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Class:FHS 1500

Name: Alexis Wach

Assignment: Observation 1
Background information
Childss age: 2 years
Fictitious name: Bree
Location: Museum of natural curiosity
Brief description: A Toddlers playground involving thing to climb and giant puzzles
to put together and water table with water toys with about 15 kids on it.
Physical development: Bree has mastered the most dramatic motor skill which is independent
walking (Berger,2014, P 103) and most gross motor skills seem to be developed Bree is running
somewhat smoothly sometimes teetering a little but catching her step and keeps on running she
Can walk up stairs with ease and down stairs a little more wary and Holds on to the playground
handrail She has mastered Jumping up and down to reach the ropes and pull and Stretching on
her tiptoes to touch things and put together puzzles which signifies of fine motor skills (Berger,

2014, P.104)
Bree sees a ramp on the playground and looks at it warily which signifies depth perception
(Berger, 2014 P.115) and doesn't know what to do so looks at mom .On the water play set Bree
fills little cup with water and dumps it on her lap realizing it's cold and wet after that she starts
dumping the water in the water bin The textbook refers to the child being a little scientist and
learning things by trial and error (Berger,2014 P. 116)
Bree points to different objects and says me want or what that is or asks mommy why?
Or pointing at things and naming them. The textbook calls this naming explosion in which a
childs vocab increases especially in the number of nouns(Berger, 2014 P.122)
Social development:
Bree isn't worried about the children playing around her putting together a puzzle she pulls from
other kids pile without worrying about sharing and if a child takes something from her she says
no. When unknown adults approach her she gets a little more wary and looks for mom

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