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Usman Public School System

Revision Worksheet 2019 – 2020

Name: ______________________________Roll No: _____ Date: ________

1. Explain what an enzyme is and give a named example?



2. What is a catalyst?


3. Why are enzymes described as biological catalysts?



4. How many reactions can each type of the enzyme amylase catalyse?



5. What reaction does the enzyme amylase catalyse?



6. Where in the human body does amylase work?


7. What happens to amylase when it enters the human stomach?






8. Explain what is meant by the term substrate using an example



9. Explain what is meant by the term product using an example



10. The area within an enzyme molecule where the substrate fits and the reaction occurs is known as the active site.

Using the terms substrate and active site use the ‘lock and key model’ to explain why enzymes only control one
type of reaction each:







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