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The process in clinical assessment Elisabet Bonacasa, Ins Pedraza,

Alejandro Pia & Sofa Vergara

1ST session: Intake interview. Decide whether YES or NO
YES2nd session:
If seeking for functional analysis
Standard clinical interview
General Screening test------Hypothesis->Treatment
If seeking for a diagnosis
Structured interview
Diagnosis report
With data from only CIDI, S.I, SCID we wont be able to design and
apply a treatment.
Therapeutic skills you need in the first session when doing
the intake interview are not the same as the ones you need
when doing the standard clinical interview.
MSE is done by the practitioner and centered on psychopathology;
screening is self-report focuses on the symptoms of different
MSE short form is done in the first session and the long version on the
S.C.I is done by the patient on the second session.
To verify our hypothesis we use MMPI or MILO.
**Concept: triangulacin de Fernndez-Ballesteros i.e: specific test to
assess specific problem + observation + specific screening test. If two
of them show up a positive result, theres indeed a disorder.
So, functional analysis can be done whenever we want to.
So we pinpoint one problem and define its antecedents and
outcomes, but we are going to have several problems so do the same
for all fo them (not easy). That is CASE FORMULATION.
Then: okay, we have THIS problem but I know that working on THIS
were going to have an effect on THAT. That way, the dependent
variable is the problem and the independent are the antecendents
and the outcomes.

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