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Institucin educativa santa Rita.

Names: _____________________________________________________
Teacher: Alexander Snchez B

Date: 10 /09 /2014

Grade 8

English exam

1) Traduce ste texto a espaol.

Hi! My name is Sandra Mejia. I am 17 years old and I live in Concordia, a coffee town of
Antioquia, but I from Huila. I live with my parents , my little brother Mateo and my grandmother.
My brother Mateo is only five and he is in a kinder garden I always take the Escalera to
school at 6.30 a.m. My father is a coffee grower and he has his own farm. It is not big, but we
get our daily bread from it. My mother is a housewife and she works very hard in my house
and in the farm on weekends, I help to my parents with the shores.

2) Mark false or true

Mateo is a coffee grower
Sandra is a student
Martha and Mateo are doctors
Colombia is a town
Sandra is five years old
Sandra is from Huila
Concordia is a town of Antioquia
3) Contesta en ingls las siguientes preguntas basado en la informacin del texto

A) Is Sandra a house wife?

B) Where is Sndra From?
C) Is Sandra From Concordia?
D Is Mateo a teacher?
E) is Antioquia a continent?
F) Is Sandra a students?

4) Contesta en ingls las preguntas de a tu realidad.

A) How are you?
B) what is your name?
C) are you happy?
D) who is your father?
E) where are you from?
F) are you a teacher?
G) is your teacher a crazy man?




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