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for educational purposes only

no noob questions as i will be ignoring them
this is for disconnected subscribers
moderate the greed settings and configs:
rotate your canopy, get a good RSSI, default
orientation is OK!
take note of your connection details, how?
ipconfig /all
input the values on TCP/IP properties except the ip address TCP/IP Properties:
ip address 192.168.x.x
subnet mask
default gateway pref DNS 121.1.3.x
alt DNS 121.1.3.x
x in DNS is base station dependent, replace
with the correct values
from here, replace x in IP address randomly
in your browser, use a working proxy
look for one good proxy try and surf a site i.e. google\etc, if page is
doesnt load, change ip address till u get a
working one.. notes:
you dont have to change your MAC
you will disconnect the legit subscriber, so
pls.. be kind
this is probably known and kept secret by
some as acquiring a live MAC is difficult nowadays
do not pm me for questions
lastly, just keep this trick here in PD, as this
might not last long if you do so im even
risking this just by sharing it now

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