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The efficiency of a person depends on two factors, firstly, the level of ability to do a
certain work, secondly, the willingness to do the work. So for as the first factor is concerned it
can be acquired by education and training, but the second factor can be created by motivation. A
person may have several needs and desires. It is only strongly felt needs which becomes motives.
Thus motives are a product of needs and desires motives are many and keep on changing with
time motives are invisible and directed towards certain goals.
Motivation means that process which creates on inspiration in a person to motivation is derived
from the word motive which means the latest power in a person which impels him to do a work.


The word motivation has been derived from motive which means any idea, need or
emotion that prompts a man in to action. Whatever may be the behavior of man, there is some
stimulus behind it .Stimulus is dependent upon the motive of the person concerned. Motive can
be known by studying his needs and desire.
It is the major task of every manager to motivate his subordinate or to create the will to
work among the subordinates .It should also be remembered that the worker may be immensely
capable of doing some work, nothing can be achieved if he is not willing to work .creation of a
will to work is motivation in simple but true sense of term.


Definition of Motivation:
o According to Edwin B Flippo, Motivation is the process of attempting to
influence others to do their work through the possibility of gain or reward.
o According to Michael J. Jucius ; Motivation is the act of stimulating some one or
oneself to get a desired course of action or to push the right button to get a desired
o According to Dalton E. Mc farland, "The concept of motivation is mainly
psychological. It related to those forces are many and keep on changing with time
motives are invisible and directed towards certain go

Importance of motivation:
Motivation is one of the most important factors determining organizational efficiency. All
organizational facilities will go to waste in absence of motivated people to utilize these facilities
effectively. Every superior in the organization must motivate its subordinates for the right types
of behavior. The performance of human beings in the organization is dependent on the ability in
the motivation. Motivation is an effective instrument in the hands of management in inspiring the
workforce. Motivation increases the willingness of the workers to work, thus increasing
efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.
Best utilization of resources:
Motivation ensures best and efficient utilization of all types of resources. Utilization of
resources is possible to their fullest extent if the man is induced to contribute their efforts
towards attaining organizational goals. Thus, people should be motivated to carry out the plans,
policies and programs laid down by the organization.


Will to Contribute: there is a difference between "Capacity to work" and "willingness to work". One can be
physically and mentally fit to work but he may not be willing to work. Motivation results in
feeling of involvement to present his better performance. Thus, motivation bridges the gap
between capacity to work and willingness to work.
Reduction in Labor Problems: all the members try to concentrate their efforts to achieve the objectives of the organization and
carry out plans in accordance with the policies and programmes laid down by the organization if
the management introduced motivational plans. It reduces labor problems like labor turnover,
absenteeism, indiscipline, grievances, etc. because their real wages increase by the motivational
Sizeable increase in production and productivity: when motivated properly, people try to put efforts produce more, thus increasing their efficiency
and as a result of this general production and productivity of the organization increases. They
(motivated employees) use the methods, system and technology effectively in the best interest of
the organization.
Basis of Cooperation: In a zeal to produce more the member's work 'an s a team to pull the weight effectively, to get
their loyalty to the group and the organization, to carry out properly the activities allocated and
generally to play an efficient part in achieving the purpose which the organization has
Improvement upon skill and knowledge:all the members will try to be efficient as possible and will try it improve upon the skill and
knowledge to the progress of the organization which, in turn will provide the promised and more,
ultimately enabling them to satisfy their needs - personal and social both.
Acceptance of organizational change: 3


change is the law of nature. Due to several changes in the society, changes in technology, value
system, etc. organization has to incorporate these changes to cope with the requirement of the
Better Image: A firm that provides opportunities for the advancement of its people has a better image in the
minds of the public as a good employer. This will also improve employee satisfaction and reduce
industrial stifle. In a nutshell, to achieve the organizational and individual goals in an economical
and efficient manner, motivates an important tool in the hands of management to direct the
behavior of subordinates in the desired and appropriate direction and thus minimize the wastage
of human and other resources.

