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Stanza 1:

When benefics are powerless and malefics powerful, and when impo
tent planets are in quadrants, the birth must be foretold of objects that have r
esemblance to the nature of the dwadasamsa occupied by Moon at the time, or when
under similar conjunctions the birth sign is aspected by impotent planets, the
birth of viyonis must be predicted
Stanza 2:
If powerful malefics occupy their navamsa, if powerless benefics
occupy others navamsas and if lagna is viyoni, then viyoni creatures must be pre
Stanza 3:
Aries represents head, Taurus face and neck, Gemini front legs,
Cancer back, Leo chest, Virgo sides, Libra belly, Scorpio anus, Sagittarius hind
legs, Capricorn genitals, Aquarius butt and upper legs, and Pisces tail
Stanza 4:
The color must be predicted by the birth sign, its amsa, by plan
ets in it or by their aspects. The intensity of the color is known by powerful c
onjunctions or aspects of planets. By the planets in the 7th the lines or spots
on the butt must be identified
Stanza 5:
If birth is in pakshi drekkana, if Saturn joins or aspects it, t
he birth of birds must be predicted. If Moon is there or aspects it, predict the
birth of water-birds. If the navamsa falls in Mercurial signs with Saturn in co
njunction or aspecting, then ordinary birds, but if Moon joins or aspects it, aq
uatic birds must be predicted
Stanza 6:
When the birth sign, Moon, Jupiter and Sun are powerless, the bi
rth of trees must be predicted. The nature of the plants (aquatic or land) must
be identified by the rising navamsa, and the number of the trees by the number o
f the navaaamsas that the lord of the navamsa has passed from his rising amsa in
the lagna
Stanza 7:
Sun produces internally strong trees, Saturn ugly ones, Moon mil
ky trees, Mars dry plants, Mercury and Jupiter fruitless and fruitful ones respe
ctively and Venus flowery trees. Moon makes bright plants and Mars bitter ones
Stanza 8:
If a benefic occupies a bad sign, then a good tree grows in a ba
d place, if otherwise it is reversed. The number of trees is determined by the a
mass the lord has passed from his

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