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Level : Primary 5
Subject : Science
Title : Unit 2 Revision
Day/date : _________, ___ August 2016

Name: __________________

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. The _________________________________ is the most

common infectious disease in humans.

2. ___________________________ is transmitted when an

infected person sneezes or ___________________ into the air

which is breathed in by other people.

3. A disease is an illness that affects our __________________.

4. The main purpose of treating insect stings is to relieve the

______________________ and ______________________.

5. _______________________ and __________________ are

other examples of _______________________ diseases.

6. ___________________ enables our body to fight off the

disease and prevent infection.

7. A ____________________ should be consulted when we are

sick or unwell.

8. Treatment of insect bites depends on the type of __________.

9. When providing first aid treatment for bone injuries, the injured

part must be supported with ________________ or other

similar things.

10. Common diseases caused by animals include

_________________, ____________________ and bird flu.

All answers must be in complete sentences.

1. How can we prevent the spread of diseases by mosquitoes?



2. What are other animals that spread diseases?



3. What causes communicable disease?



4. What are some examples of communicable diseases?



5. Name the ways in which diseases are transmitted.




6. What are some common diseases transmitted by animals?



7. How does the mosquito infect so many at a time?




8. What are the symptoms of dengue and malaria?




9. Define bird flu and how does the transmission of bird flu occur?




10. How can we prevent bird flu?




11. What disease is spread by cats and dogs? What are its symptoms?





12. Why is it important for us to consult a doctor when we are sick?



13. What do you mean by immunization?




14. What are the first aid measures for different types of injuries?





15. State helping aid to insect bites or stings.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________


3. _______________________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________________
16. Describe muscle injury and its few steps aid of treatment.






17. State the number of bones we have in our body.





18. What are the types of bone injuries? Define each one of them.







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