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Daily Announcements

Paris High School & Junior High

August 19, 2015

High School:
Senior Seminar students will meet in the 104 Health room during 3rd hour. This is the room
between Mrs. Moreland and Mr. Long.
Dead line to register for the September 12th ACT is this Friday August 21st!
A+ tutors need to meet in the conference room this week.
Dual Credit Students- See Mrs. Youse ASAP to get your MACC applications completed.
Class meetings will be Friday, August 21st during intervention.
9th Grade 2nd intervention in Mrs. Ensors room
10th Grade 1st intervention in Ms. Ottos room
11th Grade 1st intervention in Mrs. Morelands room
12th Grade 1st intervention in Mrs. Billingtons room
NHS: Meeting Thursday, August 20th during 1st intervention in Mrs. Billingtons room.
FBLA will be hosting Annual Back to School Capture the flag Thursday 8/27/15 @ 6:15. Meet in
Mrs. Moreland's room for hot dogs and snacks and then we will head outside to play. Everyone is

Junior High:
Schedule changes can be completed through the end of this first week of school. See Mrs. Youse.

Jr. High--including 9th grade who cant come to FCA on Wednesday mornings--will meet
Wednesdays during second intervention in Mrs. Wisner's room.
Any softball player who needs a ride to the fairgrounds should ride Bus #6.

Teachers and Staf:

Supervision this week: AMJH: C. Billington AMHS: Wisner 1 st Lunch: Forrest 2nd
Lunch: Beaver
Supervision next week: AMJH: Crusha AMHS: Watson 1 st Lunch: D. Rinz 2nd Lunch: W.
Upcoming Activities:



VFB @ Schuyler County

Golf @ Home
Golf @ Old Hawthorne
V/JV SB @ Van Far
V/JV SB @ S. Shelby

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