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Guide Book = The Dissertation by Ian Borden and Katerina Ruedi Ray
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Title and Subject Matter

-Architecture 101: The Code
-Research Question: To investigate the implications of writing code in a
rchitectural deisgn.
--Can code become the mainstream langauge of architecture (in-st
ead of drawings)?
--What are the advantages/disadvantages of code in architecture?
--What are the Financial and Social implications of coding in de
sign field?
--What is the existing new theory of design with respect to codi
ng? (parametric deisgn theory)
--Why is it considered the end of modern architecture and into a
new architectural revoltion?
--How can this new 'theory of architecture' affect the designer'
s role and process?
--Can we project this analysis into a future scenario (blue-sky
--How does the 'new theory' respond to critical prblems of the e
arly 21st century such as
sustainability and urbanization?

Statement of Research Problem

02.01 Objects of Study
--Readings on Parametric Architecture
---The Autopeosis of Architecture
---Form + Code
---AD: Digital Cities, High Resolution
---AADRL, AAEmTech Journals
---Articles from CAADRIA and AIACC
--Interview (in-person)
---Upcoming, struggling firms from Delhi, NCR.
---Professionals from IT + Design industry (e.g. Adobe,
Autodesk etc)
--Interview (over-mail)
---Eminent architects like Patrick Schumacher, Theodore
S., etc.
---Conceptual envioners such as T. Larsen, David Rutten
and M.Hansen
--Self-investigation of forms and their relationship with code
--Case Studies (buildings, projects, student work, on-going rese
02.02 Significance of Investigation
--The dissertation will be a brief compilation and analysis of c
urrent architectural theory
as it is evolving and its dynamics vis-a-vis design, designers
and current challenges.
Therfore, unlike most research into design theory, which look
into an historical analysis,
it looks into the most current debate in architectural theory,
creating a relevant framework
for designers to understand and follow.
02.03 The kind of approach adopted
--Three Faceted:
---primary (interviews, surveys etc.)

---secondary (reading materials)

---original investigation and analysis on the phenoma ba
sed on primary and secondary study

Academic Context
-Parametricism marks the end of modernism and into a new archect
ural theory age. The dissertation
attempts to track and analyse the change, both in theory and pr


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