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Year 11 Standard English

Assessment Task

Due: Term 3, Week 5, Friday 14th August.

Task: Written Response

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5. A student describes the ways different technologies and media of production
affect the language and structure of particular texts.
9. A student assesses the appropriateness of a range of processes and
technologies in the investigation and organisation of information and ideas.
10. A student analyses and synthesises information and ideas from a range of
texts for a variety of purposes, audiences and contexts.

You will prepare an essay response to the following question:
How successful has the playwright been in conveying significant ideas about
human nature?
In your responses make close reference to both ideas in the play and how these
ideas are represented.
The essay must be typed with size 12 Times New Roman font with double
spacing, so that it looks like this sentence. This allows space for your
teacher to provide feedback.
Text for study: Cosi Louis Nowra

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