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Raquel Munoz

HD 445
June 23, 2015

A Place Story
The Day I Met My Husband

April 7, 2007, I am in the middle of the street having a great time with my family
and friends in Jerez, Zacatecas, Mexico. Sabado de Gloria, (Easter Saturday) streets are closed,
bandas in every corner, people drinking and dancing away, and extremely crowded. As I am
talking to my sister- in- law, she notices a tall, handsome looking guy passing by and looking at
me. She tells me "hay that guy is looking at you". As I looked up, he had already passed by but
he kept turning back. I was able to see him since he was the tallest one from the crowd, I could
see his head sticking out and he could see me looking at him. All of a sudden he vanish. I
continued to mingle with my sister- in-law when all of a sudden I see him 4 feet away
approaching me. I started to get nervous. He approaches me and starts talking to me in English
and says "I see your having a lot of fun. Can I join?" My first response was wait "How do you
know that I know English? We are in Mexico" He laugh and said because you don't have the
birth mark (la vacuna) in your arm. I laugh. People born in Mexico usually have that mark. My
brother saw us talking and laughing and he immediately thought we had already knew each
other. He approached us and made us dance to the banda. From that moment, we started talking
and meeting up in places until we came back to L.A.

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