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Cholesterol Facts (in simple manner avoiding scientific words like triacylglyceride etc):-

Cholesterol Types:High Density Lipo Protine Cholesterol (HDLC) Good Cholesterol and
Low Density Lipo Protine Cholesterol (LDLC) Bad Cholesterol
Simple Facts:Most of cases of Heart Diseases are coming because of Cholesterol irrespective of age.
Due to un-balanced diet of modern civilizations life style, even 20-25 years of children also having
Heart Blocks, Heart attacks and other Cholesterols very commonly. There is a recent heart attack was found
in 8-years children.
Cholesterol is very much required for Human body for day to day body activities like construction of
cell membrane, produce hormones, brain cell function and paitya rasa nirmanam etc.
But interesting thing is, Cholesterol can produce by Human Liver, no need to consume it directly
from outside.
Due to consuming Cholesterol from outside, the ratios of HDLC and LDLC are becoming imbalance
and LDLC is growing more.
Excess LDLC Cholesterol will deposit on the Blood Vessels walls and interrupt the free flow of
blood, that is the main reason Blocks and Heart diseases.
HDLC Cholesterol used to sweep/clean the Blood Vessels used to clean the LDLC deposits along the
Blood Vessels almost 60K Miles long throughout in our body.
LDLC will increase automatically when we consume any cholesterol food.
There is no Cholesterol in any of the Plant/tree related food items, they only exists in any animal
related food or their by-products only.
As Every one used to think, there is no cholesterol in Coconut, Cashew Nuts, Pista, Badam etc etc
food grains/nuts or plant/tree related food. In this nature, there is no Plant or tree related product having at
least some points of cholesterol (only 0%)
Milk / Eggs are also another resource of LDL cholesterol,
LDL cholesterol will be deposited on the walls of Blood Vessels and disturb blood circulation/flow
by compress the blood Vessels
Stop consuming milk and also, instead use Leaf Vegetables. Try to prepare curd without
Milk can be used in Cooking Recipes instead of consuming directly by adults. Leafy vegetable
usually having 3-times better calcium than as in Milk.
Each Chicken Egg usually having 210 mg of cholesterol. (yellow part) Stop consuming Egg.

Also usually adults make mistake like, adults will stop eating yellow part (paccha sona) and feed the
same to children instead of throwing it. This is not good should have to be avoided.
Ghee also rich source of LDL Cholesterol, 360 mg of Cholesterol exists in 100g of Ghee.
All Non-Vegetarian food having Cholesterol and excess amounts of Cholesterol deposits will exist at
Liver, Brain etc.
Fishes are also having Cholesterol, but low compared to other Non-Vege food. But due to our
methods of preparations we have to avoid the Fish also.
Oil should have to be avoided in any form, which makes the lot of LDL cholesterol.
What is source of HDL Cholesterol?
According to science, To increase HDL we have to consume the food which is having Alfa LenoLenic Aid (a fat product).
What products are having HDL Cholesterol?
Soya Beans:- Rich in Alfa Leno-lenic acid
Use soya beans every day in food in any one form. We can soak them in water and
use it in while cooking food. We cant consume them separately like green gram soaked lentils.
Can consume like gugillu for children
Soak them for 15 hours and blend it with water and then filter it. This is used like
soya milk and can be used as ingredients in recipes.
Mill the soya beans in to dry powder and can used with wheat atta like 1/4th or 1/5th
ratio (1/4Kg soya floor in 1 or 1.5 Kg of Wheat Floor) for making pulkas.
Can make curd from soya milk.
Can make panner by breaking soya milk as well..

Second place after soya beans are any sprouted lentils like pesalu (Green Gram), alasandalu,

Recommended method of having sprouts is consuming each one pist full of sprouts from each
variety of lentils (at least 3).
Rajamas also having good amount of Alfa Leno Lenic Acid, but we cannt eat Rajmas as
sprouts, so we can consume rajamas via Curries. Or we can prepare Rajma curry also.

Third place of resource is Leaf Vegetables

Other ways of increasing HDL Cholesterol:

Exercises are also help to increase HDL cholesterol.
How to minimize LDL Cholesterol:
By stopping consuming of direct FAT products like Ghee, Oil etc.
By stopping consuming of Non-Vegetarian food.
Adults should have to stop consuming Milk separately.
Stop consuming Eggs also.
Consuming food which are rich in Alfa Leno Lenic Acids, causes increasing HDLC and
control LDLC
Stop consuming all processed / refined foods
Extracted from Speeches of Dr.Manthena Satyanarayana



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