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This Motor Activities Training Program is designed for:

1. Persons with the most severe disabilities

2. Persons of all age levels and abilities
3. Persons who cannot compete in official Special Olympics Sports or regular
physical education classes because they cannot physically perform skills, and
cannot follow rules because of behavior and/or cognitive abilities
Lesson # 1
Name of Activity: Reaching, Grasping and Releasing
Purpose: To enable students to reach for objects within their reach. Students will
also be able to reach and grasp small objects.
Materials Needed: Different types of toys, balls (koosh balls, yarn balls, tennis,
etc.), switches, beanbags, and buckets to release balls into.

Lesson # 2
Name of Activity: Pushing
Purpose: The students will attempt to touch objects. They will also manipulate
objects and will push objects accidentally and purposefully when placed in front of
Materials: Different types of pushing toys, balls (jingle balls, goal balls, bowling
balls, small and large playground balls, beeper balls), balloons, bowling pins or 2
liter pop bottles used as targets to push at
Lesson # 3
Name of Activity: Striking
Purpose: The student will touch object that is placed next to his/ her hand. The
student will push ball of a tee stand. The student will hit object off of tee stand
using a striking instrument
Materials: Different types of balls (tennis, soft baseballs, koosh balls, whiffle balls,
nerf balls), standard sized tee stands, small cones (to place on top of lap trays or on
the floor), koosh bats, plastic bats, liter pop bottles, batons and rolled up
newspapers (used as a striking instrument), suspended beach balls or balloons
Lesson # 4
Name of Activity: Kicking

Purpose: The student will touch ball with foot. Student will also push ball forward
with foot and kick ball forward less than one meter.
Materials: Different types and sizes of balls (soccer balls, playground balls,
suspended beach balls or balloons) small soccer goals used as targets

Lesson # 5:
Name of Activity: Rolling
Purpose: The student will lift head off matt when placed on abdomen. Student will
roll from stomach to back and back to stomach.
Materials: Use a large mat or carpeted area to move on. Different types of
manipulatives, such as balls, bean bags or musical toys can be placed in front of the
student for motivational purposes. Beanbag chairs to move in, scooter boards to
move on and tunnels to move through
Lesson # 6
Name of Activity: Sensory Awareness and Visual Motor
Purpose: The student looks in direction of an object and is able to follow a slowly
moving object. The student looks at and attempts to reach for a stationary object as
well as reaches and touches a stationary object.
Materials: Age-appropriate mobiles, flashlights, strobe lights, streamers, Christmas
lights, and suspended objects.
Lesson # 7
Name of Activity: Tactile Awareness
Purpose: The student will accept and attend to tactile stimulation as well as enjoy
being touch with a variety of textures. The student will also explore textures with
assistance, as well as independently.
Materials: Cotton balls, different textured materials, shaving cream, brushes, play
dough, water toys, soap, lotions, spider balls, koosh balls, and fluff balls
Lesson # 8
Name of Activity: Crawling
Purpose: The student attempts to push with legs or pull with arms. The student will
crawl towards an object and use crawling on the floor for mobility.

Materials: Use a large mat or carpeted area to move on. Different types of
manipulatives, such as balls, bean bags or musical toys can be placed in front of the
student for motivational purposes. Beanbag chairs to move in, scooter boards to
move on and tunnels to move through.
Vicki Mason- Texas Womens University

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