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Date: 11-6-14

More Frames and Arrows

For this lesson, the students will be learning how to find the rule to go along with a
frames and arrows problem. I will be teaching the students strategies to help the
students find the rule. For example, I will be using the hundreds chart to show the
students how to make hops from one given number to the next given number to
help find the rule. We will be doing this with both addition and subtraction problems.
There are two problems in the students math journals that they need to complete
(pages 43 and 44). I will also be providing another frames and arrow worksheet that
deals with both addition and subtraction frames and arrows. We will be going over
the worksheets together and I will explain the game. After, the students will be
dismissed to work on them afterwards. Once the students are finished they will play
the Roll the Rule game.

Date: 11-7-14
Counting with a Calculator
In the beginning of the lesson, I will introduce the calculators. I will explain to the
students how to properly use the calculators and will remind them that if they are
not using the calculators in a proper manner, then they will not be able to use them.
In order to give the students practice with the calculators, I will give them a
worksheet containing both addition and subtractions problems. They will use the
calculator to help them answer the problems. Once the students have a pretty good
idea of how to use the calculators, I will begin to talk to the students about skip
counting on the calculator. We will do several skip counts on the calculator and I will
ask them to describe what they notice. Once the students seem to have a pretty
good feel on how to use the calculators for skip counting then I will introduce the
worksheets that they will be working on. They will be working on math journal page
45 and another worksheet that I will provide.

Date: 11-10-14
I will be introducing the students to the dime during this lesson. I will be reading a
book entitled Once Upon a Dime. I will talk to the students about how a dime is
worth ten cents, two nickels, and ten pennies. We will also go over how to recognize
a dime (i.e. what is on the front and back of the dime). We will do practice with
counting dimes. I will explain pages 46 and 47 in their math journals along with
another supplemental worksheet. Once I am done explaining the worksheets, I will

introduce the game they will play after their work is complete. The game is a penny
or a dime all the way to 99.

Date: 11-11-14
Dimes, Nickels, and Pennies
For the beginning of this lesson, I will have the students come up to the front of the
classroom holding different variations of coins. I will then have the rest of the class
count the coins aloud to come up with the amount. I may give the students an
amount and ask them how they can make this amount using fewer coins. We will do
this numerous times to give the students more practice with counting. Once the
students have had enough practice with counting dimes, nickels, and pennies, I will
then introduce the worksheets that the students will be working on (Math Journal 48
and 49, Math Masters 84). The students will then be dismissed to work on their
worksheets and once they are done, they may play the Money Spinner game. I will
explain this game after explaining the worksheets.

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