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Prepared by
1401224088 | Faisal Chandra Ramadhan
1401224311 | Fikri Firmansyah
1401224140 | Inayah Nailah
1401224450 | Samirah Khairunnisa
1401224051 | Zahrah Meidila Hafizhah

School of Business and

Economics ICT Business Study
Program TELKOM
Pancasila is taught in Indonesian schools with the aim of encouraging a sense
of national identity and common understanding of values and principles, explaining the
significant educational system of Indonesia.

Pancasila is the foundation of the Indonesian state. The cultivation of Pancasila
values is essential in the Indonesian education system. This application is to build the
character of Indonesia's young generation and maintain the nation's identity by the five
precepts of Indonesia. There are undoubtedly many ways and challenges to
implementing the cultivation of Pancasila values in the Indonesian education system,
so we should participate actively and passively in this matter. Education's role is crucial
in shaping individuals, communities, and nations in achieving the progress of their
civilization. It has been agreed upon by the United Nations through its commitment to
the mission of the "Sustainable Development Goals" formed in 2015, narrating the
quality of education. Explicitly, they include "Ensuring Inclusive and Equitable Quality
of Education and Increasing Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All, "meaning that
education is part of human culture and civilization that continues to develop.
Our world has become more developed and advanced throughout the years. For
example, Globalization is one of the most significant factors that has shaped the world.
It affected numerous aspects of our life, especially education. It has many advantages,
including the ease with which we can exchange knowledge and technology and the
effectiveness of online learning, among others. Although there are numerous positive
effects, there are also some negative ones. Students believe it is acceptable to copy
everything they find online because they are extremely exposed to the internet, and only
a portion of its content is good. They were unaware that they should have filtered the
information they uncovered rather than accepting everything as it was. This led to
destructive behaviors, including a lack of empathy, ethics, and good manners.
In this case, Indonesia has Pancasila as the state foundation. It contempts many
values as the life guidance of its society. It helps build and shape people’s character
according to the environment’s norms. Starting from an early age, it began in the
education sector. There is a school system that prepares students to learn how to behave
ethically and helps them live their lives while still keeping the principles of Pancasila
alive. This study seeks to determine the knowledge and opinion of Telkom University
students on the importance of Pancasila in the Indonesian Education system. This report
might serve as a foundation for future studies.

3.1 Method for Fetching Data
Active students enrolled in Telkom University provide the data used in this
study. The survey method's research instrument is a closed questionnaire (Google
form). The questionnaire consists of six questions. The questionnaire collected basic
information, including the respondent's name, respondent experience, and opinions of
the topic in the provided questions. Microsoft Excel was used to examine the study's
data. This study investigates the respondents' knowledge and insight about the
importance of Pancasila in the Indonesian Education System. The respondent data is
shown below:

3.2 Questionnaire Guide

Below is the Google form URL for respondents to access the questionnaire:

Guide for respondents to fill in the Google form:

1. Respondent click the Google Form link that is given
2. The Respondent read the Google form description thoroughly.

3. Fill in 1st question with the respondent’s full name.

4. Respondent continue answering 2nd and 3rd question.

5. Respondent continue answering the 3rd and 4th question.

6. Respondent continues answering the 5th question. If the respondent answered
yes, it is obligated to answer the following question.

7. Respondent answers the last question.

8. After answering all of the required questions in the Google form with oneself
experience and opinion, the respondent end the questionnaire by clicking the
submit button.

3.3 Documentation
1. Process of creating Google form with discussion through Google Meet.
2. Documentation of one of the respondent while answering Google Form.

3. Google form link shared in one of the Telkom University ICT Business MB-
46-INT 03 class Whatsapp Group.

There are several unknown variables that can affect the decision results from each
answer of the volunteers, but there are several similarities in several questions that can
be a crucial factor for the subsequent theory. The details can be seen in the points below:

1. The first question is to find out how well the correspondents understand
Pancasila. with two responses for not really understand, four responses for quite
understand, eight responses for understand, and one respond for really
2. The second question is a subjective question about how important Pancasila is
in the education system. Then the answer from the respondent was two
responses for quite important, ten responses for important, and three responses
for really important.

3. For the third question is know has the value of Pancasila has been implemented
in the respondent's education system. All of the respondents answered the
question yes.

4. The fourth question concerns the reasons for the importance of Pancasila's
existence in the new era of education. The average answer from the respondent
can be summarized that it is important because Pancasila is the Indonesian state
ideology, built on five principles: One Supreme God, humanity, unity,
democracy, and social justice. It guides Indonesians to study, analyze, and
address social issues and is a guideline for behavior in society, nation, and state.
It has national consensus and assures oneness, diversity, and the existence of all
parts of the nation within national and state life.

5. The fifth question aims to determine whether correspondents have encountered

problems related to Pancasila and education. The result was almost balanced,
but mostly they answered yes with eight responses, and seven responses
answered no.
6. The sixth question is to dig into the specifics of the experience as they found -
for those who have encountered problems in the previous questions. The
answers are summarized as below:
 The lack of strict Pancasila education makes many children easily
influenced by foreign culture and ideas
 Majors Religion sometimes discriminate the Minors
 Good grades matters more than oneself honesty
 Many children who cannot go to school due to the limited facilities and
infrastructure provided
 Etc.

7. The last question asked for respondents' personal opinions about the Indonesian
education system. From all the respondent answer, it is concluded that they are
on the same page. The education system in Indonesia has been criticized for
needing to be more focused on rote memorization and exams rather than critical
thinking and problem-solving skills. This has led to concerns that students may
need to be adequately prepared for the challenges of the modern workforce. To
improve the education system in Indonesia, it is suggested to reduce a small
portion of existing subjects, instill the noble values of Pancasila in schools, and
enhance the curriculum, teaching methods, and quality of teachers and
educational facilities. Equity is also needed, as there are still cities in Indonesia
that are less advanced than Jakarta.

Based on the survey that has been conducted, all correspondents agree that
Pancasila is an essential essence of education in Indonesia. However, some
correspondents need help understanding Pancasila. That is integrated with
implementing superior Pancasila values in the existing education system as an ideology
expected to be the basis of state life, addressing differences with mutual respect and
acting wisely by the matters contained therein. And several correspondents also claim
they have experienced problems related to Pancasila and education for different
reasons. That shows that many people still need to consider implementing Pancasila
daily. Therefore the existence of Pancasila will undoubtedly be increasingly crucial in
this new era of education.

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