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The awareness, knowledge,skills that we develop and strengthen from time to time helps

us grow as a person. These help us find problems, analysis of different workarounds and solve the
problems in view of longterm solutions to them,keeping in mind the various scenarios and possibilities.
We develop all these skills during our life journey.

The way I am working in a team with people from different backgrounds and ideologies
helped me looking through each problem in various dimensions to find and list out the possible ways of
solving it and identify best possible way to provide its solution and put the actions towards it. This
helped me with considering different perspectives and the importance of team work. This opportunity
helps me to further improve my skills enhance awareness and knowledge on how the administration at
various levels work on skill development and entrepreneurship. This way I can contribute towards
identifying the gaps in skill development , providing necessary actions in bridging these gaps and
fulfilling the collective mission of economic development.

The experience I have while working on projects from different sectors like insurance ,
banking, pharmaceutical, market research,retail etc helped me understand how policies and systematic
procedures function on large scale basis.

I was completely raised in the urban environment so I have not experienced the rural
living. The information from newspapers and and media is from what I get to know about rural living
and their struggles in life. When I read these articles I get inspired from what they have achieved by
struggling to make ends meet. Getting to meet them , know whats happening around them and provide
my contribution to help me inturn to work at the ground level. From my experience of working in
different work locations , I learnt adapting to the new environments and sustain in different places.
There are many changes in our project requirements , we work on implementing these changes and
finish them as per requirements.This way we provide our commitment towards the completion of
common goal.

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