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/ Sensor Systems Technology

Lab View Exercise
Issued on: 07.08.2015

Due on: 26.08.2015

1. Build a thermometer which measures temperature and displays temperature values using
the C to F converter. Plot the output temperature values on a chart to display the variation
of temperature values. Also show the mean of the temperature values on a thermometer.
2. Build a VI that reverses the order of an array containing 100 random numbers.
3. Build a VI that generates a 2D array of three rows by columns containing random
numbers. After generating the array, index each row and plot each row on its own graph.
The front panel should contain three graphs.
4. Build a VI that simulates the roll of a die with possible values 1-6 and records the number
of times that the die rolls each value. The input is the number of times to roll the die and
the outputs include the number of times the die falls on each possible value.
5. Build a VI that uses the formula node to calculate the following equations:
Y = x3 + x2+5
Y = mx + c
6. Create a VI that continuously generates random numbers 0 and 1000 until it generates a
number that matches a number selected by the user. Determine how many random
numbers the VI generated before the matching number.
7. Build a VI to find the factorial of a given number specified on the front panel.
8. Build a VI that finds the class average of the marks scored by the students, the highest
mark scored and the lowest mark obtained and display it using cluster.
9. Build a digital calculator VI using case structure to find addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division of two numbers specified on the front panel.
10. Build a VI for solving the quadratic equation ax 2+bx+c=0 with the given a, b & c input

values on the front panel. Create a sub VI for this program.

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