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Government Employees Versus Common People of Pakistan .

Main reason for failure of Pakistan as a nation is the failure of Government

employees to create and establish a fair and just system in Pakistan.
The government employees have made Pakistan a chronically failed, cripled and
corrupted state.
In each and every sphere of life in Pakistan these Government employees have
spread the poision and culture of corruption and deception.
Only difference in Pakistan and other civilized countries is the difference in the
corrupted Government employees of Pakistan and the sincere and patriotic and
sincere employees of these nations. These Government employees have given very
bad name to Pakistan. People of other nations are also astonished and surpized by
observing the present situation of Pakistan and Pakistani living abroad are so much
frustrated about Government and its officials that they want to go back to Pakistan
to beat and to teach a lesson to these Corrupted officials.
Some examples of corruption and victimization of these Government employees
are as follows.
These government employees were mainly responsible for creating hatred against
state of Pakistan in East Pakistan, by their misbehaving and abusive practices
against people of Pakistan. Although Pakistan was broken and was officially
declared bankrupted but these employees were enjoying all government facilities
like free Aeroplane Flights, Salaries and residential services and in fact were
involved in looting common people properties and were not ready to give any
sacrifice and were not ashamed of their all dirty acts.
Pakistan Steel Mill.
This Steel Mill which was established to industrialize the Pakistani nation, has
become an icon of corruption and lethargic activities of its Government Employees.
From years and years this Mill is running in loss and is burden on land of Pakistan
and its people, but the living standard of the employees of this Mill is the highest as
compared to other citizens of Pakistan. Its Union always ready to abuse and suck
the resources of Pakistani nation.The same is case of other Government institutions
The government employees are always ready to keep their pockets and stomach full
and swollen with the Tax money of people of Pakistan.
These Government employees are very clever and united like criminals against their
victims who are people of Pakistan and these Government Employees bring
forward Ministers, Politicians and Assemblies members to hide and to protect
themselves, and always try to show as they are living very miserable lives,
While reality is this that they earn money and get salaries without doing any
service, Their services can be observed by visiting their offices, most of them
just come after 12:00 PM and to ask people to come next day.
It is only Government employees who take corruption and bribe and no one
else. In Pakistan Corruption is only due to GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES.
It is only Government employees who take pension after retirement and no
one else.

It is only Government employees who take bribes from Industries and

private companies so that Industries and companies owner will not give any
facility to its workers and labors.
Most of the budget of Pakistani nations goes in the Pocket of Government
Most of the Government employees take very long leaves spread on years
and go abroad to live and earn more money and still keep continue to take
Government salaries in Pakistan without doing any thing.
Many years salaries were given to Government people who were appointed
on the basis of malpractices in the era of Benazir and latter removed in
Nawaz era and then again reinstated in the era of Zardari without doing any
job or service, its means abuse of people Tax money is justified by these
Government Employees.

From all above analysis it is crystal clear that these Government employees are
main root cause of all problems of Pakistani Nation, their corrupt, lethargic and
doing nothing policy is making Pakistan a failed state and giving very bad name to
Pakistan in the world.
Because it is only Government Employees who take corruption and bribes.
These are only government employees who do nothing and are abusing Pakistani
In Pakistan Government jobs in Police, Army, Education Institutions, Hospitals,
Ministries, Embassies ,Judiciary, and other organizations have become source of
money making , luxury living and abusing poor people.
These are only government employees who are eating up all resources and budget
of Pakistani Nation.
Pakistani nation will tolerate such misbehavior till which time is a question mark
and will determine the future and fate of Pakistani nation.
Written By:M.AKRAM

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