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Journal 3: Genre and Reflection

Genre is simply the approach the writer takes to most efficiently accomplish their
goal. Kathleen Blake explains this in Navigating Genres. Before reading this, definition
of genre was closer to a definition of category. She writes Similarities in within genres
help us to communicate successfully, meaning that certain types of writing have distinct
characteristics designed for accommodating that specific situation. Dirks definition of
genre explains how it is a tool for writers to use, whereas my definition prior to this only
related to identifying a piece. Anzaldua uses genre as it is described by Dirk because the
is writing with a purpose and her tone reflects what she is trying to accomplish. Although
to Anzaldua would probably broaden her definition to incorporate the audience because it
was such a large part of her writing on culture.
To Kathleen Blake, reflection is step-by-step process used to enhance writing to
achieve authors full potential. She says that reflection is a Dialectical process by which
we develop and achieve, first, specific goals for learning; second, strategies for reaching
those goals; and third, means of determining whether or not we have met those goals.
According to Yancey, following these steps of reflection will allow the author to learn
from their own working, enabling them to be their own teachers. Reflection can have
different meanings depending on the circumstances; sometimes it only refers to revisions.
The different types of reflections identified by Yancey include Reflection-in-action,
constructive reflection, and reflection-in-person. I reflect on my life extremely often and
how my past experiences have made me who I am today. By reflecting on my life, I can
make more educated decisions based on how similar situations resulted in the past. not
only should an author reflect on what theyre writing upon its completion but throughout

the writing process. In doing so they can remind themselves of whom they are speaking
with and what their purpose is resulting in consistency.

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