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What does being a genius means?

According to my opinion being a genius means not just to be good in something, being a
genius is thinking different and being creative, I mean, the capacity to create new things or
find a new way to do something.
The Real Spanish academy defines genius like a person with an extraordinary mental
capacity for create new things, and I am agree with that. The creative people employ a
considerable amount of time to reflect on what they want to achieve, because they work for
it. A genius dedicates all his time to study his passion and do research about it, like
Leonardo Da Vinci did it. They are subjects with an exceptional capacity for attention,
observation and memory, they understand easily the information they acquire and have a
great capacity for concentration.
But the geniuses of the past are not equal to the genius of today, I am a firm believer about
that the geniuses of before were superior to the geniuses of the present, because In the past
did not exist the tools that we have today, did not exist technology and studies were only
available for a sector of society
Even so, with all these difficulties, they were able to develop their skills and create amazing
things. Not as today where the creativity is lost due to the misuse of technology and bad
education methods. Because of that we have been educated to be good workers instead to
be creative thinkers. Students with restless minds and bodies instead to be instructed to
exploit their energy and curiosity, are ignored and even corrected in order to make them be
identical to the others.
But there is no reason to lose hope, I believe that we all have the opportunity to be
geniuses, this can be accomplished by developing our skills through hard study, as have
done all the great geniuses of history.
Don forget that with effort and perseverance, you can achieve anything,

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