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Direction: Read and understand each item then explain in your own understanding.
1. The ego is not master in its own house. (Sigmund Freud)

2. The principle goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new
things, not simply of repeating what generations have done – men who are
creative, inventive and discoverers. (Jean Piaget)
The world is truly evolving and education itself should also be evolve and repeating
what the past generation have done will make it stuck and stop it from growing.
Childrens nowadays is very creative, smart and talented and at young age they already
adapt how the society works. And education's principle of goal is to create men who are
capable of new things by enhancing the skills and talent of each and everyone of its
students. Schools must create a lot of activities to sharpen the students abilities to
prepare them for their future and for the future of the world. Having a new ideas,
discoveries and inventions will make the world become more powerful and that is what
we need now. Repeating the past generation, the traditional way will not make the
education system of the present grow because everyday there is changes and we need
to adapt and create new things for us to cope up with the changes.
The past and the present has a big difference from the way of the living and the
rising of new inventions. Jean Piaget said that the goal of education is to create a
men who are capable of doing things, not sumolh what generations have done all
through out the years our world is evolving thus education also evolved and
moved on from the traditional teaching methods because of his study about child
cognition teachers are now knowledgeable on how to handle and transform
children mentally and physically from their way of thinking and their capabilities
Education is the savior of the future generation because of every children has a
capabilities in every aspects and education prepare and sharpen them and with
this there will be a lot of discoveries about the world and new inventions with their
creative minds that will helps people to have a better world.

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