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Thinking process = Sequencing

Thinking Map = Flow Map

(A Language for Learning pp54-59)

Looks like:

How does it work?

Sequencing events
1. Each of the larger boxes above represents a stage in a sequence
2. Each box is joined to the next with an arrow that represents the
flow of time
3. An event, in itself, may be made up of a number of smaller
events. These sub- stages can be shown below the stage
(larger) boxes by using smaller boxes, each one linked to the
next using an arrow
4. You do not have to have sub-stages
5. If you get to the end of a line and still want to continue, take the
arrow from the right hand side of the last stage you have put in
and bring it all the way back to the left hand side of the page
before putting in the next stage. Why? because in our culture
we read left to right
6. The Flow Map can have a frame of reference but does not have to

Flow Map instructions

Instructions for making a cup of tea
Take the kettle from
its base

Turn on the

Carry it to
the sink

Return the
kettle to its

Fill it up with
cold water

Get a mug,
teaspoon, tea
bags, milk and
sugar (if required)


Your turn!
Work together and develop a Flow Map of a topic of your own
choosing. You will be using this to teach the others in the larger
group that you will be returning to.
Good luck!!

Flow Map instructions

Flow Map instructions

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