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1. He has been doing time.

- He has been in prison. He has been in jail.
2. Shes light fingered.
- Somebody who is a thief. Instead of saying Shes an outright thief
is much better saying Shes little light fingered (more acceptable
at workplaces for example).
3. No longer with us.
- It can be used when a person doesnt work at a company anymore
instead of saying he has been taken off the job you can say hes
no longer with us.
- This expression is also used when a person has passed away, then
you can say that person is no longer with us.
4. Im just going to powder my nose.
- When you are in a restaurant with high profile friends of you and
you need to use the washroom, its not polite to stand up and say
I need to go to the toilet , so its better to say Im just going to
powder my nose (just for ladies)
5. Shes in the family way.
- Shes pregnant. Shes buns in the oven (lovely way to describe
somebodys pregnant).
6. Down & out
- Homeless. It can be referred to a noun or an adjective. Hes a
down & out. A down & out just walked into that house looking for
7. She passed away
- When youre talking about somebody who is dead.
8. Public Conveniences
- Public toilet. Please, can you show me the way to the public

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