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Additional Official Contest Rules

“2nd Annual DiabetesMine™ Design Challenge”

(all the necessary legalese)

1. No purchase necessary to enter or win a prize. Void where prohibited or restricted by law.
2. Entrants agree to irrevocably allow DiabetesMine™ to post materials free of charge on its
website, partner websites, or other venues where contest material shall be promoted,
royalty-free. Do not submit any materials if you are not the legal owner.
3. Materials submitted will be placed in the public domain, royalty-free, for usage by the
general public. DiabetesMine™ has no control over how submissions may be used by the
general public. All efforts on the part of DiabetesMine™ will be in good faith to maintain
correct acknowledgement of the submitter.
4. DiabetesMine™ reserves the right to accept or decline materials.
5. Entrants agree that Submission Materials shall not contain, include or involve any
obscenity, crude, vulgar or offensive images, or any other content deemed inappropriate
by the contest organizers.

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