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1. Answer these questions:

When is Martin Luther King Day?
When was this holiday created? And why?
When was he born?
How was life in the United States at that time?

When did Martin Luther King move to Montgomery?

What was his job?
In which university did he study?
Martin Luther King believed in
What happened on August 28th, 1963?

What was the title of his speech?

What two things happened in 1964?
Why did Martin Luther King organize a protest in 1965?
The percentage of African American who registered to vote, grew from about __________ to

nearly _______________ in less than ten years.

Whats the Open Housing Law about?
What happened on April 4th, 1968?
How old was Martin Luther King when he died?
What do people do on Martin Luther King Day?
2. Match these words with their meaning:

A large, angry crowd, especially one that

could easily become violent.
To go to or be present at.


To gain or reach successfully.


A district or area, especially in a town or city.


Not fair or just.

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