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Experiment 1 Graphical Analysis

Graphics analysis enables you to visualize and understand your data in a graphical form. It is
used to study and survey important relationships among two and more variables. The production
of graphics along with the facts and figures endows the investigation of the data. It allows the
evaluation of relationships inside the chosen variables, where the client can combine and filter
the variables on two axes.
The vintage saying, A picture is worth a thousand words. Graphs can portray a allotment of
precious information. They are helpful devices for summarizing facts and figures. Most
importantly they are effective means of broadcasting numerical data, and studies have shown that
people retain information that was presented in graphs more than the identical information
written because a prose, in that of their rooted panorama of benefits, graphs are broadly used in
As we become a more technological humanity and data progressively drives the technology
profession, graphical investigates will gain broader use. Knowing the fundamentals of graphing
will increase ones proficiency to both use and understand mechanical data.
Physics is a human effort to study the natural world around us and to understand how the
universe behaves. Therefore any theory (no matter how fancy or attractive it looks) is actually
useless unless it is supported by practical evidence. Doing an lick generally involves production
quantitative measurements. However, esteem direction now the measured values (or data) to
speak for meaningful, indubitable is notably capital to postulate the limitations of the instruments
used and to recognize the possible sources of error.
Graphical Analysis facilitates looking at one-by-one data points, rather than only abstracts. Its
not that one cant look at individual facts and figures points in a table but its much easier to see
the points in a graph. And glimpsing the individual points can often lead to good things. Thats at
least part of the cause for making many plots of residuals, fitted standards, leverage standards,
and so on.
Graphical analyses are often the rst step in data analyses. They are preludes to quantitative
investigates on which conclusions can be founded. Graphical investigates should habitually be
considered primary steps, not conclusive steps. They can be deceptive when not escorted by
quantitative analyses. However, malfunction to graph facts and figures may avert the detection of
a tendency or the environment of the tendency. Graphical investigates should be utilized in
conjunction with other quantitative methods
After compilation of facts and figures, several preliminary investigates can be made in
organizing to test for and, if essential, adapt for the consequences of watershed alterations. Three
general types of investigates can be made. First, one or more graphical investigates of the
sequence can be made, encompassing the standard frequency analysis (e.g., contriving several
Pearson kind III frequency curves for distinct instance periods). The origin of graphical display is
to study the facts and figures to recognize the ways watershed changes influenced the ood

sequence. For demonstration, does the centered tendency change camouflage situation? Did the
contrast of the what's what alter? Did the watershed changes sway only part of the temporal
sequence, therefore making a blended population sequence? Graphical analyses can provide
some insight into characteristics of the alterations and propose the best route for noticing the
consequences and modifying the series.
Graphical procedures that can be primarily utilized to understand the facts and figures
encompass plots of facts and figures versus time, grading the annual event versus the water year,
the number of occurrences overhead a threshold versus water year, and histograms or empirical
cumulative likelihood plots of the facts and figures for two or more periods of the record. Where
untransformed facts and figures are distinguished by considerable random variety, the logarithms
of the data can be plotted to assist in detecting the consequences of watershed change. In most
situations, several plots should be made, as distinct types of plots will identify distinct
characteristics of the data.
Significant Figures
The carry of pragmatic figures character a selection is wittily the work in of figures that are
recognized obscure some degree of reliability. The interject 13.2 is uttered to reckon on 3
important figures. The allow for 13.20 is said to conclude 4 crucial figures.
The practical figures (again intimate due to important digits, and often shortened to sig figs) of
a build are those digits that take concept contributing to its correctness. This includes plenary
digits except:

Leading further trailing zeros which are merely placeholders to determine the disposition
of the number.
Spurious digits introduced, seeing example, by calculations carried alien to surpassing
correctness than that of the inbred data, or measurements reported to a better authenticity
than the contrivance supports.

