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Commanders of the Freelands Outrider Battle-Host:

Lelani Amastacia, Female Wood Elf 52 103lbs; Ranger/Wizard; Neutral Good; LanguagesCommon, Elven, Sylvan, Giant, Orc, and Undercommon; Background- Noble; Favored EnemiesGiants, Undead, and Humanoids (Drow and Orc); Favored Terrain- Artic, Mountains, and Forest;
Fighting Style- Archery; Ranger Archetype- Hunter; Arcane Tradition- School of Divination
Lelani was born in the Forest of Ariel. Of noble birth, she was given access to the very best
tutors the wood elves had to offer. She showed great potential in the ways of the wizard early in
life, being very intelligent and a quick learner. However, she preferred to be outside with her bow
much more than being stuck inside with a book. She became a skilled archer and was known as
one of the best shots within the Freelands, winning several archery competitions before even
reaching adulthood. As a child she always enjoyed roaming the forest and as she grew older she
become fond of hunting the deadly beast that called the woods home. She found the rush of
adrenaline gained from a clean kill exhilarating, especially after several days in the woods
stalking her chosen prey. She joined the ranks of the Templars of the Moon soon after becoming
an adult so that she could learn the ways of the ranger. Though already a skilled hunter, the
Templars trained here to become a master. She learned everything there was to know about
hunting within the Freelands; its terrain, native plants and animals, weather, and many potential
dangers. She became an expert in surviving not just in the southern woods, but in the cold hills
and high mountains of the north. She learned the nature of the most common enemies of the
Freelands, both within and outside its borders. She moved to the Riverine Mountains and spent
many years guarding the northern border from the horrors constantly seeping in to the land from
within the Barrens. After spending over a hundred years fighting in the mountains, she was
gravely injured by a frost giant while out on patrol. Although she would survive, she would be
unfit for combat for quite some time and decided to return home to the Forest of Ariel. It was
there that her interest in magic was reborn and she began study the books she had abandoned
as a child. Even after her injuries had fully healed, she stayed with the wood elves for some time
to continue expanding her arcane knowledge. Eventually her duty as a Templar called her back in
to action, but in her time home she had become an exceptionally skilled wizard. Specializing in
the school of divination, she is able foretell enemies attacks, a skill the Templars take full
advantage of. She often leads ambushes on raiders preparing to invade the Freelands, stopping
the attack before it has even happened. Currently she commands the Outriders Battle-Host, who
specialize in stealthy ambushes rather than direct combat.
Salleek, Male Aarakocra 51 92lbs; Paladin/Cleric of Paelith; Lawful Good; Languages- Common,
Aarakocra, Auran, and Celestial; Background- Acolyte; Sacred Oath- Oath of Devotion; Fighting
Style- Defense; Divine Domain- Life
Jeriko Tamilarii, Male Centaur 75 2,117lbs; Fighter/Warlock; Neutral Good; Languages- Common,
Sylvan, and Elven; Background- Outlander; Fighting Style- Two Weapon Fighting; Fighter
Archetype- Champion; Otherworldly Patron- the Archfey; Pact Boon- Pact of the Chain
(Pseudodragon Familiar);
Mishann Kimbatuul, Female Dragonborn 68 278lbs; Sorcerer/Rogue; Chaotic Good; LanguagesCommon, Draconic, Undercommon, and Dwarven; Background-Slave Laborer; Sorcerous OriginDraconic Bloodline; Roguish Archetype-Assassin;
James Freeman, Male Human Werebear (Natural Lycanthrope) 62 249lbs; Barbarian; Chaotic
Good; Languages- Common; Background- Hermit; Primal Path- Path of the Totem Warrior (Bear);

The Soulsail
The Command

Jendar Nari, Male Genasi 64 197lbs; 20th Sorcerer/Rogue/Elemental Tempest; Chaotic

