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10 Tricks to solve Parajumbles Problems

10 Tricks to solve Parajumbles Problems

Author: Brijesh Pandey, Verbal Trainer (100 percentiler CAT Verbal section)

1. Even the toughest parajumbles have two or three sentences that form a link. Try to spot the
link that has to go together and then eliminate the options that do not have that link. This is
your first round of elimination.
2. Conjunctions play a very important role in joining two or more sentences. Beware of all
the subordinating conjunctions such as after, although, as, as far as, as if, as long as, as soon
as, as though, because, before, if, in order that, since, so, so that, than, though, unless, until,
when, whenever, where, whereas, wherever, and while.
3. The coordinating conjunctions are also very important. Coordinating conjunctions are: for,
and, nor, but, or, yet, and so
4. Keep an eye on the adverbs like even, also, still, however, nevertheless, notwithstanding etc.
Such adverbs help link two or more sentences.
5. Use the pronouns to your advantage. In long paragraphs the pronoun reference may not
always work. Ideally a pronoun in one sentence should always point to a noun in the sentence
immediately preceding it.
6. General information always precedes specific information. That is the thumb rule.
Information/Idea that is more universal should come first followed by information/idea that is
less universal or more specific.
7. Introduction of a/an idea/entity comes first followed by general description. Tangible
descriptions should always take precedence over intangible description. If you describe a man's
personality. Describe his physical features and then gradually move to the intangible aspects,
same rule applies to other things.
8. The conclusion, as a rule, always comes at the end. Any sentence that follows a
conclusion creates a break in the flow of ideas, a feeling of this awkwardness should help you
identify the last sentence of the paragraph.
9. Keep an eye on the chronology and the importance of events. An event of lesser

significance comes later but an event of greater significance always comes first.
10. Lastly, never rush with your answers. Be patient. Mark the answer only after you have
confidently evaluated the other options.
Parajumble Practice problems

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