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Ludwig Ben Roald Castaeda Tenjo (62131116)

English V
Faculty of Engineering.
Industrial Engineering.

The challenge of safety

In the modern companies, increasingly the managers try to protect

the workers health and reduce the costs of accidents. The engineers
can minimize the risk of accidents and illness, because they cannot
avoid their professional responsibility to protect the environment with
their expertise and knowledge. The struggle to reduce the accidents
has been influenced by the costs of accident prevention and moral
regard for human life.
The technological improvements, optimization in production methods,
and commerce demand can outpace requisite advances in process
safety equipment and procedures, to achieve the best conditions of
occupational safety and environmental health issues.
Occupational safety and environmental health issues can easily
become an unpleasant burden unless engineers and managers have
taken it seriously and have developed systematic methods to solving
every safety and environmental problems.

Financial impact of accidents upon company profits

Many companies lose their market share and are even forced out of
business due to accidents. Another organizations receive bad
publicity caused by serious accident, repair this information may take
months or years.
The full costs of workplace accidents could vary depending the
company, the costs depend on which of type of insurance and
recompense system is operated and how sensitive the operation is to
turbulences caused by an accident.

The risk of a legal disaster is truth and managers must learn how to
agreement with government regulations and inspections in order to
minimize this hazard. In the present, companies of excellent safety
and health programmers can better control their overhead costs and
be more viable.
1.3 Business benefits of good safety performance
OSH could be an indispensable part of a successful business. From
this, the positive roles results to help of maximize the productivity of
employers, reduce business costs and disruption and protect and
enhances brand image and brand value. The implementation of an
OSH management system offers an effective framework to prevent or
reduce accidents and ill health.
The good companies improve the image, brand value, and reputation,
with the compliance of corporate social responsibility commitments.
They maintain and promote investor sureness, and developing
positive stakeholder engagement. If the organizations contains in
their plans the OSH, they avoid business trouble and loss of key staff,
also they motivate staff and retaining their commitment.
On conclusion, to have a good OSH is have a good business,
enterprises should incorporate OSH into business management and
increase the awareness of key decision-makers within the
Brand: A trademark or distinctive name identifying a product, service or
Breaches: A violation or infraction, as of a contract, law, legal,
obligation, or promise.
Crippled: To disable, damage, or impair the functioning of.
Disrupt: To throw into confusion or disorder.
Disturbance: A variation in normal wind conditions.
Due: Payable immediately or on demand.
Expertise: Special skill, knowledge, or judgment; expertness.
Failures: The condition or fact of being insufficient or falling short.
Gains: To come into possession or use of.
Hazard: Something with the potential to cause harm.
Insurance: The act, business, or system of insuring.
Issues: A point of matter of discussion, debate, or dispute.

Litigation: To prosecute or defend.

Loss: The harm or suffering caused by losing or being lost.
Measures: A reference standard or sample used for the quantitative
comparison or properties.
Occur: To take a place; come about.
OHS (Occupational Safety and Health): A cross-disciplinary area
concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare engaged in
Profits: An advantageous gain or return; benefit.
Regard: To think of or consider in a particular way.
Rely: To be dependent for support, help or supply.
Risk: The probability, high or low, that harm from a particular hazard will
be realized.
Safety: Freedom from hazard.
Seek: To try to locate or discover, search for.
Struggle: To strenuously engaged with a problem, task, or undertaking.
Sue: To initiate or pursue legal proceedings against.
Unpleasant: Not pleasing; disagreeable.
Welfare: Health, happiness, and good fortune; well-being.
Witnessed: On who can give a firsthand account of something seen,
heard, or experienced.

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