Neutral; Languages- Common, Primordial, Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Terran, Elven, Dwarven,
Gnome, Halfling, Orc, Giant, Draconic, Goblin, and Undercommon; Background- Sailor;
Elemental Manifestation- Watersoul, Stormsoul, and Windsoul; Sorcerous Origin- Wild
Magic; Roguish Archetype-Assassin;
Jendar Nari is a high-ranking member of the Chariots and captain of his own
merchant ship, Soulsail, a massive vessel capable of transporting up to 250 tons of goods
across the vast Sea of Woe and along the coasts of its continents. He commands a crew of
over 30 sailors and travels all around the world trading with any and every one he meets.
He is friendly man well versed in the art of negotiating, possessing incredible
salesmanship and a charming personality. He is also a quick and deadly opponent who is
very experienced in defending his ship, his goods, and himself. Jendar is a member of the
Rising Suns, a secret society based out of the Kingdom of the Sun dedicated to serving
Horus in the battle against Haydes. He is aware that other members of the Chariots,
particularly the ones with ties to the Cult of the Black Mask, are suspicious of his
involvement with the Rising Suns. He is also aware that his new warlock, assigned to him
by the guild, is a member of the Cult of Black Mask sent here to spy on the captain and
crew of the Soulsail. Jendar is a passionate ring collector and is always wearing a wide
variety of beautiful rings. This seemingly innocent hobby is based off of Jendars obsession
with finding all four of the fabled Rings of Elemental Command. He currently possesses
two of the rings, air and water, and is searching for the other two, fire and earth. He
wishes to use the rings to unlock all of his elemental manifestations and increase his
power over the elements. Unknown to all but his highest ranking officers, Jendar has
managed to magically bind a sea dragon to his will and the creature follows bellow
Soulsail wherever she goes. Currently, Jendar has been sailing back and forth between
Ebnor and Rhoedoas bring large shipments of metals to the drakkoth clans. They also have
a habit of taking passengers with them on these trips, mainly priest and missionaries from
the Church of Horus seeking to establish the church on the shores of Rhoedaos and spread
the word of Horus to the natives.
Equipment- Celestial Armor, four +5 dancing daggers (each with a specific
elemental property: flaming, icy, shocking, and thundering), Nine Lives Stealer (7 lives
left), Ring of Elemental Command (Air), Ring of Elemental Command (Water), Force Shield
Ring, Freedom of Movement Ring, Invisibility Ring, Mind Shielding Ring, Regeneration
Ring, Sustenance Ring, Amulet of Health (+6), Bag of Holding (Type IV), Belt of Giant
Strength (+6), Bottle of Air, Bracers of Armor (+8), Chime of Opening, Decanter of
Endless Water, Elixir of Truth, Glove od Dexterity (+6) Headband of Intellect(+6), Lantern
of Revealing,
Terios Noordstron, Male Minotaur 75 364lbs; 20 th level Fighter; Chaotic Neutral;
Languages- Common and Aquan; Background- Soldier; Fighting Style- Great Weapon
Fighting; Martial Archetype- Eldritch Knight;
Serving as first mate on the Soulsail, Terios has been friends and allies with Jendar
for over 15 years. The two met when Terios and his soldiers were hired by the Chariots to
safe guard the acquiring and transporting of highly prized gems Jendar was getting from
Rhoedaos. He stayed on with Jendar after being convinced by his friend to join the ranks of
the Chariots and since then the two have sailed the Sea of Woe together becoming
incredibly rich.
Zeeda Stormfeather, Female Half-Elf 510 132lbs; 20 th Monk/Bard; Chaotic Neutral;
Languages- Common, Elven, Undercommon, and Aquan; Background- Urchin; Monastic
Tradition- Way of the Open Hand; Bard College- College of Lore;

Brocc Dargelo Male Gnome 32 31lbs; 20th level Druid; Chaotic Neutral; LanguagesCommon, Gnome, Druidic, Slyvan, and Aquan; Background- Outlander; Druid Circle- Circle
of the Land (Coast);
Not much is known of Broccs past or even his present for that matter. He is an
eccentric and some say delusional old gnome who has spent nearly his entire life at sea.
He knows the Sea of Woe like no other, able to read its waves and skies like a book. He
serves as the ships navigator, making sure she stays on course during her endless journey
roaming the sea.

The Crew

20 Low-level NPCs consisting of a mix of 1st level Fighters, Rogues, Monks, Barbarians, and
12 Mid-level NPCs including one 14th level Goliath Cleric of Poseidon, one 14th level Human
Warlock, one 12th level Eladrin Ranger, one 11th level Halfling Bard, four 8th level Minotaur
Fighters, one 8th level Human Monk, two 8th level Tiefling Rogues, and one 8th level Goliath

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