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Raquel Munoz

HD 445
June 16, 2015

Reading the World

At the age of 7 years old, I started 2nd grade. I was new to the school and all I knew was
to speak Spanish. When I walked in the class, I knew that I was different from others as I heard a
different language different than mine. I prayed to myself to help me get through that first day of
school and isolated myself as I was extremely timid. The teacher would try to say some words in
Spanish but didn't make any sense. I clearly understood what she meant by her hand expressions
of what she wanted from me. I sat in my desk all the time unless the teacher assistant instructed
me to do something else which her and I were the only ones that spoke Spanish. When it was
time for recess or lunch, I followed my classmates to the cafeteria and did exactly what they did.
Got in line, grabbed a tray, and I even grabbed the same food that they did. Later, to find out that
I was able to pick and choose from the different food menu. During recess, I did exactly the same
thing, followed them to the cafeteria benches even if I didn't have a snack or to the bathroom
even if I didn't needed to go. I wasn't used to so many bells ringing in my previous school, so
there were times that I sat close to the classroom so when the bell rang and my classmates were
lining up, I knew that I also had to line up with the rest. Until I got the flow of the schedule.

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