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Business acronyms abbreviations and shortened words list

ASAP as soon as possible

BCC blind carbon copy
BFD big fucking deal
BTW by the way
CC carbon copy
CEO Chief Executive Officer (the big boss)
CFO Chief Financial Officer
CMO Chief Marketing Officer (head of marketing)
COO Chief Operating Officer (head of operations)
CTO Chief Technology Officer (responsible for the tech side)
CRM Customer Relationship Management
CV Curriculum Vitae
ETA estimated time of arrival
FAQs frequently asked questions
FIFO first in first out / fly in fly out
Forex foreign exchange
FYI for your information
GDP gross domestic product
GNP gross national product
HQ headquarters
HR human resources
ID identification
ICT information communications technology
IT information technology
KISS keep it simple stupid
LIFO last in, first out (used both in computer programs and accounting; it determines that what
comes last is handled first)

MO modus operandi
PA personal assistant
PD professional development

POS Point of Sale (a checkout point in retail stores, or the hardware behind it)
PR public relations
PTO Paid time off
Q&A questions and answers
R&D research and development
RDO rostered day off
VIP very important person
admin administration / administrative
apps applications
compo compensation
comp competition
demo demonstration
disc diskette
dept department
encl enclosed
exec executive
expo exhibition
info information
intro introduction
lab laboratory
legit legitimate
mags magazines
max maximum
memo memorandum
min minimum
mod module
ops operations
possie position
promo promotion
quals qualifications
Re regarding / with reference to

rep representative
sickie a sick day
smoko smoke break
specs specifications
stats statistics
tech technical, technology
typo typographical error
uni university
ute utility vehicle = pickup truck

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