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Roll no.

(Please write your roll no. immediately)

First Terminal Examination October 2014

Ist Sem. B.Tech (MAE)
Paper Code- ETME-105
Subject: Manufacturing Process (New Syllabus)
Time 1.30 hr

Maximum Marks 30

Note: Attempt any three questions including Q. no. 1 which is compulsory.


(2 x 5 = 10)

(a) Differentiate between cast iron and steel.

(b) Write the composition and type of Bronze.
(c) What is Heat resisting steel and High speed steel?
(d) What is core and core print?
(e) Write different properties of sand and explain refractoriness.
Q2. (a) Write the composition of Duralumin and Brass.


(b) Enlist four forging tools and four foundry tools.


(c) What is normalizing? Write its different type.


Q3. (a) Explain toughness, Hardenability, Creep, Fatigue.


(b) Explain different types of pattern allowances.


(c) Draw the sketch of cupola and explain its zones.


Q4. (a) What is hot working and cold working?


(b) Explain cyaniding and nitriding.


(c) What is investment casting? Explain with sketch.


Roll no.

(Please write your roll no. immediately)

First Terminal Examination October 2014

Ist Sem. B.Tech (MAE)
Paper Code- ETME-105
Subject: Manufacturing Process (Old Syllabus)
Time 1.30 hr

Maximum Marks 30

Note: Attempt any three questions including Q. no. 1 which is compulsory.


(2 x 5 = 10)

(a) Differentiate between pattern and casting.

(b) Differentiate between flatter and fuller.
(c) What is investment in investment casting?
(d) What is core and core print?
(e) Explain open fire and stock fire.
Q2. (a) What is centrifugal casting? What are its advantage over sand casting? Explain any one
centrifugal casting with labeled diagram.
(b) Explain different types of allowances



Q3. (a) Explain any five casting defects with cause and remedy.
(b) Explain four forging operations.

Q4. (a) What is hot working and cold working?



(b)Explain construction and working of cupola with neat and clean diagram.(7)

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