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Riverside Secondary School

St. John Ambulance Brigade
Short Quiz 1


Instructions to cadets
Answer ALL questions in this paper. If have any queries with the question, please
raise your hand to ask your seniors. Strictly no communication is allowed during this

1. When is the blue cap inhaler used? (1m)

2. What injury does this casualty have if he clutches his neck with his hands? (1m)
3. What are the 7 types of wounds? (3m)

4. What bandage should you tie for upper arm fracture? (1m)

5. In what condition you need to put a casualty in recovery position? (1m)


6. The picture below show a first aider. What does he need to wear to prevent cross
infection? Label it in the given boxes. (3m)

7. This is a case scenario.

There is a car accident at Woodlands Street 82.

You will be calling the ambulance. Write down what you will say to the medical
personal. (7m)
8. Name the three types of fracture. (3m)
9. What is First Aid? (2m)
10. How do you rewarm a casualty with hypothermia? (1m)
11. What are the 2 recognitions for chemical burn? (2m)

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