The importance of motivation becomes clear from following facts :

1-High Level of Performance.
2-Low Employee Turnover and Absenteeism.
3-Easy Acceptance of organizational changes.
4-Good human relations.
5-Good image of organization.
6-Increase in Morale.
7-Proper use of Human Resource Possible.
8-Helpful in Achieving Goals.
9-Builds Good relations among employees.
10-Easier Selection.
11-Facilities Change.


Techniques of Motivation

Financial IncentivesIncentive is an act or promise for greater action. It is also called as a stimulus to greater action.
Incentives are something which are given in addition to wagers. It means additional
remuneration or benefit to an employee in recognition of achievement or better work. Incentives
provide a spur or zeal in the employees for better performance. It is a natural thing that nobody
acts without a purpose behind.. The need of incentives can be many:
To increase productivity,
To drive or arouse a stimulus work,
To enhance commitment in work performance,
To psychologically satisfy a person which leads to job satisfaction,
To shape the behavior or outlook of subordinate towards work,
To inculcate zeal and enthusiasm towards work,
To get the maximum of their capabilities so that they are exploited and utilized maximally.

Job enlargement:
Job enlargement) involves the addition of extra, similar, tasks to a job.In job enlargement, the
job itself remains essentially unchanged. However, by widening the range of tasks that need to be
performed, hopefully the employee will experience less repetition and monotony that are
common on production lines which rely upon the division of labour.

Job enrichmentJob enrichment is connected to the concept of job enlargement. Job enrichment is the process of
"improving work processes and environments so they are more satisfying for employees.


Workers can feel dissatisfied in their position due to a lack of a challenge, repetitive procedures,
or an over-controlled authority structure. Job enrichment tries to eliminate these problems, and
bring better performance to the workplace.
Job rotation:
it refers to shifting an employee from one job to another. Such job rotation doesnt mean hanging
of their job but only the employees are rotated.

Why is Job Rotation Important?

Job rotation is seen as a possible solution to two significant challenges faced by business:
(1) Skills shortages and skills gaps, and
(2) Employee motivation
Participation :
Participation refers to involvement of employee in planning and decision making .it helps the
employees feel that they are an asset of the organization which helps in developing ideas to solve
the problems.
Delegation of authority:
Delegation of authority is concerned with the granting of authority to the subordinates which
helps in developing a feeling of dedication to work in an organization because it provides the
employees high morale to perform any task
Quality of work life:
It is the relationship between employees and the total working environment of organization. It
integrates employee needs and well being with improves productivity, higher job satisfaction and
great employee involvement. it ensures higher level of satisfaction.
Management by objectives:


It is used as a motivation and technique for self control of performance. By this technique
superior and subordinates set goals and each individual subordinates responsibilities clearly
defined which help to explore the sill and use in the organization effectively
Behavior modification:
The work in desired behavior in order to modify behavior he last technique of motivation is
behavior modification. It develops positive motivation to the workers to do.


Surprisingly, there are advantages and disadvantages to motivation depending on
whether motivation comes from outside sources, known as extrinsic motivation, or
from internal sources, termed intrinsic motivation.
1. Requires minimal effort on the part of the teacher or manager
2. Generally applicable to all individuals in the group
3. May consist of tangible or intangible rewards

1. Lack of effectiveness over a long-term period
2. Rewards or benefits must be steadily increased or changed to remain enticing
3. Discourages desire for learning for the sake of learning itself
1. Leads to more effective long-term learning and recall
2. Is a personal experience for each individual in the group

3. Self-perpetuates further intrinsic motivation

1. Requires the instructor or leader to have personal knowledge of each individual in
the group
2.Time-consuming for instructors/teachers
3.Varies for each individual

Goals and aspirations of their employees. What motivates one employee will not
necessarily motivate another.
In addition to ensuring fair pay and conditions, it is also essential for the business to
meet the higher order needs of individual employees. These include the need for recognition and
fulfillment at work.
Enterprise has created the right environment for motivating and engaging its people
through the development of good communication channels, appropriate training and honest and
timely feedback. Enterprise managers recognize that motivation is personal to the individual. If
employees feel that they are being treated fairly, they will be more likely to give their best.
Motivation comes from within an individual. Enterprise managers therefore need to find out
about the personal.

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