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Can a person be marked as evil and never be good?

If a baby was never

baptised and it died later in life as an alright average joe, would he go to heaven?
Or not be accepted and at best get purgatory. I dont know where vampires are put
when they go but I know Im bound for Hell. I ran in with the wrong kind of crowds
when I was young. Did some basic drug running in my teens, more organized in my
young adulthood and a bit later in life I got me a bike and roamed with a crew. I
didnt like what I did, but it got me what I needed the most of. Money and power. To
change the things I want. Like giving kids a half decent home. Giving the right
people food and shelter. I cant believe I used to believe in that bull shit. When I
found out the money I was collecting in our line of work was being used for other
shit I flipped. I deserted from the gang, they always came looking but one person
moves better.
A couple of years later I found myself in some city....cant quite remember but
I hit a low part of town. No big deal. Guess I was wrong. When I get smacked down
by a bunch of thugs and dragged into some occult shit. I was chained and gagged.
Beaten and bruised. I tried to free myself and when I couldnt I did the one thing I
could. Pray. I was always a bit of a Christian man. Kind of warped it a few times but
the thoughts were good enough. I did it for good reasons right? I knew I was going
to Hell before but I didnt want to go yet. I didnt want to go like this.
Right about the time I was about to chew my arm off a figure appeared. I
thought he was one of the guys that beat me cause I saw weird voodoo stuff in the
room and they were wearing robes from what I gathered. Once this guy let down his
hood I saw the face of some normal black man. He seemed calm and unbothered by
the scene that was around him. So you pray to God for your release? I told him to

shove it. God cant hear you. Your prayers are heard though. Not by him. But by
At that the mans eyes glowed and he took his hand out which looked...funny
I cant remember that either. Anyways he told me; If you swear yourself to me I will
take you out of here. All you will need to do is work for me now and then. Youre
used to that right? I can tell.
At that point someone entered the room. More hooded guys and they didnt
seem to notice the man in front of me. They came in with a bowl, a candle, and
some fucking freaky knife. I stared as the man with the knife stood dead center
facing me and raised the knife above his head.
Okay! I yelled! You win!
After that... well lets say that some people are ash. They werent vampires
neither. Now I owe this guy a favour. Well he says how much my life is to him I
needed to take down some heathens to him. I dont know who he would consider a
heathen to be but if I did this he may take off my payment.
He had me move to a museum in San Jose. I was to wait there for some deal
to be down. I go in. Kill the three in there and get out. These guys were supposedly
like the ones that got me so if I didnt do it they would drag some bum off the
streets. I got ready, flared my temper and went in. I got about three steps into the
room when someone locked eyes with me. I froze. Couldnt move a step. There were
four individuals. One in bindings and the others coming towards me.
While they talked about what to do with me I saw the one in bindings being
talked to by none other then the man that freed me. I dont know what he likes

about tied up guys but as they talked they pointed to me and then he left. I didnt
really care but as soon as they three others got close enough I torched their asses
and lit the ropes of the tied up one on fire. Afterwards when I struck the final blow
the other guy jumped me! Dug his fangs waaaayyy in and left me. The man that
freed us ushering him out and mentioning that others will be here to clean up the
While I sat there half dead I had a vision. Some woman came into the
museum walked right up to the man that freed me. He pointed at her then me just
as he did the last guy and the mystery woman slit her wrist and shoved it into my
mouth. Then I passed out.
Came through the usual shit when people become embraced. Fought, ate,
slept. On top of some hill I came to and looked out onto the city. The mystery man
appeared and thanked me for my service.
Is this some sort of price I have to pay? Why this?
Well you see I understand what you are now. I mixed it up a bit so no one will
follow you. You may go as you please. However, I freed you from your original
imprisonment. Then I freed you from your second, mortality. Isnt it great? You own
me for immortality! The price, your servitude. Never make a deal with a demon boy.
You should know that from your bible years. Ill speak to you from time to time. As
long as you live now... you will do me favours and you may keep the gift I gave

I didnt want it but he assured me I did and left. That would have been 90
some year ago since then Ive only done him one favour and I dont want to talk
about it. The rest is history.
I didnt trust anyone for a long time. The new life I lead was a life of scorn and
beatings. The Camarilla is my best option right now. If they find out I might be able
to pull off deals to let me live a bit longer. If I go anywhere else Ill be killed instantly
or be even worse off. Theres strength in numbers and for now I work for the
Camarilla and this bastard on the side. Its not the best but its cozy.
Luckily enough people in shitty situations can find it easy to work together.
Thats kind of how I work and found my partner in the business. I tried to kill him
and he tried to kill me. Then we killed the bastard who hired us to kill each other for
his enjoyment and weve worked together ever since. Hes the only guy to have my
back and I told him my secret. He knows and he deals with it.
Well see how long that lasts.

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