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Game of dreams

"It is too dark", he said. "Of course it is, we are not here for light. You shut up and
follow me", I told my friend. "If you ever make noise here we won't reach our
home." I mind him.
My friend robin and I came here to know the hidden secret in this old bungalow,
as almost since I was ten no one was ever dared to come here. But I did it now
and I am feeling proud inside me.
That was a big three bungalow which was located almost thirteen Kilometres
away from the city. We have been questing here for more than 2 hours still didn't
see anything strange.
"Rob! Rob! Rob!" Robin shouted but with very low pitch. I rushed there and we
saw a person who is sitting in the middle of the room and studying or praying
with a book on the table. Robin was shivering and frightened but we slowly
entered into that large room and slowly approaching meanwhile the doors were
closed automatically and he suddenly turned back and boom......

"Wake up Rob, wake up If u don't wake up now u r going to miss your

bus and I need to drop you at the school and I don't have time for that. Wake up
Rob mom made you your favourite breakfast."
He woke up suddenly and thought, Ohh! That was a scary dream. He is rob aged
twelve studying sixth standard in the King's Garden Public school. He was known
as "smarty" in his class room. He has elder brother named bob. He has a habit of
narrating his dreams as stories in to his friends and sometimes he even creates
stories just for the sake of telling his friends. Most of his friends are used to enjoy
these stories except a set of students especially peter, who is greedy tall person
and belongs to a noble family.
22nd November, evening:
Mother asked me to bring few things from the supermarket. I normally
hate going outside without my cycle, since I don't have cycle I hate going
outside. I was slowly headed towards the shop and purchased all but one, which
was not available there. I took the bill and trying to find out a shop for the
unpurchased item. I was slowly walking on the road and listening to my favourite
Suddenly the lights on the road were off and it was too dark and there was hardly
somebody to find. I was a bit scared and forgot about the item and rushing
towards home. Ohh! "What the hell!!" I missed the route for home. I tried to get
under some light.

I saw few people waiting outside a building so I thought of joining them and
slowly went there. They all are entering into that building so am I. It looked like a
church and it was actually a big hall, they all started praying so I was pretended
to pray. In a mere time people are leaving the church and I was following them,
meanwhile father of that church called me and said "Some things always scare
you." I was wondering what the hell he was saying. I didn't listen to him and went
out and stunned, frightened. It was cold, and I was able to see the things
irrespective of any street light and there was no body, those who came out from
the building were gone. I saw the watch and it is 5AM and yes it is morning!! How
the hell it can be morning 5AM. I was barely there for ten minutes. I was trying
not think and running my home like an athlete in 100m race. I reached home
went my room like a cat and just fell on the bed.
I woke up on 7AM having only a 2 hour sleep and went school. All my
friends are curiously listening to me as I was explaining yesterday's mystery to
my friends. The way I was explaining was too good to trust me. Here comes the
peter and spoiled the show. "Wow! What a great story rob you are really a master
in narrating stories like these. I am impressed!!" Peter said. "No! This was no
story it was real." I said. "aha then look at these photos then" he said. The
photos were taken in the city park which was one of the large parks in the
country. But the thing is "I was in those pics, in all of the pics." "U were there for
more than three hours till 12 AM stop these type of bullshit stories." He said. I
was shocked how the hell he has taken photos of mine as I was somewhere at
the same time. I came to home and thinking deeply about it and asked my mom
"what is the nearest church for us." "Grand gravity church which is around 9KM
from here." mom said.
What the hell "Did I travel 9KM yesterday!!" I thought. I thought I should stop
thinking and leave it to god, Hey god! Help in this problem. If you help me in this
I will sure trust you for a long time. Meanwhile God thinking "This is 991th time
you are telling this, anyway I will help you don't worry!!"
Next day I woke up still thinking about that and momentarily saw the
watch and it showed 23th November and 7AM. Ohh! God!! So that was a dream.
Thank god!! For making that horrible thing a dream. But "When did I start this
dream?" "Was church thing a dream?" he questioned himself.
I wanted to conform by asking his mother "Did you send me anywhere on 12th
night" I asked mom.
"Yes rob, I sent you to the supermarket to buy few kitchen items." Mom replied.
"When did I come home then!!? I asked again.
"I didn't remember the time but we had dinner at 10:30" Mom replied.
"What?!! Was I there in the dinner yesterday?" I asked mom.
"Of course, you were. If you want any proof go and check in the kitchen sink"
Mom replied.

"I went to kitchen and saw 4 uncleaned plates. Two plates were of mom and dad,
third of bob and fourth of..... Mine??!!" I wondered and stunned.
I slowly went to school and didn't talk much with friends. After some time we
were chatting casually then comes Peter,
"I am sorry, Rob! I lied to you yesterday. I was really not there in the park and of
course I didn't see you" Peter said.
I didn't ask anything about photos and my mind was not in this planet
Suddenly voices, "Then how did you get the pictures of his in the park?" All
friends asked him and I stunned with one more shock.
"Those photos were taken long back ago and I showed them yesterday" Robin
"May be Rob, whatever you was true. I am really sorry for that" He added.
Meanwhile I was talking to myself "So, Robin is here and apologizing me. Ohh
dear! He was the person who always hates me and always challenge me and
now he is aphorizing.... It's ok Robin but what the f... are you saying"
"But on 22nd evening I went to that church and today is 23, then when did lie to
me? When did you show my pictures?" I wanted to ask but I didn't.
"I already have to find out where was I yesterday evening and night, so I
shouldn't ask Robin anything" I told myself.
I didn't talk much about anything with my friends. And I am going home on 23rd
evening (I checked the time and date more than 100 times on 23rd itself) having
plenty of answerless questions in my mind.
I reached home, done my bath them having my snacks made by mom. With
plenty of question in my mind I slept finally after 1 hour struggle.

Next day: Rob woke up and saw the date and time it was 23rd November 7AM
then had the breakfast and left the home.
Meanwhile Robin woke up in his home and panting like an athlete who just
completed a marathon and saw the date and time and of course, stunned!!!!

D. Bhanuprakash Reddy

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