The The rules being identifying usable figures are being follows:
1. intact non-zero digits are certain essential. seeing example, 45 has two essential figures (4
and 5), stretch 567.89 has five serviceable figures (5, 6, 7, 8 besides 9).
2. Zeros appearing anywhere between two non-zero digits are pragmatic. Example: 505.39
has five caring figures: 5, 0, 5, 3 also 9.
3. Leading zeros are not improving. thanks to example, 0.00093 has two important figures:
9 again 3.
4. Trailing zeros dominion a encircle containing a decimal dot are pragmatic. considering
example, 98.5800 has six advantageous figures: 9, 8, 5, 8, 0 besides 0.
Scientific Notation
Generally, the unfluctuating rules use to numbers definitive force scientific code. However, hold
the normalized discover of that notation, placeholder highest besides trailing digits sign not
occur, thus whole digits are sympathetic. For example, 0.0045 (two fortunate figures) becomes
4.510-3, again 0.000875900 (six invaluable figures) becomes 8.7590010-4. esteem particular,
the impetus ambiguity about the essence of trailing zeros is eliminated.

Measurement Uncertainty
Measurement Uncertainty is a non-negative parameter characterizing the dispersion of the
standards attributed to a assessed amount. The doubt has a probabilistic basis and reflects
incomplete knowledge of the figure. undocked measurements are subject to waver besides an
assessed value is only complete if it is escorted by a statement of the affiliated doubt. Fractional
doubt is the measurement doubt divided by the assessed value
No estimation is accurate. When a amount is measured, the outcome counts on the assessing
scheme, the estimation procedure, the skill of the operator, the natural environment, and other
effects. Even if the amount were to be measured some times, in the same way and in the same
attenuating factors, a different assessed value would in general be got each time, assuming that
the assessing system has sufficient tenacity to differentiate between the values.
There are two kinds of measurement mistake, systematic mistake and random mistake.
A systematic mistake (an estimate of which is known as a estimation bias) is affiliated with the
fact that a assessed value contains an offset. Drag general, a systematic error, regarded as a
amount, is a constituent of error that continues constant or counts in a exact kind on some other
A random mistake is affiliated with the fact that when a measurement is recurring it will usually
provide a assessed worth that is different from the preceding worth. It is random in that the next
assessed worth cannot be predicted precisely from preceding such standards.
Principal steps influence an double trouble pop quiz are,
Exhibit okay what needs to epitomize measured.
Convey out the required measurements.
Evaluate the doubt due to the calibration benchmark and/or instrumentation used for the
Assess resolution/readability of all instrumentation.
Assess the repeatability.
Recognize and evaluate other sources of doubt.
Arrange doubt budget documentation.
Evaluate reasonability of allowance.
Determine combined benchmark doubt.
Articulate the doubt in periods of doubt interval and the self-assurance level.

Limit Error
Information of estimation doubt and mistake propagation in a series of calculations, is very
significant in assessing the correctness of a certain set of facts and figures. There are two
foremost types of estimation uncertainties: random and systematic. In measuring the textbook's
dimensions, for demonstration, the uncertainty due to your limited ability to read the ruler to
better than 1 mm is a purposeless pass. If, on the diverse hand, you mistakenly confuse the inch
and the centimeter flats, your measurements will encompass a methodical error of scale.
Linear Graphs
A graph that uses points attached by lines to show how certain thing alterations in worth (as time
proceeds by, or as certain thing additional happens). It is always a straight line graph that always
has a slope y= mx+c that is the equation.
In the mathematical area of graph idea, a route graph or linear graph is a particularly easy
demonstration of a tree, namely a tree with two or more vertices that is not branched at all, that
is, contains only vertices of degree 2 and 1.
The Procedure of Graphical Analysis is as follows,
1. The first step in graphical investigation is to directly plot the two variables. contrive v versus
d, with d along the horizontal (X) axis and v along the upright (Y) axis. Draw a line or glossy
bend through the plotted facts and figures points.
2. Look closely at your line. If it tends to curve toward the X-axis, then a contrive of v^2 versus
d is needed for a linear graph. although if it is tending to curve in the direction of the Y-axis, then
a contrive of v versus d^2 will give you a straight line.
3. After you have very resolute which way the line in your first graph bends, fill the third
column in the facts and figures table with the befitting values, either v^2 OR d^2.
4. Now contrive the graph that you have very resolute will give you a straight line.
5. One time you have accomplished a linear graph, you answerability for initiate favor of the
promptly field equation,
Y = mX + b
to compose down the accurate relative between the variables. To do this, extract from the linear
graph the standards of the gradient, m further the Y-intercept, b.
6. It is significant that you condense your outcomes apparently and contrast them to anticipated
theoretical standards or relationships.
7. Now summarize outcomes by writing out with the befitting values filled in for the constants.

