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Case Maker for Truth at Colorado School of Mines

Xandra serving students and faculty with
attractive offerings, encouragements, and persuasion
Reported by volunteer and former civil engineer Vobo on 19 August 2015

Early fall of 2014, Xandra and students handed

out worldview surveys to fellow students and
faculty on campus so they can consider what
presuppositions they use to sort out what is
meaningful in their lives. From this, they could
consider the newly formed campus chapter
Xandra was organizing. The new chapter has
weekly meetings for students and faculty to
gather, inquire, and discuss ultimate topics.

Last October, Xandra hosted a chapter event

featuring Dr. Douglas Groothuis, Professor of
Philosophy at Denver Seminary, who spoke on Jesus and MohammadLooking at the Evidence. In
November, she hosted another chapter event featuring an atheist as he shared his story and
comprehensions and answered questions from the audience. As my uncle, who is a former
electrical engineer, and I attended the second event, we were impressed with everyones mutual
respect for, acceptance of, empathy with, concern for, and intelligent questions to each other,
including the atheist guest.

Xandra handing out surveys to students on campus

From April 27 through 30, 2015, Xandra

and her friends plan to host Think Week
at Colorado School of Mines featuring
four main speakers including Dr. Hugh
Ross on Cosmology and Fine Tuning in
the Universe and Dr. Michael Behe on
Irreducible Complexity in Nature. The
week will also feature lunchtime talks by
support speakers from the University of
Oxford and a questions and answers
panel of four students representing four

Rational zone and Please no blind faith!

Following are introductions of three of her science contacts and supporters, including Think
Week main speakers Dr. Hugh Ross and Dr. Michael Behe.
Professor Michael Behe is known for his book, Darwins Black Box, in which he presents
implications for Neo-Darwinism of what he calls irreducibly complex biochemical systems. The
book sold over 250,000 copies, was internationally reviewed in over one hundred publications,
and named by National Review and World Magazine as one of the 100 most important books of
the 20th century. In addition to publishing articles in biochemical journals, he wrote editorial
features in Boston Review, American Spectator, and The New York Times. For more information
Continued on the back of this sheet.

Resident Case Maker and Ambassador for Truth at Colorado School of Mines
about Dr. Behe, you can access his Uncommon Descent:
Serving the Intelligent Design Community blog at

Astrophysicist and best-selling author Dr. Hugh Ross, Ph.D.,

travels the world speaking about the compatibility of
scientific discoveries with truths of special or sacred book
revelation. He has spoken in more than 300 universities and
numerous conferences. Dr. Ross has a Ph.D. in astrophysics
from the University of
Toronto. For several
years he continued
his research on
Xandra with Biochemistry Professor
quasars and galaxies
Dr. Michael J. Behe, Ph.D.
as a postdoctoral
fellow at the California Institute of Technology. In 2012,
Dr. Ross received the Ide P. Trotter Prize presented by
Texas A&M University. For more information about Dr.
Ross, you can access his Reasons To Believe President and
Xandra with Astrophysicist
Founder web page at <
Dr. Hugh Ross, P h.D.
Michael Carroll is an astronomical and paleo artist, science journalist,
and theologian. His art appeared in NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Moscows Institute for Space
Research, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Lockheed/Martin,
and exhibits throughout the world. One of his paintings flew aboard
Russia's space station MIR, and another is resting at the North Pole of
Marsin digital formaboard the Phoenix lander. His art also
appeared in several hundred magazines and TV specials including
Time, National Geographic, Smithsonian, Astronomy, Harpers, Sky and
Telescope, Astronomy Now (UK), NOVA, and National Geographic
Explorer. For more information about Michael Carroll, you can access
his Space Art and Writing website at <>.
Xandra with Astronomical
Artist Michael Carroll

Xandra and her friends of Ratio Christi at Colorado School of Mines rely
on gifts of friends like you. If you wish to offer tax-deductible donations, you can donate by
accessing their web page at <>, finding the Mines Pages heading near
the right side of the web page, and selecting Donate under the heading.
To contact Xandra for more information, you can email her at She received her Bachelor of Science degree in
biology from Colorado State University and studied apologetics and
theology at the University of Oxford. You can also access her Spiritual
Lessons from Biology blog at <>.

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