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Vv. C. Darak, & Associates Chartered Accountants The Board of Directors, RAM RATNA WIRES LIMITED Oasis Complex, P.8.Marg, Worll, Mumbai 400013 AUDITORS REVIEW REPORT (Annexure V to Clause 41) INTRODUCTION We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of RAM RATNA wires iMITED (the Company") for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 except for the dlsclosires regarding ee Shareholding” and "Promoter and Promoter Group Shareholding” which have been traced fom een hes made by the management and have not been auclted by us, This statement is He ‘eaponsibity of the Company's Management and has been approved by the Board of Direclors and taken sremecord by tt in the meeting held on July 27, 2015. Our responsibilty is to Issue a report on these financial results based on our review, SCOPE OF REVIEW We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement (SRE) 2410, 00 ae coat Taterim Financial Information performed by the Independent Aueitor ofthe Entity” issued by sre etute of Chartered Accountants of India, This standard requires that we plan and perform te te ansreetSptain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of materal seeeement, A review Is limited primarly to Inquiries of company personnel and analytical process Sppiied to financial data and thus provide less assurance than an auclt. We have not performed an audit ‘and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. CONCLUSION sased on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us 0 Belleve thet caeee rrapanying statement of unaudited financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 read wit ae scece thereon, prepared In accordance with applicable Accounting Standards specified ander Ceapones Act 2013 and other recognised accounting practices and policies, has not dlsciosed te caovpeaton required to be disclosed in terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement including the manner in which itis to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement. For V.C,Darak & Associates Chartered Accountants Registration No, 119336W Place : Mumbal Dated : July 27, 2015 Proprietor Membership No. 6307 “Yashodhan’, 1st Floor, Malviya Road, Vile Parle ( . , East), Mumbai-400 057, Tele : (022)2616 1646 O Fax: (022)2616 16500 E-mail: RRY SHRAMIK UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 30” JUNE, 2015 _ (Zin lacs) Year onde on Particulars soosaors | st0s-2018 | s0ceavie | stasanre _ {Wnavae)—|~(nawitos) [Woe | — ted 1 [income from operations a) Net Salesincome rom Operations (Net of excise cy) 19836.04| 1730450] 16368.93| —7z7as.65, Ib) Other Operating income 249.84 27293 304.73) 1348.83, [rotatincome from operations (net) | 17687.43| 1876066] _74091.18 2 [Expenses a) Cost of materials consumed 17492.42| 18541.94] 1755837] 6699.89 b) changes {(Inerease) / Decrease) in inventories of firished ‘00d, work-in-progress and stock-in-rade (372.86)| 562.09] (@74.91)] (602.82) | Employees benefits expenses 361.37 309.38 309.08] 1408.84 |) Power & Fusi 347.35 308.37 348.80| 1253.88 ei Freight 175.85 126.73 162.88, 618.01 In Depreciation and amortization expenses 173.38 997 225.73 650.81 3) Other expenses 212.01 263.67 207.23 915.60 [rota oxpor 1939932 | 1721155] 1793718 | r1aa042 2 [Profit rom operations before ather income, finance conte and psa eintah 748.26 455.88, 223.48] 2760.76 4 other income 37.58 6274 Tas 230.53 _ [Pei om ran aco ear ont and wren 703.08 fee2 eora0| 2000.20 6 [Finance costs 375.24 EE 3706 | 1482.97 1 [Profit (Loss) rom ordinary activities afer finance coata but bof Pre eaten 217.16 500.74] 4508.38 ® Te xceptona tems zi = 5 : 0. [Profit / (Loss) trom ordinary actviios before x (T=) 7onea 27.16 30074 | 1608.38 10 [Taxemense ~ Shor(Excess) Provision of eater years tax 0.00 (1422) (0.22) (13.00) Curent year's Tax a7775 30.46 216.62 ss1.t2 = Detered Tax (25.78) 38.99 1.63) (41.84) 18 Net Profit/ (Lose) fom ordinary actviios afar lax 02 10) 256.67 e199 sone 92.20 12 [Erworanary War (pet oT ax evpanse) 7 i : = 13 |Net Profit (Lose) forthe period (11 = 12) 16188 325.87 982.20 + [paid-up equity share capital (Face Value €5- per share) 1100.00| +1000 [1100.00 [4100.00 1s [Reserves excioding Revaluation Reserves 3542.56 16) [Bas1e& Diu Eammings per share efor extraordinary Toms] Jor € 5 each) (not annualized) 117 0.74 148 4.46 sea [BSB & ONG Earrings por share [ater eataoraneny FET) (or 5/- each) (not annualized) ; 17 074 1.48 446 BRERA RAIA | ctecticats + ntrastructure + Magnate Wire + Bus bars RAM RATNA WIRES LTD. | CIN: LatgooMHre82°L.057802 Fags "RamRatenoee: Oe Complex 2. Wor Mumba = 400018» Te+83-22-.2404S00/2402 414 » Foe 8-20-2496 6964» Errvieramtts com mp 305 in yald + F:491-265-2901 604 + Es raceé RRV SHRAMIK ‘Select Information for the Quarter ended 30/06/2015 7 [PARTICULARS OF SHAREHOLDING 1 |Public Shareholding = Number of shares 5,940,648 | 5,940,646 5,940,646] 6,040,548 Percentage of shareholding 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 2. | Promoters and Promoter Group Shareholding Ja) Pledged / Encumbered = Number of shares . . - - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total shareholding of ‘ : promoter and promoter group) = Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital : . . ‘of company) b) Non - encumbered = Number of shares 16,069,954] 16,050,354) 16,059,354] 16,059,954 Percentage of shares (as 2 % of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group) 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 = Percentage of shares (as 2 % of the total share capital cof company) 73.00 73.00 73.00 73.00 [5 INVESTOR COMPLAINTS: Remaining unresolved at Pending atthe | Received | Disposed of Particulars beginning ofthe | during the | during the quarter quarter quarter Investor Complaints for the quarter NIL : : nce 1 The above financial resus as reviewed bythe Audit Committee were taken on record by the Board of Directors ate meeting held on 27 Juy, 2015. 2 The Company is primarly engaged in the business of Enamelled Wire & Stips. As such there is no separate reportable segment as defined bythe ‘Accounting Standard (AS-17) Segment Reporting Previous period / year figures have been regrouped /recassiied, wherover necessary, to make them comparable withthe figures ofthe current poviod Place: Mumbai Date : 27 Juy, 2015 BREAN BAIA | etectrcats + intrastructre « Magnate Wire + Bus bars RAM RATNA WIRES LTD. fom | CIN: .31300KHi992PLC067802 Suey No. 14272, vilge- Kaa, Musubss Dam Rous dN, Svasse- 986240, UT. ofA NA. © T 49t 260-200 224 ug: RamRateaoste’ Osi Constr, P.M, Wr Mamba = 200049» T:+85-22-2494 2009/2482 «84 «Fe rp, 08, Winsor Pz, RC, Out Ao8s, AABN, Vegas» 360007 = T =B1-265-2921 91//8 + Frvet-205-201

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