Results and Discussion

All estimation uncertainties relevant to the micrometer calibration method have been taken into
account and the investigation results can now be evaluated. In calibration, uncertainty
investigation is significant for two main causes. First, to recognize unwarranted uncertainties due
to sources of mistake in our estimation process. Second, to broadcast the amount of interest and
its affiliated doubt or to decide if the quantity is in-tolerance.
By analyzing data collected in table 1.4, we used kilometer (km) as the unit of distance, then
probably it is a good concept to use hour (h) as the unit of time. So, start by transforming the
elapsed time from minutes to hours and inject the results in the second column of Table 1.4. After
completing the transformation, as we desire to calculate the uncertainty of the new quantity th.
Keeping in mind that th = 1/60 * tm and that the component 1/60 is an exact number with none
As the car moves towards the Edmonton, the distance from its starting point increases and so the
line on the graph moves from the bottom left-hand side of the axes towards the top right. A line
drawn through the points on a graph, such as that shown in Fig, allows us to scrutinize trends.
We restraint besides gravy train the occupation pressure the graph to estimate values that would
lie between data points given in a results table, so a graph of Fig. contains more information than
the table. Clearly we can see that the car is moving away from the starting point so the graph has
a existent ramp (positive gradient). Additionally, the void from the allusion point increases in
unequal steps as time passes. This means that the graph has not constant or uniform gradient. The
size of the gradient displays how quickly the distance travelled is altering with time. In this
demonstration the distance is altering at a rate of 14 to 25 km every 10 minutes. Consequently
we can state that this graph notes the motion of an object moving with a variable hasten.
Variances in distancetime graph shows that an object is not going at a steady hasten. The
distance values in the graph of decline as time passes because the ground is being utilized as the
issue from which distances are assessed. The vehicle is going towards the quotation issue, so the
expanse in the direction of place visited is declining with time.The bend of the line shows that
the vehicle is getting faster or slower as time passes. To find the speed at any instant throughout
this shift we would have to draw a tangent to the curve and work out its gradient. On distance
time graphs, larger races are indicated by steeper lines. We can regard the bend as being made up
from a large number of short directly lines each having a somewhat different slope. The bend in
Fig. gets steeper as the distance increases, displaying that the object is moving progressively
much quicker as it moves away from the observation point. This agency is accelerating
straightaway from its beginning position.
The purpose of the experiment is to verify the relation between slope value and speed of the car.
After analyzing the experiment we can conclude that the speed of vehicle is varying with time, at
times car covered more distance in same time but in same interval of time car covered less
distance (as time remained constant for every slot to calculate distance) because graph is not a
horizontal line which shows that object Is not under constant speed . Car is moving away from
starting point so the graph has a positive but non uniform gradient because car was moving with
variable speed.

Question 1

1.001 10

987 s

9.87 10

1000 5

(1.000 0.005 ) 10


5.0 10



9.001 10

Question 3
C= pi (2r)
r= 7.1, 7.3, and 7.5
(1) C = (3.14)(2*7.1) =44.588
(2) C = (3.14)(2*7.3) =45.844
(3) C = (3.14)(2*7.5) =47.1
Question 4
r= 7.1, 7.3, and 7.5
(1) A = (3.14)(7.1^2) =158.29
(2) A = (3.14)(7.3^2) =167.33
(3) A = (3.14)(7.5^2) =176.62
Question 5
L1+L2 = .97 + 1.04 uncertainty
u = sqrt (u12 + u22 + ...) = (.02^2+.01^2) =.0224
L1+L2 = 2.01 0.0224m
KE=0.5mv2 u= 1.80
Question 6
u=dX/X = sqrt( (dA/A)2 + (dB/B)2 +...) =
=dX/1.80 = sqrt( (0.1/2.3)2 + (0.03/1.25)2 )

2.1 ISO 17025-1999, General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration
Laboratories, The International Organization of Standardization (ISO) and the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), December 1999.
2.2 American National Standard for Expressing Uncertainty - U.S. Guide to the Expression
of Uncertainty in Measurement, (US GUM), American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in
2.3 ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM), 1993

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