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Level : Primary 5
Subject : Science
Title : Unit 13 Revision
Day/date :

Name: __________________

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. The different rates of heating and cooling between the

__________________ and the ___________________ cause sea breeze

and land breeze.

2. Different surface are heated up by the Sun at different ________________.

3. Wind is caused by air movement from a region of ___________________

pressure to a region of __________________ pressure.

4. Hail is a form of _________________ that falls from the sky as clumps of


5. Dew is formed when ____________________________ in the air

condenses on __________________ surface.

6. A fog is a type of low-lying ______________________ just above the cold


7. The three main types of clouds are ______________________ clouds,

__________________ clouds and ____________________ clouds.

All answers must be in complete sentences.

1. What are the different types of clouds and how are they farmed?






2. What is fog and how is it formed?




3. Fog reduces visibility. We are unable to see far when there is a fog.
What are some of the dangers of fog?



4. What is dew and how is it formed?






5. What is hail and how is it formed?





6. Where can hail storms occur?




7. How is wind formed?



8. Warm air has less mass than cool air. Therefore, warm air rises. Is this





9. What gives rise to high and low air pressure?





10.Explain how wind energy can also be useful to man?





11.What are the effects of wind on living things and the environment?





12.With the help of a diagram explain formation of sea breeze.

13.With the help of a diagram explain formation of land breeze.

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