for herself until the day of death. I miss her very
much. Words are not enough to describe her. Ma, I miss you very much, and I know that
you are in a better place. I will see you one day in the other part of life. My mom's name
was Saferan Mangar.



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Kasey Senlouangrat
No words could truly express what my mother means to me. My mother is immortal. She
is one of a kind from this lifetime and onto the next. I would ask to be reborn with her as
many lifetimes as we have it. That is how much my mother means to me, now and



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


Varun Kanwal
Now is the first time that I am falling short of words to explain some experience of my
life. And it is because this experience has been so eternal that to explain it in words is just
next to impossible.
It was the time of my life when I was struggling with not only the outside world but also,
to make it worse, with my inner self, and to stand by my side I could see no one. I felt so
left alone and dejected that the world seemed to be the worst place to live in. I was
looking for work not knowing what to do, was staying at home but felt like moving out,
was within and around family members but felt like a loner, and this was not all. Even
friends seemed to have turned their back on me.
But out of all there was some force, some power that kept me protected all the time. And
that was none other than my mother, my god. She use to watch me from a distance but
always kept me in a protective shell; she always gave me that strength which helped me
to fight against odds. She supported me and helped me to understand myself better. She
made me believe in myself and helped me gain respect for myself in my own eyes. She
gave me that warmth which helped me curb the chills that kept me uncomfortable
throughout that phase. And she took all the pain and frustration that I vented out and that
too without any complaints.
She always told me one thing no matter how many times I shouted and cribbed and
cursed everyone around. She always stood beside me and told me, I understand you
and believe in you. Just have faith in yourself and in the one that has created you. Sab
theek hoga. These words gave me so much strength.
She did not do anything extraordinary, but she gave the power of me, and that is what
was required.
Thank you, Mom (Reena Kanwal), for being there. Love you!
These flowers remind me of you, as they are white, which denotes peace, and that is
what you gave me.
They are beautiful. It reminds me of your beauty that is so simple yet so elegant and



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World's Best Moms: A Collection...


pure. It has fragrance that denotes the fragrance of love that you give to us.

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About The Author

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About The Author

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