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Halloween (or All Hallows Eve) is celebrated on October 31 in

severalcountries. It has its roots in pagan celebrations for the end of

the harvest season, various festivals of the dead, and the
Celtic Samhain festival. Day of the Dead (or Dia de los Muertos)
is a Mexican holiday, also celebrated in parts of Latin America and
the U.S., to remember and pray for family and friends who have
died. It is on November 1.

Comparison chart
Day of the Dead

Country of Mexico
Date October 31st to November 2

Remember and celebrate friends and

family who are dead

Visit cemetery, leave food offerings

shaped like skulls at the altar along with
candles, incense and a picture of the
dead person
Symbols Skulls
Pan de muertos (bread of the dead Typical skull-shaped bread), candied pumpkins,
festivity food any favorite food of the celebrated late
friend/family member
Religion Christianity


October 31
An appreciation of the afterlife and the
survival after death. Literal meaning is
the night before All Hallows' Day (aka
All Saints' Day)
Carve Jack o' Lanterns out of pumpkins,
decorate the house with a ghoulish
theme, parties, go trick or treating door
to door wearing costumes
Pumpkins, ghosts
Pumpkin pie, cookies shaped like
pumpkins, ghosts or skulls, candy, cakes
made like a graveyard
Paganism, Christianity (All Hallows
Eve); now modernized and embraced

Day of the Dead


universally as a fun festival

Trick or Treating


"Jingle bells,
Batman smells,
Robin laid an egg."
Trick or Treat!
The custom of 'trick or treat' probably has several origins. And they are mostly
Irish. An old Irish peasant practice called for going door to door to collect
money, bread cake, cheese, eggs, butter, nuts, apples, etc., in preparation for
the festival of St. Columbus Kill. Yet another custom was the begging for soul
cakes, or offerings for one's self - particularly in exchange for promises of
prosperity or protection against bad luck. It is with this custom the concept of
the fairies came to be incorporated as people used to go door to door begging
for treats. Failure to supply the treats would usually result in practical jokes
being visited on the owner of the house.
Since the fairies were abroad on this night, an offering of food or milk was
frequently left for them on the steps of the house, so the houseowner could
gain the blessings of the "good folk" for the coming year. Many of the
households would also leave out a "dumb supper" for the spirits of the

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