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Pentingnya pendidkan

FAHREZI RAMADHAN, Institut Agama Islam Darussalam (IAID) Ciamis Jawa Barat
Education is a need that must be met in the life of society, nation and homeland.
Through education, both formal and non-formal, students will experience a process of change
in themselves both in knowledge and in behavior. The process of self-change begins with
learning. Learning motivation is one of the factors that determine effectiveness in learning. A
student will learn well if there is a motivating factor, namely learning motivation. There are
two types of learning motivation, namely intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from within the individual and extrinsic
motivation comes from outside such as the environment and family. Both play an important
role in increasing enthusiasm for learning. Keywords :
A. Bacground
With the many advantages and disadvantages of national education, all parties need to
immediately fix and reform education as a form of human resource investment that is
expected to be able to compete in the global era. Science and technology education plays a
big role in preparing the country for a future that is increasingly full of new problems and
emerging one after another. As described above, the development of science and technology
must be balanced with a proportional system of religion, so as not to produce scholars and
scientists who justify all means. The Indonesian nation is experiencing a moral, ethical crisis
and even a crisis of religiosity in religion. So that the improvement of the national education
mechanism is urgent for reform and restructuring. This thinking rests on the goals of national
 Ingredient and methods
Teaching materials are an important source of material for teachers in carrying out the
learning process. Without teaching materials, it seems that teachers will have difficulty in
achieving learning objectives. In principle, teachers must always prepare teaching materials in
the implementation of the learning process.
1. lecture method
2. direct discussion method
3. case analysis learning method
4. question and answer learning method
5. problem based education method
6. project-based learning method
7. experimental learning method
The importance of education is often underestimated. In addition to being a means to increase
knowledge, education can also hone skills in solving problems, improving the economy, and
creating better job opportunities. The importance of education should not be underestimated
and needs to be instilled from an early age.

A.      The Importance of An Education

Education is a conscious and premeditated attempt to create an atmosphere of learning
and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have
the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, character, and skills
needed him, society, nation and state. The explanation is obvious, that education is forming a
national identity that includes three domains, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
Reliability / quality of education will affect the life of a nation and society, both now and the
future. Thus the ability of the nation in the face of the future is determined by the mechanism
and an education system that is owned and running.
Considering the national education that not all meet national education standards,
according to the author's thoughts are very sees the need to improve education in Indonesia in
various components. With the complexity of the phenomenon of the future, this nation is not
enough just to pass on to generations of the nation's education with educational conditions
that the terms of weaknesses and shortcomings. Expected by revamping the existing
education, Indonesia will be able to meet future full of uncertainty. No one will know the
state of the future with certainty, although based on the existing data do predictions -
predictions, but it all still are approximate and uncertain.
B.       Education and the Future of the Nation
Since birth, without realizing it, we have received the education of parents about
many things. Parents are the first teachers time for us to ask the little things to big. Over time,
the definition of education widens. We not only know within the family, but reaching the
community. In fact, the country's environment. Education is something that can not be
separated from human life. Education holds an important element for shaping our thinking,
morality, and human behavior to conform to the existing norms, such as religious norms,
customs, culture, and others.
According to Frederick J.Mc Donald and M.J. Langeveld, education is a process or
activity that is directed to change habits (behavior) of man. According to John Dewey,
education is a process of updating the meaning of experience. This will probably occur in the
ordinary association or associations of adults with young people. In fact, it may also occur
accidentally and institutionalized to generate social sustainability. This process involves the
supervision and development of minors and the group where he lives.
Education is an important capital in the human life let alone in successive race, with
enough education, insight, extensive knowledge will be able to prepare qualified young
generation that is able to build the nation and the country better.
of course, education, ability, insight and pengetahuanlah we need. In the educational bench a
lot of things we dapatkan.Tetapi some reason a lot of people in Indonesia who do not get an
education bench as it should be, especially in remote areas around the area of Indonesia.
Looks like their neighbor awareness of the importance of education needs to be improved.
As revealed Daoed Joesoef about the importance of education: "Education is all areas
of livelihood, in selecting and fostering a good life, which is in accordance with human
dignity" And certainly from the statement we can conclude that education is very important
and can not be separated of life. 
A.      Conclusion
Having discussed in the previous chapter, the author can draw the conclusion that As
revealed Daoed Joesoef about the importance of education: "Education is all areas of
livelihood, in selecting and fostering a good life, which is in accordance with human dignity"
And certainly from the statement we can conclude that education is very important and can
not be separated from life. Become a developed nation is certainly an ideal to be achieved by
each country in the world. It has become an open secret that advance whether or not a country
is influenced by educational factors. Once the importance of education, so that a nation can
be measured whether the nation forward or backwards, because as we all know that an
education course will print Human Resources are of good quality in terms of spiritual,
intelligence and skill and education is a process of printing the next generation. If the output
of this education process fails then it is difficult to imagine how it could achieve progress.

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