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Action Plan Alfonso Bartolome

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals:
Creation of contents through new media (blogs) for Social Science and
Natural Science.
Change methodology in English class using:
Test based books in the English.
Scaffolding across Units.
Use of blogs.
Essential Questions:
Make teachers understand the way
Is the program suitable?
content is taught through blogs.
Are the contents going to be well
Agree on how to organize the
Is it going to be enough using blogs
The way we will use notebooks to
and notebooks in the Science classes?
learn contents.
Are the teachers going to be
Timing in every class.
familiarized with the use of blogs?
Group working.
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Level of students in science is not sufficient and topics in books are too wide and
focused on reading meanly.
The books used are created in a way the classrooms are not focused on the
students talking.
We have seen the need of the students to work in groups. For achieving this
objective we have decided the best way is to create our own Didactic Units from
In English Literacy, there is a need in changing the plans towards a test based plan
to help students get ready to the external exams.
Stage 3 Action Plan

Setting objectives for all the subjects
Grades where the program will be implemented (1st and 5th)
Set the timing for both subjects (English Literacy, Social Science, Natural Science)
Creating didactic units in every subject and level in the program.
Creation of materials for every subject and level in the program.
Creation of blogs for every subject in both levels (1st and 5th)
Meetings at the beginning of the school year to set objectives and set work for
every teacher.

Meetings every week during the school year to help the development of the
Set the Scaffolding of contents through all the years (even if they are not in the
program, since it will have to be implemented along the years).
Creation of a course/workshop along the year to help teachers learn the use of
blogs and weebly.

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