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suitably folded, is preferable and looks a shade more elegant than the custom-built
article) and had a spectator place it in position. While the silk was being tied around his
'-lead, Al turned away from the audience momentarily, during which time, no more than a
couple of seconds, he deliberately transferred the top ten cards of the pack (all the cards
above and including the crimped one) to the bottom of the deck. Then. as the blindfold
was finally straightened into position, Koran put the entire pack, openly, into his trouser
:Jocket, the backs of the cards outwards.

If the reader will go to the trouble of trying this with the cards, he will find
that, at this point, the position is as follows: Ten of the selected cards, in the numerical
order ten to one, are on top of the pack; the remainder are on the bottom, running from
twenty to number eleven on the face of the pack. In this position, all is ready for the
impressive performance. Before detailing the procedure I will mention that it is not
necessary to transfer the ten cards from top to bottom of the pack in full view; it can be
done, one-handed, in the pocket. The crimped eleventh card forms an easily detected
break, and only a little practice is needed to give one confidence in the handling of the
manoeuvre. Faintheartedness should not, however, deter anyone from trying it AI's way: it
IS never questioned
so long as it is done at a natural pace, with no guilty jerks and

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